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Autumn Moon and Spring Flowers? Tr. LI Jihong,When will there be no more autumn moon, and spring flowers!Who has so m
3578 21 4其它[唐]李商隐《北青萝》英译
At the North of the Green Mount, Tr. LI Jihong,The sun has sunken the western moun- tain below;To visit a lone monk in
3683 33 5其它[五代]阎选《河传·秋雨》英译
3683 37 8其它[唐]李贺《出城》英译
It's snowing with osmanthus flowers so, rare;A bird, when wounded, is crying back, home there.Mirrored in river, I rid
3609 25 7其它[唐]李贺《苏小小墓》英译
Many an orchid with dewdrops there, lies,Just like the crystal drops of her sad, eyes.There is nothing to weave a love
3572 23 3其它[唐]张籍《节妇吟》英译
I'm married having my husband you, know, But you have still sent me twin pearls, bright so. Grateful for your good wi
3805 33 4其它[唐]白居易《赋得古原草送别》英译
Wild Grasses on the Ancient Plain: Farewell to a Friend, Tr. LI Jihong,Wild grasses flourish on the ancient, plain;T
3646 21 5其它[宋]蒋捷《虞美人·听雨》英译
As a lad, I listened to rain in a singing, hall;With red candles burning, the dark silk, curtains fall.In the prime of
3560 22 8其它[元]宋方壶《山坡羊·道情》英译
I love the company of green mountain;As my companion white clouds I attain.Never in my daily dreamland,In purple gown an
5856 30 6其它