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[2101期Becky]about bones
看了神奇校车很感兴趣,趁此机会进行科普拓展~spine,Your spine is one part of the skeleton that's easy to check out: Reach
514 7 1其它interU3 starry night
Constellation is when few stars create a shape in the Night Sky. The definition is simple, however, there are few clarif
34705 7 0其它PM beavers
Beavers use their tails for various purposes such as:·For notifying others about imminent predators.·To balance their
584 9 0其它inter2 U1every day is amazing
Basic Concepts to about day and night:-A whole day lasts24 hours and consists of both day(light) and night(dark).-The su
579 8 0其它U12 cute animals
Giant PandaThe giant panda is found only in bamboo forests in central China. The giant panda has a bulky body and a roun
12131 8 0其它U10 eagle and eaglets
Sea eagles or fish eagles feed mostly on a diet of fish,booted eagles,Booted eagles have a relatively wide diet consis
501 5 0其它about hibernation
Hibernation is a way that some animals deal with the harshness of winter. They curl up in a safe place and stay there un
579 8 1其它inter1U10 prairie dog
Prairies are flat, fertile lands dominated by grasses. Prairie grasses, hold soil firmly in place, so erosion is minimal
207 8 1其它inter1 U9 animal stories with moral
这单元学“狼来了”,补充几个其他简单的寓言。1. The Hare And The Tortoise,Tired of the bragging of a speedy hare, a tort
206 3 2其它inter1U8 a visit to the desert
Back at the burrow, several babysitters stay behind to watch over newborn pups. This duty rotates to different members o
246 7 1其它