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English Learning online Show英语在线学习展(4)
Let me introduce some top students from Class4,Grade6 this time!This one is the best one!He learns subjects by himself a
925 20 0其它English learning online(3)学习英语歌曲展示
Singing is a good way to learn English well.唱歌是英文学习有效的方法。Spring is coming.Let's row the boat!春天来了,我们
1061 38 0其它English Learning Online Show(2)学生英语线上学习
Students learn English very hard.学生们很认真地学习英语!👍👍👍,It's never too old to learn.I am proud of you,my students.
2266 70 1其它“疫情”期间,学习不断 Keeping English Learning at Home
The special time, we have the special learning ways.特殊时期,我们运用特殊学习方式!Nothing can stop us to learn English
1879 39 1其它Sharp tools make good work!工欲善其事,必先利其器!
Cease to struggle and you cease to live.At the special moment,we have to learn on line.It's a kind learning way in the f
1145 36 4其他区三小六三班“宅家”英语行动(一)
Because of the corona virus,we have to teach and learn on line.Despite this,if you try your best,you can still achieve g
385 7 1其它示范引领 专业议评 感悟提升———“国培计划(2019)”甘肃省白银区送教下乡培训项目小学英语东片区活动
专家团队王洁娟老师的示范课,受到了受训教师的一致好评!Warming up复习二单元学过的国家,从国旗颜色、著名景点等入手,采用vi
261 2 0其它Excellent Students'Winter Vacation Work Show from Class Four Grade Three三年级四班优秀寒假作业展
Handwritten English Newspaper!学生的手抄报!Although they made mistakes,I am happy because they did the good work by them
418 10 2其它Beautiful First Teachers' College of Hunan!美丽的湖南一师!
We are beautiful!I kiss the rain almost every day!👍👍👍👍👍,We are students now!A little tired,but worthy to be here!✊✊✊
194 3 0其它有关信息技术!About I.T!
王金涛博士的讲座!Dr.Wang Jintao\'s lecture!👍👍👍,混合式培训学习方式!A mixed way of training and learning!✊,他提出的教师培
144 2 0其它