

<h3>雾凇岛是松花江上的一座小岛,位于吉林省吉林市龙潭区乌拉街满族镇。乌拉街满族镇的韩屯、曾通屯等村落是雾凇最为集中的地方,也是观赏和拍摄雾凇的最佳地。松花江两岸树茂枝繁,冬日里不冻的江水腾起来的水雾,遇到寒冷的空气,在树上凝结为霜花,气象学称之为“雾淞”,当地群众称为“树挂”。中国四大自然奇观。雾凇的美一直以来都吸引了太多人的注意,当我们在寒冬腊月步入雾凇的国界,从此之后一定会久久不能忘怀,它的曼妙,它的纯洁,它的美丽,一切都似梦似幻。雾凇,一夜之间,飘然而至;太阳升高,又悄然离去。逢时而来,随时而走,来去无踪,变化莫测,颇有神奇色彩。</h3><h3>The rime island is a small island on the Songhua River, located in the town of Wulajie Manchu Longtan District of Jilin city in Jilin province. Han Tun, Tun Village Ceng Tong Wulajie Manchu town is the rime of the most concentrated areas, the best is to watch and shoot rime. On both sides of the Songhua River Shumao Zhi fan, no freeze up in the winter mist Teng River, encountered the cold air in the tree for condensation frosting, meteorology called "rime", the local people called "shugua". China four natural wonders. Rime beauty has attracted so much attention, when we enter the rime in severe winter borders, then will not forget for a long time, it's beautiful, it's pure, it's beautiful, everything is unreal. Rime, overnight, piaoranerzhi; the sun rise, then quietly leave. Every time, at any time and go, change constantly, a magical color come and go without leaving a trace.</h3> <h3>乌拉街雾松分布图</h3><h3>The distribution map of Wulajie fog</h3> <h3>走进梦幻般的雾松通道</h3><h3>Into the fog channel fantastic</h3> <h3>弥漫在大雾里骑行的土著人</h3><h3>The Aboriginal people riding in the fog</h3> <h3>当阳光洒向村落的小路上,那光影让人如痴如醉。</h3><h3>When the sunshine to the village on the road, the light mesmerizing.</h3> <h3>渡口对岸就是期盼已久的银色世界。</h3><h3>The ferry is the other side of the long-awaited silver world。</h3> <h3>寒冷的江面,船工如约而至。</h3><h3>The cold river, the party.</h3> <h3>踏着厚厚的积雪去奔向太阳升起地方。</h3><h3>Snow to the sun rises toward the place.</h3> <h3>火红的初阳把摄影人融化在雪的世界里。</h3><h3>The red sun photographer in the world of snow melting.</h3> <h3>静谧的岸边等待游人的光顾。</h3><h3>Quiet shore waiting for visitors to patronize.</h3> <h3>好似远古的士兵在守卫着这迷人的小岛,历经岁月的沧桑,不离不弃。</h3><h3>Like the ancient soldiers in guarding this charming island, after years of vicissitudes of life, never abandon.</h3> <h3>朝阳羞涩的躲在远远的云层上面,俯瞰着这座神秘的小岛。</h3><h3>Chaoyang shy hiding in the clouds above, overlooking the mysterious island.</h3> <h3>整齐排列的小杨树,迎着朝阳开启新的一天。</h3><h3>Neatly arranged small poplar, facing the sun to open a new day.</h3> <h3>挺拔的杨树像卫兵一样庄严站在路的一侧,以一种尊敬的姿态欢迎远方的客人。</h3><h3>Tall poplar like sentries stood solemnly on the side of the road, with a welcome distinguished guests from afar.</h3> <h3>野鸭子从不冻的江面飞过,与阳光与雾气形成大自然完美的组合,把美留给了我们。</h3><h3>Duck River never freeze over, forming a perfect combination of nature and the beauty of the sun and fog, left us.</h3> <h3>当色彩不能诠释雾松美景的时候,黑白影调一样把雾松岛展现出另样的美。</h3><h3>When the color can not interpret the beauty of the fog, white and black like the fog Island show another kind of beauty.</h3> <h3>火红的朝阳普照小岛。</h3><h3>The red sun drenched island.</h3> <h3>晶莹剔透</h3><h3>Glittering and translucent</h3> <h3>隔岸观赏朦胧的美。</h3><h3>Across the shore to watch the hazy beauty.</h3> <h3>静静的看,静静的听,不要打扰这童话般的世界。</h3><h3>Quietly, quietly listen, do not disturb the fairy tale world.</h3> <h3>迷雾中雾松晨起</h3><h3>From the morning mist in the fog</h3> <h3>我在和太阳聊聊雾松</h3><h3>I was chatting with the sun.</h3> <h3>太阳挂在天空,静静的听松花江讲述雾松的故事。</h3><h3>The sun in the sky, quietly listen to the story about Songhua River fog.</h3> <h3>当迷雾散去,阳光普照大地,而我只能隔岸观赏它的美。</h3><h3>When the mist cleared and the sun shone on the earth, I could only watch the beauty of it.</h3> <h3>一种静静的相伴</h3><h3>A silent companion</h3> <h3>日落前的一丝辉煌。</h3><h3>A glimmer of glory before sunset。</h3> <h3>我也想吃</h3><h3>I would like to have that too</h3> <h3>雾松起兮</h3><h3>Fog rises</h3> <h3>雾凇仙子完成了一次次美的造化,也迎接着一个新的、充满生机的春天的来临。</h3><h3>Rime fairy completed a beautiful nature, but also to meet a new, vibrant spring.</h3> <h3>雾聚雾散,凇开凇落,冬去春来,年复一年。我读雾凇,雾凇也读我。有雾凇在,我的乡邦情怀才日渐浓厚起来。</h3><h3>Fog fog scattered, song song open fall, winter to spring, year after year. I read the rime rime also read me. There is in my hometown of rime, feeling increasingly strong up to.</h3> <h3>图文作者:大河影像</h3><h3>所有照片:均为原创</h3><h3>Author: River image,&lt;br&gt;All photos are original.</h3>