<h3>人生得意,只因喜歡!喜歡靜靜地烘培,靜靜地寫詩,靜靜地做人,享受著每一份簡單而細緻的心情!(以下分享一些我親手烘培的蛋糕!)❤</h3> <h3>Happy people, alive or not</h3><h3>Depending on the kind of mood.</h3><h3>Good times or bad times, </h3><h3>Adversity</h3><h3>In wealth, and </h3><h3>In poverty.</h3><h3>It is just a process</h3><h3>To the people alive.</h3><h3>Be sure to love,</h3><h3>To dream happy dreams.</h3><h3>Your outlook diverts the hands of fate.</h3><h3>Balance of mind</h3><h3>Dilutes the appearance.</h3><h3>I'm afraid the old hearts of the so-called.</h3><h3>No longer afraid of a long road</h3><h3>Or loss</h3><h3>Simply gone.</h3><h3>Things in life </h3><h3>Are not at all in tenure.</h3><h3>Open your heart.</h3><h3>Be in a good mood.</h3><h3>Everything is just fine.</h3><h3>By Jannet </h3>