侯慧波 ※ 2016


<h3>大家都做年终总结, 我也来一个。我的2016乏善可陈,好不容易选出12张。 2016出门不多,最难忘是经LD准假跟随两位资深摄友去了新墨西哥州Bisti体验了一把背包客和拍摄星空银河的感觉。希望2017更上一个台阶。</h3> <h3>Spring in La Jolla Cove, San Diego</h3> <h3>Early morning in La Jolla, San Diego</h3> <h3>A cloudy evening in La Jolla, San Diego</h3> <h3>A small sand storm in the distance, &nbsp;Death Valley</h3> <h3>The Milky Way, Joshua Tree National Park</h3> <h3>Bisti, Valley of Dream, New Mexico</h3> <h3>Bisti, Valley of Dream, New Mexico</h3> <h3>The Milky Way Arch, the Ship rock, New Mexico</h3> <h3>Morning in La Jolla</h3> <h3>A lone monolith seen from afar, New Mexico</h3> <h3>A wise man, Valley of Dream, New Mexico</h3> <h3>Cracked Dinosaur eggs, Bisti, New Mexico</h3>