
AE&E 7G🌎

<h3>【原創】馨香城堡•關愛你我</h3> <h3>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="line-height: 1.5;">感謝來自中國四川自貢的能工巧匠在休斯敦舉辦的燈展,格式新穎的彩燈與精彩雜技博得老少觀眾的陣陣喝彩。願意親臨參觀一下嗎?天冷了,別忘多穿一件衣服喔。祝福朋友们週末愉快!💐🌟💞😋🍀🍁</span></h3><h3>Thanks the craftsmen from zigong, Sichuan to present China light show in Houston. Fantastic colorful lights and wonderful acrobatic won bursts of applause of the audience, from young kids to seniors. Would you like to visit? In cold weather, don't forget to put on more clothes if you want to go. Wish friends a happy weekend!   😋  </h3> <h3>Temple of Heavon</h3> <h3>休斯敦魔幻燈展 Houston Magic Winter Light</h3> <h3>Rainbow Bridge</h3> <h3>Flower Bridge</h3> <h3>Temple of Heavon</h3> <h3>Ocean world</h3> <h3>Shark</h3> <h3>Universe</h3> <h3>Flower Bridge</h3> <h3></h3><h3>Eiffel&nbsp;tower</h3> <h3>Egypt Pyramid</h3> <h3>Leaning tower of Pisa</h3> <h3>Christ of redeemer</h3> <h3>Magical mask</h3> <h3>Paris Triumph Gate</h3> <h3>London bridge</h3> <h3></h3><h3>dinosaur</h3> <h3>Jurassic park</h3> <h3>Flower &amp; butterfly garden</h3> <h3>Dragon</h3> <h3>Great Wall</h3> <h3>Beijing Opera Mask</h3> <h3>China Vase</h3> <h3>Star bridge</h3> <h3>Chinese Tie and Long Hallway</h3> <h3>Acrobatic Performance</h3> <h3>Opening time and address</h3> <h3 style="text-align: center; ">每天進步一點點</h3><div style="text-align: center; ">One Apple One Day<h3 style="text-align: center; "></h3>