<h3>交通大学澳大利亚校友会(JTUAAA)</h3> <h3>交通大学澳大利亚校友会,英文全称为Jiao Tong University Alumni Association Australia,英文简称为 JTUAAA。一九九六年六月一日成立,十月二十七日在于墨尔本召开第一次全体大会,是非政治性组织和非盈利性机构。</h3> <h3>Established on 1 June 1996, Jiao Tong University Alumni Association Australia Inc. (JTUAAA) is a non-political and non-profit organisation registered with Australian Government. Any one, who studied or worked in one of five Jiao Tong Universities, can be a member of JTUAAA. The objectives of JTUAAA are (1) to maintain social contacts and friendship amongst our members in Australia; (2) to facilitate various exchange and cooperation with the Jiao Tong Universities in China and around world, and (3) keep contact with other Jiao Tong University Alumni worldwide.In addition to organising various social functions and providing services to our members, JTUAAA continuously maintains a close relationship with Jiao Tong Universities. During past years, the members and JTUAAA itself made great efforts to promote Jiao Tong University to Australia society and organised academic exchange programs between Jiao Tong Universities and the universities and research institutions in Australia.</h3> <h3>交通大学简史</h3> <h3>(谢卫华理事 撰稿)</h3> <h3>交通大学创建于1896年(光绪22年),原名南洋公学,1912年改名交通部上海工业专科学校,1921年改称交通大学。1937年全国大学归国民政府教育部主管,称国立交通大学,下属沪校、唐校和平校。沪校称南洋公学(1896年),唐校称山海关北洋铁路官学堂(1896年),平校称北平铁路管理传学所(1909年),1921年合并成交通大学,部分交通大学于1949年迁台,成了新竹交通大学。</h3> <h3>五所交通大学的改名日期:上海交通大学于1959年改名,西安交通大学于1959年改名,新竹交通大学于1858年成立电子研究所,1979年复校,北京交通大学于2002年改名,西南交通大学于1972年改名。</h3> <h3>Jiao Tong University, formerly the Nan Yang Public School founded in 1896, is one of the oldest universities of science and engineering in China.Today there are 5 universities originally from Jiao Tong University. They are: Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Beijing Jiao Tong University, Southwest Jiao Tong University and Hsinchu Chiao Tung University.</h3> <h3>交通大学包括上海交通大学(包括原上海第二医科大学和原上海农学院)、西安交通大学(包括原西安医科大学和原陕西财经学院)、西南交通大学、北京交通大学(包括原北京电力高等专科学校)和台湾新竹交通大学。不愧是“交大校友精英强,国内国外都发亮,遇到难题从不慌,同心协力向前闯。“</h3> <h3>交通大学网站</h3> <h3>上海交通大学</h3> <h3>西安交通大学</h3> <h3>北京交通大学</h3> <h3>西南交通大学·</h3> <h3>新竹交通大学</h3>