

闵锦铭 总负责人、校长 18071207899 Min Jinming,our headmaster,in charge of the unified arrangement and every department.Tel:18071207899 徐世主,交流活动工作领导小组成员。电话:18062869856 Xu Shizhu,the secretary of Party branch ,who is the leading group member of the exchange activities. Tel:18062869856 胡昌明,课程安排组负责人。电话:18072807298 Hu Changming, take charge of the arrangement of the courses. Tel:18071207298 黄登峰 安全保卫 18071207989 Huang Dengfeng ,take charge the safety and order. Tel:18071207989 何亚中 后勤保障 18071207398 He Yazhong,director of logistics department,take charge the transportation, food and the route and the sanitation.Tel:18071207398 徐生武,交流活动工作领导小组成员。电话:18062869816 Xu Shengwu ,the chairman of labour union,who is the leading group member of the exchange activities. Tel:18062869816