为了响应国家进一步推进课程改革,完善小学课程体系,丰富教学资源和手段,由北师大绘本课程与教学研究院主办,北师大课程与教学研究院中国少儿阅读教育研究中心和我校以及另外三所兄弟学校承办的“第一届全国绘本课程与教学研讨会”在2016年10月12日早上隆重开幕。会上北京师范大学教育管理学院院长、北京师范大学研究生院院长顾明远先生,北师大绘本课程与教学研究院院长王本陆先生,著名儿童文学作家曹文轩到会致辞。随后,我校付立红老师指导的课本剧《老鼠娶新娘》的表演,活灵活现,赢得了阵阵喝彩。之后,我校白雪老师执教的绘本导读课《卖爸爸卖妈妈的商店》赢得了全国特级教师、北京市清华附小窦桂梅校长的高度评价。活跃的课堂,展示了孩子们深入思考、丰富联想,真实情感表达的全过程,可喜的是孩子们能联系自我生活学以致用!我校开展的丰富多元的绘本课使得孩子们获得了丰富的知识,体验了真实的情感、锻炼了自身的能力、健全了人格。绘本课程为孩子们搭设了展示才华的舞台,彰显了人生的价值,体现了核心素养,为孩子们的人生奠基! In response to the country to further promote the curriculum reform, improve primary school curriculum system, rich teaching resources and means, sponsored by the Beijing Normal University picture book curriculum and Teaching Research Institute, Beijing Normal University Curriculum and Teaching Research Institute ,China Children's Reading Education Research Center and our school and the other three schools hosted the first “National Symposium on curriculum and teaching pictures books. " The opening ceremony on the morning of October 12, 2016. Beijing Normal University Dean, Beijing Normal University School of management Dean of the Graduate School of education Mr. Gu Mingyuan, Beijing Normal University picture books curriculum and Teaching Research Institute President Mr. Wang Benlu, a famous writer of children's literature Cao Wenxuan attends a meeting and gave a speech. Then, the picture book series drama "the mouse bride" shows, which was been guided by my school’s teacher Fu Lihong. It’s so vivid, to won applause. After that, my school’s teacher BaiXue gave the lesson books reading "sell dad and mother's shop" , and she was highly praised by the national Special-grade teacher, Beijing Tsinghua University Primary School president Dou Guimei. Active classroom atmosphere guided the children to show deep thinking, rich imagination, full of real emotion expression, encouraging children to contact their self life! A rich variety of courses in our school to carry out the picture books to get a wealth of knowledge makes children experience the true feelings, exercise their own ability, perfect personality. The picture books courses for children built a stage to display their talent, highlighting their life value, reflecting the core quality, laying the foundation for the children's life! 10月14日,麦峰校长在北师大主会场参加了名校长论坛,并做了关于《绘本课程创设语境,引领悦读经典》的发言,深入浅出地介绍黄小绘本课程的建设与思考。史晶玉老师指导的闭幕绘本剧演出《壳斗村的警察先生》将活动推向高潮。小演员们表演地绘声绘色,赢得了参会老师的热烈掌声。
On October 14th, The principal of MaiFeng attended the forum about ”The picture book curriculum creating context”. It introduced the picture book of HCHG’s construction and thinking.
The picture book play”The policeman of Qiaodou village”by the teacher of ShiJingyu pushing it to an exciting climax. All the actors of students were outstanding and got a resounding round of applause.
The meeting held smoothly in Huang Chengen Primary School Education Group on Oct. 14th. 朱秀轶老师执教的《跟着姥姥去遛弯儿》,京味十足,朱老师围绕着绘本内容,结合老北京的传统文化进行教学。课堂气氛非常活跃,孩子们乐学爱学,彰显了朱老师深厚的教学功底。 “Walk with grandma” by the teacher of ZhuXiuyi was shown the Beijing style around the picture books.It made the atmosphere lively on the class and it shown the deep teaching skills of our teacher.
徐静老师执教的《疯狂星期二》是无字绘本,徐老师巧妙地引导孩子们细致观察图画,注重发现与表达,给孩子们提供了想象的空间,创造了灵动的课堂。 Miss Xu presented a picture book reading class named Crazy Tuesday .Teacher Xu skillfully guided children to observe pictures carefully,meanwhile She lay emphasis on children‘s searching and . Children are all full of imagination,and they enjoyed a flexible class. 会后,北师大姚颖副教授、西城区教研员杨伟宁老师和海淀区教研员郝婧坤为朱老师和徐老师做点评。与会代表纷纷表示,如此精彩的课堂令人震惊。 After the meetig, BNU Associate Professor Mrs. Yao Ying, Teaching Researcher Mrs. Yang Weining from Xicheng District and Mrs. Hao Jingkun, the Teaching Researcher from Haidian District comment on the teaching of Mrs. Zhu Xiuyi and teaching of Mrs. Xu Jing. All the teachers who attend the meeting are all shocked by the wonderful class teaching.