根在裴村Root in Pei Village


<h3><font color="#010101"><br>裴村<br>河南省安阳市内黄县亳城乡裴村 : <br>裴村是安阳市内黄县亳城乡的一个自然村,位于河南省安阳市内黄县城西偏南约15公里处,该村是一个粉条加工专业村,目前全村有数百名农民从事红薯粉条加工,粉业加工。到秋季红薯丰收时,红薯淀粉加工。使该村群众走上了致富路。</font></h3><h3><font color="#010101">名胜古迹:裴村西北约一公里处唐代大兴寺塔(裴村塔)。<br>中文名<br>裴村<br>英文名<br>  picun<br>人口<br>3500余人<br>农作物<br>小麦 花生 玉米 辣椒 红薯<br>位于<br>内黄县城西偏南约15公里处。<br>地域<br>裴村是安阳市内黄县亳城乡的一个自然村,位于河南省安阳市内黄县城西偏南约15公里处,该村是一个粉条加工专业村,目前全村有上百名农民从事红薯粉条加工,粉业加工。到秋季红薯丰收时,红薯淀粉加工,使该村群众走上了致富路。名胜古迹:裴村西北处唐代大兴寺塔(裴村塔)。<br>亳城乡民国时为内黄县第三区,新中国建立前为第一区,1949年改为第七区。1955年划属井店区;1957年撤区并乡,建立区级建制的亳城乡。1958年建亳城公社。1984年改乡,乡政府驻亳城集(原第七区区公所旧址)。<br>土特产<br>《红薯粉条》勤劳朴实的农民从革命时期的大生产队就开始在农闲时家家户户为了生计开始加工红薯粉条,距今已有百年历史。<br>名胜古迹<br>大兴寺塔位于内黄县城西南17.5公里亳城乡裴村大兴寺遗址内。西6公里处是卫河,其北3公里为鹤台高速公路。大兴寺始建于唐武德三年,清末大兴寺因河水泛滥,房屋被毁,寺院迁至裴村村西,原址上只留一塔。大兴寺塔为七级密檐式八角砖雕塔。坐北朝南,南北向轴线为南偏东20°,地面以上高18米,第一层位于地表下4.6米深,塔下有地宫,距地表8.1米深。塔身全部用青砖砌筑,内外壁用白灰粘合剂勾缝。塔身自下而上逐层收分,外轮廓呈优美的抛物线形。单层塔檐雕面枋、斗拱;双层塔檐错叠压雕施莲瓣。2003年清理第一层塔心室和塔下地宫时出土瓷灯、残石佛、石函等十余件文物,清乾隆三十年《重修大兴寺佛殿古塔碑铭》。据文献记载大兴寺塔历经大小十余次水患,二十余次地震,长期遭受风雨侵蚀,但至今保存基本完好。它对我们研究古建筑的防震、抗洪功能无疑都具有极其重要的参考价值。<br>大兴寺塔是内黄县重点文物保护单位,塔周围被20平方公里槐林环抱,蓊蓊郁郁,古朴典雅,成为一处野趣横生、令人留连忘返的自然生态公园。<br><br></font></h3> <h3>Pei Village&lt;br&gt;Pei Cun, Neihuang County urban and rural Bo Anyang city in Henan province:&lt;br&gt;Pei Village is a natural village in Neihuang County of Anyang City, Bo of urban and rural areas, is located in the west of Anyang City, Henan province Neihuang County is about 15 kilometers south of the village, is a professional vermicelli processing village, now the village has hundreds of farmers engaged in sweet potato vermicelli processing, flour processing industry. Sweet potato harvest in autumn, sweet potato starch processing. So that the village people embarked on the road to riches. Pei Village Northwest of the Tang Dynasty: the places of historic interest and scenic beauty of Daxing Temple (Pei Village tower).&lt;br&gt;Chinese name&lt;br&gt;Pei Village&lt;br&gt;Foreign name&lt;br&gt;Picun&lt;br&gt;population&lt;br&gt;More than 3500 people&lt;br&gt;crops&lt;br&gt;Wheat, peanut, corn and pepper&lt;br&gt;Be located&lt;br&gt;Neihuang County in the west is about 15 km.&lt;br&gt;region&lt;br&gt;Pei Village is a natural village in Neihuang County of Anyang City, Bo of urban and rural areas, is located in the west of Anyang City, Henan province Neihuang County is about 15 kilometers south of the village, is a professional vermicelli processing village, now the village has hundreds of farmers engaged in sweet potato vermicelli processing, flour processing industry. To the autumn harvest of sweet potato, sweet potato starch processing, so that the village people embarked on the road to riches. Pei Village Northwest of the Tang Dynasty: the places of historic interest and scenic beauty of Daxing Temple (Pei Village tower).&lt;br&gt;When the Republic of China for the third district urban and rural Bozhou Neihuang County, new China before the establishment of the first district, 1949 to the seventh district. 1955 is a well shop area; in 1957 the district and township<br></h3><div><br></div> <h3>河南内黄县大兴寺始建于唐武</h3> <h3>2016.10.06.整理。</h3>









