一位远行者A long traveler (原创)作者:银杏


<h3><b><font color="#010101">“他住在太阳以东的地方,却在月亮以西的地方。”人生是在平平淡淡中度过每一个小小的生活细节,这些小小的细节就像空中飞起的尘埃,等到尘埃落定时,他已经远行。他给他的家人永远留下刻苦铭心的记忆。<br>"He lived in the east of the sun,but he's somewhere in the west of the moon."Life spent every detail on the flat.These details seemed that it was the dust floating in the air.And when the dust settled at last,he has traveled farther.What he impressed his family on will be a unforgettable memory.<br></font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">在我同年的记忆中,我最快乐的时光是在我外公家度过的。小的时候,有一段时间,我的母亲生病了,我就被送到外公家跟着我的外婆和两个舅舅一起生活。那时候,我的外公在一所小学里教数学,他在教学上兢兢业业,责任感很强;在家庭中,他既是个严父又是一个慈祥的父亲。他对我这个外孙的教育亦如此。<br>The best happiness in my childhood is during<br>a period of my grandpa's family.When I was very young, there was a time when my mother was so ill that I was sent to live with<br>my grandpa'family.At that time, my grandpa <br>worked in a primary school. He was a math teacher.He devoted himself to education. He was so responsible for his duty.He was a strict but kind father.And he is strict with me<br>,but he is kind to me, too.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">外公家里的生活很特别,每个人都有自己的任务与使命。那时候,外公的工资很低,大概就30几元一个月吧。他的工资全部用来支付全家的开支。外婆每天起早贪黑做家务,她负责照顾全家的生活一日三餐,洗洗刷刷等,此外还养了几头猪。她养的猪肥胖胖胖的,她每天喂猪吃食时,她总会来回的抚摸着那些猪的身子,而她的脸上都会不由衷地显露出微笑的表情。以前我都很好奇外婆的动作和眼神。后来在日常生活中,我才慢慢地发现了这个秘密<br>  My grandpa's family was so special because everyone had himself task and mission.At that time he got a low salary,noly for thirty yuan or so a month.His salary cost family's expenditure.My grandma got up so early and worked till night.She was ready for the family's meals every day and did the tedious chore.What's more, she also raised several pigs.She was good at feeding pigs. Her pigs were very fat.when she fed up the pigs, she always touched her pigs in order to <br>understand her pigs'condition whether it is fat or thin.At this time, her smile appearanced on her face now and then.<br>Before this, I have some doubt of her action and eyes.After that, I found her secret.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">原来外婆是个盲人。据说她在嫁给外公时,眼睛还好好的。她的眼睛是在农村生活的那段日子造成的。那时候她经常在田间里劳作,无论烈日炎炎,还是雷雨的日子,她都会出现在田间,仿佛那就是她的来年期望。但命运却向她伸出了魔爪,把她的眼睛给偷走了。从此,她再也看不见她四个孩子的一天天的长相与成长,她只能在无光芒中度过。可想而知,那时候的她,内心是多么地痛苦!这就是为什么家人不愿意在我面前提起外婆的心痛。<br>So what it is that my grandma is a blind woman.It was said she was busy with the fields with the perennially hard work resulted in.However hot and storm she sticked to her field.It seemed that is her expectation.But misfortune fell into her ,however, her eyes was blind.After that, she only could spent long yeats on her pain.She couldn't see children's look and growth any more.It was beyong her deion that she went through the strugle.That is why my family didn't mentioned it.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">对于这么一个并不富裕的家庭来说,这突然其来的霹雳,是多么地残酷!从此,所有的家庭重任都落在了外公一人身上。外公最后做了一个决定,把全家都搬到了他工作的县城的单位一起过起了城市的生活。这就是我前面所说的,外公家的生活非常特别之处。<br>It came at the poor family suddenly. How cruel it was!What it was in charge of my grandpa.Finally my grandpa made a decision<br>that they moved to county and lived together.<br>It is the special case that I had come to.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">外公每晚都要备课,批改作业等,还要监督舅舅和辅导他们的功课。对于我,他是疼爱有加,但有时会通过讲些事理来从旁推敲我,点化我。记得小时候,我数学很笨,他会很有耐心地辅导我,甚至还会逗我开心。但一旦我撒谎,他会非常严厉的教育我,循循善诱,绝不姑息。舅舅他们的学习和生活就是在这样的严父和慈父和盲人母亲中成长起来的。外婆每天只能是在忙碌中度过,舅舅他们也会时常围着外婆转。外婆只能是靠耳朵听着孩子们的欢笑声和哭泣声成长。<br>My grandpa prepared his lession and collected the. stidents'homework.And he helped my uncle and me with their lessions.<br>He loved me .He was patient for me.He always educated me by wisdom and made me persuasive when I made a mistake.Uncles studied even harder with the help of their parents.My grandma was busy every day .Sometimes Uncles also had a happy time me with their mother.My grandma only could hear her smile and crying by ears.<br></font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">有一次,舅舅们和邻居的一个小哥哥要去看电影,他们也带上我去。当时我们是坐自行车去的。小哥哥骑着他的妹妹。我小舅骑着我坐前面,二舅坐后面。当时正好是下坡,由于车速太快,所以我们摔倒了,当时,只有我受伤,嘴巴摔破皮了,手脚也戳破皮了。结果,电影没看成,他们只好慢慢骑着我打道回府,刚回到家里,外公就抓两个舅舅批评起来。他们把我带到上家去擦油膏,并嘱咐我好好休息。到了午饭时间,二舅端饭来给我吃,我却生气不肯吃,二舅就只好出去了。当他出去时,我却大吃特吃,吃得精精有味。不料,他们却在窗口窥视我是否吃饭,然后好去告诉外婆与外公。后来外公知道我吃得很香,所以对舅舅和外婆说,她能吃就好,她的身体差,让她吃多点。后来我知道这些话,我的泪水禁不住地往下淌。I remembered it was a time that uncles and neighbour,a little brother would go to see a film and they took me to the film.At that time we rode bikes and I sat on the bike,but I didn't expect what had happened to me. I fell into the bike because the speed was so fast when it is down the hill.M mouth and feet hands were hurt.My grandpa critismed my uncles.It was time for lunch.They carried rice to me. At first I got so angry that I didn't eat it. After a while I felt hungry and looked outside,so I began to stuff.So they told my grandparents about it. My grandparents smiled happily and say :"As long as she can eat too much,it was a good thing.she was in poor health."Finally I knew about it, I couldn't help crying.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">由于外公教学上非常优异,被评上了县里的优秀教师。那年,县里组织优秀教师去北京旅游,他居然给我买了一条连身裙,整条裙的打底是白色的,上面点缀着小小的花朵,颜色是淡淡的。我真没想到我的外公对我是如此地慷慨,而对我的舅舅们却是如此寒酸。外公对自己更是寒酸,而对他的家人却是那番默默地爱。<br>My grandpa was rasted as excellent teachers<br>in the county due to his teaching field.At that<br>year,the education burea organized a trip to Beijing.He bought a dress for me. The whiye dress is beautiful with some little flowers on it.It was light.I never expected my grandpa was so generous to me,but he was misserable to my uncles.My grandpa was so misserable to himself,and he loved his family very much.<br></font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">两位舅舅上初中后,需要自行车。外公就叫两位舅舅自己每个周末去上山砍柴来卖,挣钱买自行车。特别是台风过后,舅舅们都会去捡柴来储备平时的家庭烧火备用。就这样,除了每天的学习外,舅舅们为了捡柴来卖,筹备钱买自行车。虽然日子苦,但是那时候的舅舅们却是过得很开心的。When my uncle would go to the middle,they needed a bike to school. My grandpa called them to cut down the wood to sell in order to earn fee.Especially in typhoo weather,my uncles picked some wood for usual preparation to fire.My uncles prepared some wood for their fee besides everyday's<br>study.Although they had a hard life,they had a good time.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">舅舅们的那几年的辛苦没白费,他们终于考上了自己的理想大学。每年的学费就靠外婆养猪卖来积攒学费给舅舅们,外公的工资用来家庭开支。这样过着拮据的生活几年,苦日子也苦尽甘来。两个舅舅都毕业了,都分在了理想的单位,他们都把父母接到了各自的家庭抚养,也尽到了孝道。<br>After several years'strugle,they passed their idea colleage.Their fee depended on my grandma to raise pigs,and my grandpa'salary<br>only could expensed family. They had a hard time like this in several years.At last they had a happy time. My uncles were arranged to good units.And they all brought up their parents and did their duty.</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">而我分配到了一所中学教英语,那时候的我会去通什学习,所以都是住在二舅家。跟外公见面的机会非常多,外公对我还是像从前一样,严中带慈。天冷时,他总爱穿一条黑色的外套,里面的口袋里会放一个玩具逗我。他会在口袋里捏响那玩具,那玩具会发出小鸟的清脆地叫声,于是我就会问他,“外公,您什么时候有雅兴买鸟来养呀?”他只笑笑,不作答。过了一会,他从口袋里取出那个玩具给我。真的很有趣。原来我的外公是多么地慈祥!<br>And I was arranged to a middle school and I taught English.At that time I sometimes went to Tongzha county to train.I lived in my second uncle's family.I talked to my grandpa<br>so much.Grandpa was strict but kind to me<br>as usual.When it was cold,he always put on<br>a black coat and put a toy bird into the pocket.A toy bird could pronounced a tweet-tweet'sound.At this time, I would ask him what on earth it was.He smiled and didn't reply me.After a while he got it out of the pocket and gaved it to me.How interesting it<br>was!So how kind my grandpa!</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">好景不长,外公由于早年的生活艰苦,终于倒下了。后来检查,他得了肺癌。在那几年里,他始终跟着命运拼搏,住院吃药打针等等,但始终没有逃过那一劫,他去逝了。他走得很安静,那么安详!我的心从没有过的极度地悲伤,我多么地痛恨自己的自私,认为这一切爱都是习以为常的。外公的离逝,我连一眼都没见着,而他的背影却在我看不见的地方远行了。<br>It hadn't been long like this .Grandpa fell down due to the early hard life in the end.later he was checked .He got a lung cancer.During <br>several years's disease strugle,he ate medicines and was given an injection in a hospital.But he didn't flee away the bad fate,he was dead.He went away quietly.Grandma 's death made me so sad.I <br>regreted my selfish ever before.I took love for granted.When he went away, I didn't meet him.And his figure went out of my sight and went farther and farther.<br></font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#010101">这使我想起了一位英国诗人兰德作家说的一句话:“ 英国诗人兰德(W.S.Landor)的同名小诗《生与死》 我和谁都不争, 和谁争我都不屑; 我爱大自然, 其次是艺术; 我双手烤着, 生命之火取暖; 火萎了, 我也准备走了。 This reminded me of a word:"Walter Savage Landor I strove with none, for none was worth my strife. Nature I loved and, next to Nature, Art: I warm'd both hands before the fire of life; It sinks, and I am ready to depart." </font></b></h3>