

暑假集训,苦练基本功。 Students practiced very hard during the summer vacation centraliazed training. 老师在一丝不苟的纠正动作。 Ms Wang was responsible to help them correct the action mistakes. 一招一式,有板有眼,绝不含糊。 The action movement was standard. 暑假集训结束,来张全家福。 At the end of the summer training, we took picture of family portrait. 全国青少年宫武术套路比赛总决赛。 This is nationwide teenagers Wushu routine finals. 皇城武韵武术队闪亮登场! Show time of Huang Cheng Wu Yun team began! 赛前,记者阿姨叔叔追着我们采访,第一次出镜,真有点不好意思。 Before the finals, the journalists interviewed us. This was the first time we took interview. We were very happy. 我叫“不紧张”。 I'm not nervous at all! 初生牛犊不怕虎! Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! 我可是“跟头王”! I'm the king of somersault! 集体项目冠军成员合影! Let's took photoes with all the champions! 心花怒放 Wild with joy 沉甸甸的奖杯是新的起点。 The heavy trophy is the new begining. 感谢老师的辛勤付出! Thanks to the teachers' hard work! 我们是相亲相爱的一家人! We are loving family!