Brisbane---an unforgettable and unhurried city🌈.


Went to Australia , for the first time i travel alone without my parents .Full of zeal,i took off. 去澳大利亚,是我第一次离开父母独自游学。带着变成大人的满腔热血和一丝丝小小的担忧,我踏上了前往布里斯班的旅途。 My homestay family. (我的寄宿家庭). On August 4th,for the first time i have my second family. 👪Dana took me home from my school. Though she asked me questions eagerly,I had some problems trying to listen to her clearly .But after some time ,i was used to speak English so we talked happily. Everything was fresh to me. The roads were wide and uncrowded. The most surprising thing is that it took us half an hour to our house. How large brisbane is!Dana has two daughters,Holly and Chelsea. They live with their stepfather ,Stuart .We had a big dinner -chicken with some spaghetti. They are yummy. 8月4号,我人生第一次拥有第二个家庭。Dana(女主人)将我从学校接回。我的胆怯慢慢被她的热情融化,我们开始畅谈。马路上只有几辆车,收音机嘟嘟的响着,司机戴着墨镜,哼着小曲,或快或慢地向前。一种崭新的生活,悄然在我脚下铺展。 My school. (我的学校) I studied in a school called Union Institute of Language. My course was very difficult. There are so many words that i don't know. But my teacher ,Jenny,a kind woman,encouraged me.My classmates are Japanese and some other Chinese. A Japanese boy called Sho empressed me so much. He said his dream is to make everyone happy. How glorious he is! I hope i can be a happy and warmth person like him. In this way ,my English improved,i also make some international friends. 我就读于UIL,在老师Jenny的鼓励下,我逐渐进入学习状态。我的同学有日本人,有来自不同地方的中国人。我们来自四面八方 ,可我们偏偏从五湖四海走来,聚集在一个地方,一起学习,一起聊天,这是怎样的缘分。我每每凝视他们青春风流的眼眸,都会有一种妙不可言的感动。最让我感动的是一个叫Sho的日本学生,在交谈中他告诉我他的梦想是让所有人快乐,让世界不再有悲伤和绝望。他的唇角上扬,谈吐间是满满的自信。我告诉他他的梦想一定会实现,看着他的笑容 ,我偷偷告诉自己以后也要成为像他这样美好向上的人。在一天天的学习中,我的英语得到了提高,我也结交了许多国际伙伴,满身都是阳光洋洋洒洒美妙的味道。 The beautiful view (如画美景) We went to many interesting places during the journey,such as the Brisbane city , the gold coast and so on. The sky is so clear as if someone cuts grazed. The clouds has a texture. Kangaroos were everywhere. Nobody will hurt them. People live letharaicly ,animals live freely. I felt comfortable in such a beautiful nature. 我们去了很多景点像布里斯班城市,黄金海岸等等。天空像水洗过一样干净,云有一种厚实的质感,像超大款的棉花糖。到处都有野生的袋鼠,它们好奇地打量来来往往的行人,得到的是行人友善的微笑 没有人伤害它们,它们亦不怕人。这里,真正做到人与自然融为一体,行人慵懒而从容,动物自由而欢快,让我充满喧嚣的心出奇的平静,心里那一汪湖水啊,平息了惊涛骇浪,倒映着梦幻的画面,湖面偶尔漾起一圈圈小小的涟漪,很快归附于深深的惬意和宁静。 My team. (我的小伙伴们) We have four groups. Our leader named Cha. He is a good boy. He always accompany with us when we went shopping. We laughed,we argued ,but we know more about each other during this time and we really had a wonderful time.我们分成四个组 我们的组长读高三,是个开朗的大男孩。他总是默默的陪伴着我们,没有一句怨言。在这期间,我们曾一起开怀大笑,也曾争吵,可我们对彼此多了了解,一起度过了一段“光辉时光”。 My free time activities. (我的空余时光) Our school is really large. After class,we went to a big grass area in the front of the school. We played baseball and took lots of photos. At about half past four in the afternoon,we watched the beautiful setting sun quietly. The light of the setting sun is colorful and clean. 我们的校园有很大一片草坪,下课后,我们冲到草坪,玩棒球,以各种古怪的姿势拍照。到了四点半,夕阳西下。我们静静的坐着,不说话,只是静静的看,静静地体会,余晖多彩,却那么不可思议的干净,让人身处梦幻,让人迷醉。突然想起一句诗“落日熔金,暮云合璧,人在何处?”生命是如此美妙,此刻的我,在澳大利亚东部,跨越半个地球,带着感恩的心,记录这美景。 Summarize. (总结) Like the name of the background song,this trip lets me feel that i am so lucky. This trip teaches me to be thankful and independent. Before my first dinner here ,i prayed with my homestay family. We thanked for everything we have. Thanks for my family ,i can't go to Australia without their support.Thanks for my teachers,they help me know more knowledges. Thanks for my friends ,i have someone to talk about my own feelings. Thanks for my homestay family, they looked after me carefully and patiently. Thanks for Australian,they teach me to protect our environment. Thanks for everything,let me be a upward girl. 💓💓💓就像背景音乐的名字一样,澳大利亚之行让我感到幸运。它教会我感恩和自立。在寄宿家庭的晚餐前,我和他们一起祷告。我们闭着眼睛,彼此手牵手,我们感谢上帝给予我们的一切,餐厅灯光摇曳,不同国籍的几个人,在静静的祷告中,传递着一种感情---后来我才明白,这种感情叫虔诚。这教会了我感恩。感谢我的家人,(特别是大伯伯大妈妈),让我有机会来到澳大利亚;感谢我的寄宿家庭,耐心而仔细的照顾我告诉我澳洲的风土人情;感谢我的老师,(尤其是带队李老师)教给我知识;感谢我的朋友,默默的陪伴我,聆听我在澳洲的种种经历。想引用三毛的那句话“感谢上帝恒久不变的大爱,让我学会爱这世上的每一个人,每个一草一木一花。”感谢我拥有的一切,让我成长为一个向上温暖的女孩。 在这里,从叠被到洗衣,一切都要靠自己,这是我最大的困难。但我渐渐习惯一个人的生活,为自己的行为负全责,自己做决定,我看到了自己的蜕变,我感受到了我眸子里的坚毅。 时光荏苒,转瞬我已踏上回程,但布里斯班,这座教会我感恩和自立的城,以它独有的慵懒和从容,连着许许多多的人,许许多多的场景,活在我的记忆里,不会老去。