白鹿原 72 ‍陈忠实‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍The White Deer Plain‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍第十二章 8


<p class="ql-block"><u style="font-size:20px;"> 白鹿仓的办公房如期竣工,统领监造如此庞大而又紧迫的工程显示了鹿子霖卓越的组织才能。田福贤和他的干事们迫不及待地搬进潮湿的新房。白鹿仓为重新挂牌办公举行了隆重的庆祝仪式。白鹿仓辖管的百余个村庄的官人,德高望重的绅士贤达,十几个大村的私塾先生和唯一一所新制学校的几名教员,济世粮店的丁掌柜和白鹿中医堂的冷先生等头面人物都在被邀之列。新任滋水县的梁县长和刚刚组建的国民党滋水县县党部书记岳维山亲临本仓。关中名儒朱先生更是田总乡约特邀的贵宾,重建白鹿仓的盛事将被朱先生载人正在编纂的新本县志。梁县长首先讲话:“白鹿仓的盛典标志着国民革命新秩序的完全建立。”县党部书记岳维山接着讲:“胜利粉碎刘匪乌鸦兵对革命的围攻,白鹿原以及滋水县的国民革命将展开新的一页。”他随之郑重宣布:“本县我党的第一个分部~白鹿区分部宣告诞生。</u></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> The office building of Bailucang was completed on schedule. It showed Lu Zilin's outstanding organizational ability to lead and supervise such a huge and urgent project. Tian Fuxian and his staff could not wait to move into the damp new house. Bailucang held a grand celebration ceremony for the reopening of the office. Officials from more than 100 villages under the jurisdiction of Bailucang, respected gentlemen and wise men, private school teachers from more than a dozen large villages and several teachers from the only new school, Ding, the shopkeeper of Jishi Grain Store, and Mr. Leng of Bailu Chinese Medicine Hall were all invited. Liang, the new county magistrate of Zishui County, and Yue Weishan, the secretary of the newly formed Zishui County Party Committee of the Kuomintang, came to the warehouse in person. Mr. Zhu, a famous scholar in Guanzhong, was a special guest invited by Tian Zongxiang. The grand event of rebuilding Bailu Warehouse will be included in the new county annals that Mr. Zhu is compiling. County Magistrate Liang spoke first: "The grand ceremony at Bailucang marks the complete establishment of the new order of the national revolution." County Party Secretary Yue Weishan then said: "The victory in crushing the siege of the revolution by Liu's bandit crow soldiers will open a new chapter for the national revolution in Bailuyuan and Zishui County." He then solemnly announced: "The first branch of our party in this county, the Bailu District Branch, was born.</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><u style="font-size:20px;"> 田福贤任白鹿区分部书记。”与会者表示了热烈的祝贺而又显出惊奇,惊奇的是在四个委员中鹿家父子居然占了两位。岳维山不失时机地重点分绍了鹿兆鹏:“鹿兆鹏同志不仅是白鹿区分部委员,还是县党部委员,负责农运工作。鹿兆鹏同志是共、产、党员一”嗡嗡嘤嘤的议论顿时腾起,百余双眼睛一齐射住鹿兆鹏。鹿兆鹏尽量做出坦然自若的神情却总是显得不大自然。鹿子霖迅疾地瞅了儿子一眼就微偏了头,脸色比儿子还要紧张还要尴尬,因为众人如锥的眼光纷纷移射到他的脸上。近日里,乡村里悄悄流传着共产党是红头发红眼睛的妖匪,共人家房共人家田地共人家骡马牲畜,尤其是共人家婆娘女子的危言,乡民们感到比白狼可怕多了,可是谁也没有见过一个共产党。</u></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> Tian Fuxian is appointed as the secretary of Bailu District Branch. "The participants expressed warm congratulations and were surprised. What surprised them was that the father and son of the Lu family actually occupied two of the four committee members. Yue Weishan took the opportunity to introduce Lu Zhaopeng in detail: "Comrade Lu Zhaopeng is not only a member of the Bailu District Branch, but also a member of the County Party Committee, responsible for the peasant movement. Comrade Lu Zhaopeng is a member of the Communist Party..." Buzzing discussions suddenly arose, and more than a hundred pairs of eyes shot at Lu Zhaopeng. Lu Zhaopeng tried his best to look calm and composed, but he always looked unnatural. Lu Zilin glanced at his son quickly and tilted his head slightly. His face was more nervous and embarrassed than his son's, because everyone's eyes were like cones and shot at his face. Recently, there has been a rumor in the village that the Communist Party is a red-haired, red-eyed demon bandit who takes people's houses, fields, mules, horses, livestock, and especially women. The villagers feel that it is much more terrifying than the white wolf, but no one has ever seen a Communist Party.</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><u style="font-size:20px;"> 岳维山礼让鹿兆鹏讲话,会场骤然清静下来。鹿兆鹏憨里憨气地笑着说:“众位乡党,大家都多瞅我一眼,看清我跟你们以及你们的子弟一样,都是黑头发黑眼睛黄皮肤就行了。好了,岳书记你继续讲吧,我就开这一句玩笑。”会场顿时轻松活泼了,夹杂着释然化疑的笑声。岳维山雍容大度地笑笑说:“鹿兆鹏同志又是国民党员。共产党和国民党是同志是兄弟,共同推进国民革命。”说着抓住坐在旁首的鹿兆鹏的手站立起来,两只挽着的手形成一个拳头高高举过头顶停留在空中,显示着团结的真诚,象征着擎天立地的力量。这个生动的画面摄人每一个与会者的眼睛储存于他们的脑底,并为后来完全相反的结同发出历史性的感叹。</u></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> Yue Weishan let Lu Zhaopeng speak, and the meeting suddenly became quiet. Lu Zhaopeng smiled innocently and said, "My fellow villagers, please take a closer look at me and see that I am the same as you and your children, with black hair, black eyes and yellow skin. Okay, Secretary Yue, please continue speaking. I just made this joke." The meeting suddenly became relaxed and lively, mixed with laughter of relief. Yue Weishan smiled gracefully and said, "Comrade Lu Zhaopeng is also a member of the Kuomintang. The Communist Party and the Kuomintang are comrades and brothers, and they will jointly promote the national revolution." As he spoke, he grabbed the hand of Lu Zhaopeng who was sitting next to him and stood up. The two hands formed a fist and raised it high above their heads and stayed in the air, showing the sincerity of unity and symbolizing the power of holding up the sky and the earth. This vivid picture captured the eyes of every participant and stored it in their minds, and they expressed historical sighs for the completely opposite unity later.</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><u style="font-size:20px;"> 会议之后,朱先生顺理成章地跟着白嘉轩去看望老岳母。他向岳母白赵氏问了安就急说:“啊呀妈呛我饿坏了,快给我熬一碗包谷糁子吧!你熬得那么又粘又香的糁子我再没喝过。”白赵氏亲自下到厨房,阻止了儿媳仙草又阻挡了孙媳,亲自添水烧火拂下糁子放进碱面儿,一会儿紧火,一会文火地熬煮起来。朱先生在庆典仪式之后的丰盛的宴席上,只是礼仪性地点了几下筷于就离开了。他不是出于清高而是他的胃肠只能接受清淡的五谷菜蔬却无法承受荤腥海味。白嘉轩满脑子都是疑问,迫不及待地问姐夫:“鹿家父子俩全是委员?鹿家兆鹏又入‘国’又入‘共’骑双头马,又是白鹿仓又是区分部,田福贤是总乡约又加个区分部书记。</u></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> After the meeting, Mr. Zhu followed Bai Jiaxuan to visit his mother-in-law. He greeted his mother-in-law Bai Zhaoshi and said anxiously: "Oh, mom, I'm so hungry. Please make me a bowl of cornmeal! I've never had such sticky and fragrant cornmeal that you make." Bai Zhaoshi went down to the kitchen personally, stopped her daughter-in-law Xiancao and stopped her granddaughter-in-law. She personally added water, lit the fire, and put the cornmeal into the alkaline noodles. She boiled it with high heat and low heat. At the sumptuous banquet after the celebration ceremony, Mr. Zhu just ordered a few times out of courtesy and left. He was not noble, but his stomach could only accept light grains and vegetables but could not bear meat and seafood. Bai Jiaxuan's mind was full of questions, and he couldn't wait to ask his brother-in-law: "Both the father and son of the Lu family are committee members? Lu Jiazhaopeng joined the "nationality" and the "communist" and rode a two-headed horse. He was also Bailu Cang and a district branch. Tian Fuxian was the general township secretary and the district branch secretary.</b></p> <p class="ql-block"><u style="font-size:20px;"> 又是国民党又是共产党。啊呀呀!我这脑瓜子里全给搅成一锅浆子咧!”朱先生听了格格格朗声笑了:“你种你的庄稼你务你的牛犊儿骡驹儿就对了。你把那些名目那些关系揣抹清了有啥用场?我都不大抹码得清,你伤那个脑筋做啥?国民党和共产党都开宗明义要给民人办好事,‘扶助工农’。你只管、放心过你的日子就是了。”白嘉轩心悦诚服地点点头,却仍然止不住发问:“哥呀,我心里总是毛乱草势的。俗话说,一个槽道拴不下两匹叫驴,一窝蜂里容不得两个蜂王。岳鹿二人挽着举到头顶的拳头分开了咋办?”朱先生听了更不经意地大笑了;“哈呀兄弟!咱妈给我把包谷糁子端来了。我可不管闲事。无论是谁,只要不夺我一碗包谷糁子我就不管他弄啥。”</u></p> <p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px;"> The Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Oh my! My head is all mixed up!" Mr. Zhu laughed loudly: "You just plant your crops and take care of your calves and mules. What's the point of you figuring out those names and relationships? I can't even figure them out, why do you bother with that? The Kuomintang and the Communist Party both state that they want to do good things for the people and "help the workers and peasants." Just live your life with peace of mind." Bai Jiaxuan nodded sincerely, but still couldn't help asking: "Brother, I'm always confused. As the saying goes, a trough can't hold two donkeys, and a hive can't hold two queen bees. What if Yue Lu and the other two separate with their fists raised to their heads?" Mr. Zhu laughed even more casually; "Ha, brother! Our mother brought me cornmeal. I don't mind my business. No matter who it is, as long as he doesn't take my bowl of cornmeal, I don't care what he does. "</b></p>