今日惊蛰Today The Waking of Insects

Y ao

<p class="ql-block">2025年3月5日星期三今日惊蛰.惊蛰‌是二十四节气中的第三个节气,通常在公历3月5-6日交节。‌惊蛰‌的意思是天气回暖,春雷始鸣,惊醒蛰伏于地下冬眠的昆虫。这个节气标志着仲春时节的开始,阳气上升、气温回暖、春雷乍动、雨水增多,万物生机盎然</p> <p class="ql-block">The Waking of Insects is the third of the 24 solar terms and usually falls on March 5-6 in Gregorian calendar. The meaning of the Waking of Insects is that it is warmer when spring thunder starts to sound, waking up dormant underground hibernating insects. This solar term marks the beginning of midspring. With the rising of Yang Qi, warmer temperatures, spring thunder and more Rain Water, everything is full of vitality. </p> <p class="ql-block"> 在惊蛰节气里,愿你被春天的温柔包围心中有梦,脚下有路,所遇皆美好。</p><p class="ql-block">On the vernal equinox, may you be surrounded by the gentleness of spring, with dreams in your heart and a path under your feet, and may all that you encounter be beautiful. </p>