

<h5 style="text-align:center;"><b>美国纽约【综合新闻】812期选刊</b></h5><h5 style="text-align:center;">主编:佩英</h5><h5 style="text-align:center;">总编:程朗</h5><h5 style="text-align:center;">总顾问:马华胜</h5> <p class="ql-block">本期中英翻译:佩英</p> <h5>巴布斯·贡斯(Babs Gons)<br>荷兰作家、诗人、表演者和主持人。她创作诗歌、故事、专栏和文章。自2000年起,她在阿姆斯特丹的文化中心Paradiso组织了长达十年的“Palabras”月度诗歌平台,为新兴诗人和作家提供舞台。她还是“诗歌圈”(Poetry Circle)的发起人和艺术总监。2023年荷兰宣布她为荷兰桂冠诗人(Poet Laureate of the Netherlands)。<br></h5> <div><b>如果你没有梦想 / als je geen droom hebt</b></div><div><b><br></b></div>如果你不打算投票<br>请轻声细语<br>轻到纳尔逊·曼德拉听不见<br>让他得以安息<br>如果你不打算投票<br>请谨慎行事<br>让我们的祖先<br>不在墓中翻身<br>如果你不愿发声<br>如果你不愿发声<br>确保1919年听不到你<br>让苏兹·格罗内韦赫(Suze Groeneweg)<br>让威廉敏娜·德鲁克(Wilhelmina Drucker)<br>安息<br>如果你不打算投票<br>让洒在塞尔玛(Selma)和蒙哥马利(Montgomery)街道上的鲜血<br>听不到你的沉默<br>马丁·路德·金<br>别让他知道<br>如果你不愿发声<br>如果你不愿发声<br>别让他知道<br>你宁愿沉默<br>如果你没有梦想<br>没有值得奋斗的东西<br>没有值得举起武器的人<br>没有值得挺身而出的理由<br>那就把它藏好<br>别让那些必须站出来的人知晓<br>不要让白昼察觉<br>不要告诉黑夜<br>保持沉默<br>让你的影子也不知情<br>让索韦托(Soweto)的黄沙保持宁静<br>史蒂夫·比科(Steve Biko)不能知道<br>索杰纳·特鲁斯(Sojourner Truth)不能听见<br>科尔温·杜因梅耶(Kerwin Duinmeijer)<br>塔米尔·赖斯(Tamir Rice)<br>玛丽埃尔·弗朗哥(Marielle Franco)<br>不要让他们听见你的沉默<br>在弗格森(Ferguson)、巴尔的摩(Baltimore)<br>大马士革(Damascus)和达尔富尔(Darfur)<br>在智利(Chile)、香港(Hongkong)<br>和阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)<br>请保持安静<br>绝对不要让<br>统计数字背后的囚徒们听到<br>在选票从未抵达的地方<br>他们不能知道<br>在那些人们无法踏入投票站的地方<br>因为子弹和炸弹<br>因为距离和贫困<br>因为独裁和教条<br>因为肤色和阶级<br>不要让他们听到你的沉默<br>不要让马丁·路德·金<br>知道你保持沉默<br>请千万不要让他们听见<br>你选择沉默的消息<br>如果你没有梦想<br>没有值得奋斗的东西<br>没有值得举起武器的人<br>没有值得挺身而出的理由<br>不要让那些别无选择的人知晓 <h5><b>If you don’t have a dream / als je geen droom hebt</b><br><br>if you’re not going to vote<br>say it so softly<br>that Nelson Mandela can’t hear it<br>let him rest forever in peace<br>if you’re not going to vote<br>then please be so discreet<br>that our ancestors<br>don’t stir in their graves<br>if you won’t use your voice<br>if you won’t use your voice<br>make sure 1919 can’t hear you<br>leave Suze Groeneweg,<br>leave Wilhelmina Drucker<br>in peace<br><br>if you’re not going to vote<br>make sure the blood on the stones<br>in the streets of<br>Selma and Montgomery<br>can’t hear you<br><br>Martin Luther King<br>don’t let him know<br>if you won’t use your voice<br>if you won’t use your voice<br>don’t let him know<br>that you’d rather be silent<br><br>if you don’t have a dream<br>nothing to fight for<br>no one to take up arms for<br>nothing to stand up for<br>then hide it from<br>those who simply must<br>don’t let the day know<br>don’t tell the night<br>be so discreet<br>that even your shadow won’t know<br><br>leave the sands of Soweto in peace<br>Steve Biko, he must not know<br>Sojourner Truth must not hear<br>Kerwin Duinmeijer<br>Tamir Rice<br>Marielle Franco<br>don’t let them hear you<br>be quiet in Ferguson, in Baltimore<br>in Damascus and Darfur<br>in Chili, Hongkong<br>and Amsterdam<br><br>and under no circumstances<br>let the men behind the bars<br>of the statistics hear about it<br>and where the ballots aren’t delivered<br>they must not know<br>where they’ll never reach the polling stations<br>because of bullets and bombs<br>distance and poverty<br>dictator and doctrine<br>color and class<br>don’t let them hear you<br><br>don’t let Martin Luther King<br>know that you’re keeping silent<br>please don’t let them hear<br>that you choose to remain silent<br><br>if you don’t have a dream<br>nothing to fight for<br>no one to take up arms for<br>nothing to stand up for<br>don’t let it be known<br>by those who have no choice</h5> <h5><div><b>诗歌赏析:</b></div><div>荷兰女诗人巴布斯·贡斯(Babs Gons)以讽刺、批判的口吻揭示了媒体、演艺圈、公共辩论等领域对“多元化”的消费式利用,以及对少数族裔、女性、政治立场等身份的操控和规训。言辞犀利,一针见血,揭露出社会的伪善。诗歌中的“你能……吗?”“再多一点……再少一点……”的重复,模仿社会对话的空洞性,凸显出诗中主体被剥夺了自我表达的空间,只能在外界的期待中被动调整自身,可谓以其人之矛制子之盾,睿智。诗人对整个社会如何操控“可见性”与“沉默”进行深刻反思。(佩英)</div><div><br></div><div><b>Editorials:</b></div><div>The Dutch poet Babs Gons, with a satirical and critical tone, exposes the consumerist exploitation of "diversity" in fields such as media, the entertainment industry, and public debate, as well as the manipulation and regulation of identities related to ethnic minorities, women, and political stances. Her sharp and incisive language reveals the hypocrisy of society. The repetition of phrases like "Can you...?" and "A little more... a little less..." in her poetry mimics the emptiness of social dialogues, highlighting how the poetic subject is deprived of self-expression and can only passively adjust to external expectations. This can be seen as using the opponent’s weapon against them—insightful and clever. The poet deeply reflects on how society manipulates "visibility" and "silence."(By Christine Chen)</div></h5> <h5>里法特·伊斯迈利(RIFAT ISMAILI – ITALY)<br>意大利诗人、散文作家和散文评论家,文学杂志《KRYEFJALA》主编,已出版24本,并翻译出版3本译书。其作品被翻译成意大利语、英语、俄语、乌兹别克语、阿拉伯语等多种语言的文学刊物上。</h5> <b>曾经…… ONCE...</b><br><br>有时我觉得自己生活在<br>鲁滨逊的孤岛上,<br>只在需要的时候,<br>才回到过去……<br>海浪的胸膛唤醒我的妻子,<br>树叶如书,被我翻阅,<br>我并不孤单。<br>有时,美杜莎的影子<br>将我变成记忆的洞穴,<br>在那里,我珍藏着诗人的遗骨……<br>年迈的奥德赛总是引领着我,<br>踏上千百次旅程,<br>那些我曾梦想成真的旅程……<br>有时,麦克白的阴影<br>用无辜者的鲜血洗净我的脚,<br>又用遗忘的毛巾拭去一切。<br>有时……<br>在每个人的内心深处,<br>我,存在其中……<br> <h5><b>ONCE...</b><br><br>Sometimes I feel like I'm living<br>on Robinson's Island,<br>going back to the past<br>only when i need her...<br><br>The breasts of the waves wake up my wife,<br>leaves of trees like books I read,<br>and I'm not alone.<br><br>Sometimes the shadow of Medusa<br>it turns me into a memory cave<br>where I keep the bones of poets...<br><br>old man odyssey always leads me<br>In thousands of journeys,<br>that I would like to do<br>how did i ever...<br><br>Sometimes the shadow of Macbeth<br>wash my feet<br>with the blood of the innocent,<br>wipes me with the towel of oblivion.<br><br>Sometimes...<br>Inside everyone I am, sometimes..</h5> <b>梦中的女孩THE GIRL OF DREAMS</b><br><br>她消失在岁月的雾霭中。<br>我只剩下一个夹缝中的梦……<br>那是我唯一的货币,<br>曾想用它买下整座城市……<br>然后,死去! <h5><b>THE GIRL OF DREAMS</b><br><br>She disappeared into the mist of days.<br>I was left with a dream in between…<br>single currency,<br>with which I wanted to buy the cities…<br>And then, die!</h5> <b>为你,我常去<br>FOR YOU I GO OFTEN</b><br><br>我常常前往<br>那个我们将相见的地方。<br>“我会回来。”<br>你曾这样说,却消失无踪。<br>时光枯萎,<br>在我手中,<br>化作无尽的等待。<br>雨不停地下,<br>我的秘密日记<br>遗失了它的旅途。<br>列车停驻在<br>灰色的暮色里,<br>你的手伸出窗外,<br>像一朵玫瑰,被人摘去。 <h5><b>FOR YOU I GO OFTEN</b><br><br>I go often<br>in the place where we will meet.<br>"I'll be back"<br>you said and disappeared.<br>The days withered,<br>in my hands<br>from the endless waiting.<br>It was raining,<br>my secret diary<br>he lost his torua.<br>The trains remained<br>in the gray twilight.<br>Your hand out the window<br>it was plucked like a rose.<br></h5> <b>我在等待…… I WAIT...</b><br><br>我等待着你,如同最后一颗星辰<br>拥抱太阳的第一缕光芒。<br>在你的光辉中我渐渐消逝,<br>你的爱吞噬并征服了我。<br>我无比期待这黑夜的降临,<br>如同枯萎的花朵渴盼黎明。<br>请赐予我感觉与生命,<br>驱散痛苦的阴霾。<br>我在等待你,在那些尽头的路口,<br>在连雄鹰也畏惧的去处,<br>在心如蜡烛般燃烧的地方,<br>哦,朋友,深夜的诗篇。<br>我在等待你,在狂野的怒吼中,<br>在思想漆黑的夜晚。<br>你点燃我的灵魂,如同纸张,<br>焚尽悔恨的迷茫。 <h5><b>I WAIT...</b></h5><h5><br></h5><h5>I wait for you like the last star</h5><h5>embraces the first ray of the sun.</h5><h5>Within your light I fade,</h5><h5>your love absorbs and conquers me.</h5><h5><br></h5><h5>I look forward to this night so much,</h5><h5>as the faded flower waits for the dawn.</h5><h5>To give me feeling and life,</h5><h5>to remove the clouds of pain.</h5><h5><br></h5><h5>I wait for you where the paths close,</h5><h5>where I go scares the eagles,</h5><h5>where the heart like a candle burns,</h5><h5>oh friend, poetry of late hours.</h5><h5><br></h5><h5>I wait for you in the wild roar,</h5><h5>amid the black night of thought.</h5><h5>You set my soul on fire like paper,</h5><h5>to set fire to the confusion of repentance.</h5> <h5><div><b>诗歌赏析:</b></div><div>意大利诗人里法特·伊斯迈利(RIFAT ISMAILI )诗歌表达了深沉的情感主题,充满了 等待、失落、回忆、渴望 等意象,具有明显的抒情风格。诗人擅用典故与希腊神话,赋予诗歌一种戏剧系,涂抹上梦幻的色彩。诗人意象丰富、情感真挚、结构紧凑、画面感强,把爱之深,失之切的刻骨铭心之情描述得丝丝入扣。(佩英)</div><div><br></div><div><b>Editorials:</b><br>The Italian poet Rifat Ismaili's poetry conveys deep emotional themes, filled with imagery of waiting, loss, memory, and longing, displaying a distinct lyrical style. The poet skilfully employs allusions and Greek mythology, endowing the poetry with a dramatic quality and a dreamlike aura. With rich imagery, genuine emotions, a tightly structured composition, and vivid visual scenes, the poet intricately depicts the profound depth of love and the piercing pain of loss with remarkable precision.(By Christine Chen)<br><br></div></h5> (所有文字均获作者授权)