<p class="ql-block">2月18日凌晨,夜色尚未褪去,我便在3:30起床,与摄影协会的几位志同道合的朋友们一同驱车前往黄金海岸的彩虹湾,心中满怀着拍摄日出与冲浪者英姿的期待。然而,天公不作美,日出的壮丽景象未能如愿捕捉,而那些在海浪中翻腾的冲浪者也因距离过远,未能进入我的镜头。尽管我携带了100-400mm的变焦镜头,但对于那些远在海中的弄潮儿来说,这样的焦距仍显得捉襟见肘。无奈之下,我只好将镜头转向岸边,捕捉了几张岸边人物的生动瞬间,以此慰藉那长达一个多小时的车程所带来的疲惫。虽然未能达成初衷,但每一次的快门按下,都是对美好瞬间的珍视与记录。</p> <p class="ql-block">On the early morning of February 18th, while the night still lingered, I arose at 3:30 and journeyed with a few like-minded companions from the photography association to Rainbow Bay at the Gold Coast. Our hearts were filled with anticipation to capture the majestic sunrise and the spirited surfers riding the waves. However, the heavens did not favor us; the splendid spectacle of the sunrise eluded our lenses, and the surfers, frolicking in the distant sea, remained beyond the reach of my camera. Despite wielding a 100-400mm zoom lens, the distance to those wave-riders proved too great, leaving my equipment wanting. Resigned to the circumstances, I turned my lens towards the shore and captured a few lively moments of the people there, thus consoling the weariness brought by the over-an-hour-long drive. Though the original intent was not fulfilled, each press of the shutter was a treasured record of a beautiful instant.</p>