<p class="ql-block">关贝,是一位来自山西省运城市芮城县的优秀共产党员,于1985年出生。多年来,他凭借扎实的专业素养和不懈的努力,在科研领域取得了令人瞩目的成就,成为了行业内的杰出代表。</p> <p class="ql-block">在学术生涯方面,关贝博士的履历十分丰富。2007年,他以优异的成绩毕业于天津大学软件工程专业,顺利获得学士学位。随后,他继续深造,在科研道路上不断探索前行。经过多年的刻苦钻研,于2015年在中国科学院软件所成功斩获计算机科学与技术博士学位。同年,他远赴卡塔尔计算研究所网络安全组(Cyber Security Group, Qatar Computing Research Institute)开展博士后研究工作,在这一期间积累了丰富的国际科研经验,拓宽了学术视野。</p> <p class="ql-block">在职业发展历程中,关贝博士的每一步都走得稳健而坚定。2018年6月至2020年9月,他任职于中国科学院软件研究所协同创新中心,担任助理研究员一职,在这个岗位上充分发挥自己的专业能力,为研究所的科研工作贡献力量。自2020年9月起,他进入中国科学院软件研究所集成创新中心,担任高级工程师(副研级)及硕士生导师。在新的岗位上,他不仅继续深耕科研工作,还积极承担起培养新一代科研人才的重任,为国家的科研事业注入新鲜血液。其课题组2024年联合培养的博士生获得华为“天才少年(中天才)”,及字节跳动Top Seed最高档人才计划荣誉。同时,关贝博士还担任集成联合党支部书记,在党建工作方面也发挥着重要的引领作用。</p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">在集成创新中心联合党支部做年度工作述职报告</span></p> <p class="ql-block">关贝博士长期专注于大数据分析技术、人工智能应用技术、知识图谱技术、代码自动生成、网络威胁情报分析、企业数字化转型、软件工程等多个前沿领域的研究工作。他始终站在科研的最前沿,紧跟时代发展的步伐,致力于推动相关领域的技术创新和发展。在科研项目方面,他积极参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、科技创新2030等多项国家重要项目,凭借自己的专业知识和丰富经验,为项目的顺利推进提供了有力的支持。此外,他还主持或联合主持了多项“产学研”、“军民融合”等横向项目,促进了科研成果与实际应用的紧密结合,为企业的发展和社会的进步做出了积极贡献。</p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">参与编写《人工智能技术在太空安全中的应用》《中国科协信息化建设与发展研究(2021-2025)》</span></p> <p class="ql-block">关贝博士的研究成果丰硕,在国际和国内学术界都产生了广泛的影响。他的研究成果发表在IEEE Transaction、ACM Transaction、IJCAI、ACL、EMNLP、ICME 、ICMR、PAKDD、IJCNN、ESWC、CCGrid等世界一流学术刊物和会议上,同时也在软件学报、自动化学报等国内计算机领域一级学术刊物上发表了多篇高质量论文。截至目前,他已累计发表学术论文30余篇,拥有7项发明专利、4项软件著作权,并参与编写了神经网络、企业数字化转型方面的书籍2本。这些成果不仅彰显了他在科研领域的深厚造诣,也为相关领域的研究提供了重要的参考和借鉴。(学术论文、发明专利、软件著作权部分主要名目附后)</p> <p class="ql-block">当前,关贝博士将研究重点聚焦于企业数字化转型关键技术研究和系统研发工作。他深知企业在数字化转型过程中面临的诸多挑战,如数字孤岛、数据通融等问题,因此致力于研发低代码/无代码开发技术、代码自动生成技术以及基于微服务架构的智能制造企业数字化管理平台、业财一体化智能平台等,旨在为企业提供切实可行的解决方案,助力企业实现数字化转型的目标。在他的带领下,所在团队成功构建了一系列复杂智能化数字平台,包括“智慧水务业务数字一体化平台”、“生物基因制造人工合成数字化智能平台”、“易秀博谷商品订单物流智能管理平台”“中医智能辅助诊断大数据平台”、“论文查新证明收录系统”和“科技论文精准推送系统”等。这些平台覆盖了生物基因制造、化工产品制造、水务管理、情报跟踪与推荐、专利检索和推荐、中医健康、网络安全、卫星轨道预测、雷达测量不确定性度量、大数据中间件、智慧农业等多个领域,为不同行业的企业提供了智能化、数字化的解决方案,有效提升了企业的运营效率和管理水平。</p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(22, 126, 251);">参加国际学术会议ACM CODASPY</span></p> <p class="ql-block">关贝博士以其卓越的科研能力、严谨的治学态度和强烈的社会责任感,在科研和教学领域都取得了显著的成绩。他的研究成果和实践经验不仅为学术界和产业界带来了新的思路和方法,也为推动我国计算机科学与技术领域的发展做出了重要贡献。相信在未来的日子里,关贝博士将继续在科研道路上砥砺前行,取得更加辉煌的成就。</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>代表性论文:</b></p><p class="ql-block">[1]Xiaolin Chen, Daoguang Zan, Wei Li, Bei Guan*, Yongji Wang. FLA-TE: Feature Inference Attack on Decision Tree Ensembles in Vertical Federated Learning. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). 2024: 1-6.(CCF-B)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[2]Xiaolin Chen, Daoguang Zan, Wei Li, Bei Guan*, Yongji Wang. A GAN-based data poisoning framework against anomaly detection in vertical federated learning. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC). IEEE, 2024.(CCF-C)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[3]Daoguang Zan, Ailun Yu, Bo Shen, Bei Chen, Wei Li, Yongshun Gong, Xiaolin Chen, Yafen Yao, Weihua Luo, Bei Guan, Yan Liu, Yongji Wang, Qianxiang Wang, Lichen Cui. DiffCoder: Enhancing Large Language Model on API Invocation via Analogical Code Exercises. The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE). 2024: 406-426.(CCF-A)</p><p class="ql-block">[4]Daoguang Zan, Ailun Yu, Wei Liu, Bo Shen, Shaoxin Lin, Yongshun Gong, Yafen Yao, Yan Liu, Bei Guan*, Weihua Luo, Yongji Wang, Qianxiang Wang, Lizhen Cui. CodeM: Less Data Yields More Versatility via Ability Matrix. Findings of Proceedings of the 62st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). 2024: 714–729. (CCF-A)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[5]陈晓霖,昝道广,吴炳潮,关贝*,王永吉. 面向纵向联邦学习的对抗样本生成算法. 通讯学报. 2023,44(8):1-13.(EI)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[6]Bingchao Wu, Yuxuan Kangyang, Bei Guan*, Yongji Wang. We Are Not So Similar: Alleviating User Representation Collapse in Social Recommendation. In 2023 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research(ICMR 2023), June 12–15, 2023.(CCF B 类会议)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[7]Bingchao Wu, Yuxuan Kangyang, Daoguang Zan, Bei Guan*, Yongji Wang. Hierarchical and Contrastive Representation Learning for Knowledge-aware Recommendation. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2023). IEEE,pp.1-6.(CCF B 类会议)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[8]Daoguang Zan, Bei Chen, Dejian Yang, Zeqi Lin, Minsu Kim, Bei Guan*, Yongji Wang*, Weizhu Chen, Jian-Guang Lou, et al. CERT: Continual PreTraining on Sketches for Library-Oriented Code Generation, Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022), pp.2369-2375.(CCF A 类会议)(通讯作者)</p><p class="ql-block">[9]Daoguang Zan, Bei Chen, Fengji Zhang, Dianjie Lu, Bingchao Wu, Bei Guan, Yongji Wang, and Jian-Guang Lou. Large Language Models Meet NL2Code: A Survey. In the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (ACL 2023). (CCF A类会议,已录用)</p><p class="ql-block">[10]Daoguang Zan, Bei Chen, Zeqi Lin, Bei Guan, Yongji Wang, et alWhen Language Model Meets Private Library, In the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(EMNLP 2022), pp.277-288.(CCF B 类会议)</p><p class="ql-block">[11]Daoguang Zan, Sirui Wang, Hongzhi Zhang, Yuanmeng Yan, Wei Wu, Bei Guan, Yongji Wang*, et al. S2QL: Retrieval Augmented Zero-shot Question Answering over Knowledge Graph. In the 26th Pacific-asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(PAKDD 2022),pp.223-236. (CCF C 类会议)</p><p class="ql-block">[12]Daoguang Zan, Sirui Wang, Hongzhi Zhang, Kun Zhou, Wei Wu, Wayne Xin Zhao, Bingchao Wu, Bei Guan, Yongji Wang*, et al. Complex Question Answering over Incomplete Knowledge Graph as N-ary Link Prediction, In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2022),pp.1-8.(CCF C 类会议)</p><p class="ql-block">[13]Bingchao Wu, Chenglong Deng, Bei Guan, Yongji Wang* and Yuxuan Kangyang. Enhancing Sequential Recommendation via Decoupled Knowledge Graphs. In 19th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2022).pp.3-20.(CCF C 类会议)</p><p class="ql-block">[14]ChengLong Deng, BingChao Wu, QingJun Wang, QingLei Shi, Bei Guan, DaCheng Qu, and YongJi Wang*. The feasibility of an optimized Faster R-CNN in detection and differentiation HT from PTMC Using high b-value DWI with RESOLVE. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021.</p><p class="ql-block">[15]吴炳潮, 邓成龙, 关贝, 陈晓霖, 昝道广, 常志军, 肖尊严, 曲大成, 王永吉. 动态迁移实体块信息的跨领域中文实体识别模型.软件学报. 2021.在线出版. http://www.jos.org.cn/html/0/0/6305.htm</p><p class="ql-block">[16]邓成龙, 关贝, 刘德丰, 刘兰祥, 石清磊, 王浩然, 王永吉. 基于随机森林的宫颈鳞癌放化疗疗效预测. 软件学报. 2021.(EI)</p><p class="ql-block">[17]Zimeng Shang, Zhengguang Du, Bei Guan, Xingyu Ji, Longchang Chen, Yongji Wang, Yun Ma. Correlation Analysis between Characteristics under Gastroscope and Image Information of Tongue in Patients with Chronic Gastritis. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2022, 42(1): 102-107.</p><p class="ql-block">[18]商子梦, 关贝, 王永吉, 刘雨琛, 王海洋, 杜正光, 马赟. 中医四诊客观化在脾胃病诊治中的应用现况. 中国中西医结合杂志. 2021.</p><p class="ql-block">[19]商子梦, 关贝, 马赟, 刘雨琛, 王海洋, 王永吉, 杜正光. 舌诊信息数字化采集和特征分析的研究进展. 中华中医药杂志. 2021.</p><p class="ql-block">[20]Mohamed Nabeel, Issa Khalil, Bei Guan, and Ting Yu. Following Passive DNS Traces to Detect Stealthy Malicious Domains Via Graph Inference. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security. 2020, 23(4), 1-36.</p> <p class="ql-block">[21]王翀, 王秀利, 吕荫润, 张常有, 吴敬征, 关贝, 王永吉. 隐蔽信道新型分类方法与威胁限制策略, 软件学报, 2020,31(1):228-245.</p><p class="ql-block">[22]Chong Wang, Nasro Min-Allah, Bei Guan, Yu-Qi Lin, Jing-Zheng Wu, Yong-Ji Wang. An Efficient Approach for Mitigating Covert StorageChannel Attacks in Virtual Machines by the Anti-Detection Criterion, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2019, 34(6): 1351-1365.</p><p class="ql-block">[23]虞哲英, 关贝, 昝道广, 吕荫润, 毕丽阳, 王永吉. 一种不依赖用户行为数据的科研文献推送系统. 文献与数据学报, 2019,1(2): 76-89.</p><p class="ql-block">[24]Haoli Ren, Xiaolin Chen, Bei Guan, Yongji Wang, Tiantian Liu and Kongyang Peng. Research on Satellite Orbit Prediction Based on Neural Network Algorithm. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI 2019) Guangzhou, China, June 2019, pp. 1-7.</p><p class="ql-block">[25]张艺品, 关贝, 吕荫润, 王翀, 吴炳潮, 王永吉, 毕诗旋. 深度学习基础上的中医实体抽取方法研究, 医学信息学杂志, 2019, 40(02): 58-63.</p><p class="ql-block">[26]李彦锋, 丁丽萍, 吴敬征, 崔强, 刘雪花, 关贝, 王永吉, 网络隐蔽信道关键技术研究综述, 软件学报, 2019, 30(8): 2470-2490.</p><p class="ql-block">[27]Liyang Bi, Yongji Wang, Dacheng Qu and Bei Guan. A Hybrid Recommendation Method with Multilayer Perception Applied on Real World Data. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI 2018). Sanya, China, December 2018, pp. 1-7.</p><p class="ql-block">[28]Issa Khalil, Bei Guan, Mohamed Nabeel, and Ting Yu. A Domain is only as Good as its Buddies: Detecting Stealthy Malicious Domains via Graph Inference. In the proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2018), Tempe, AZ, USA. March 2018. pp. 330-341. (Best Paper)</p><p class="ql-block">[29]Issa Khalil, Ting Yu, and Bei Guan. Discovering Malicious Domains through Passive DNS Data Graph Analysis. In the proceedings of the 11th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2016), Xi’an, China, May 2016. pp. 663-674.</p><p class="ql-block">[30]Bei Guan, Jingzheng Wu, Yongji Wang, and Samee U. Khan. CIVSched: A Communication-aware Inter-VM Scheduling Technique for Decreased Network Latency between Co-located Virtual Machines. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2014, 2(3), pp. 320-332.</p><p class="ql-block">[31]Bei Guan, Yanjun Wu, Liping Ding, and Yongji Wang. CIVSched: Communication-aware Inter-VM Scheduling in Virtual Machine Monitor based on the Process. In the proceedings of 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2013). Delft, the Netherlands. May 2013. pp. 597-604.</p><p class="ql-block">[32]Bei Guan, Yanjun Wu, and Yongji Wang. A Novel Security Scheme for Online Banking Based on Virtual Machine. In the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Security and Reliability (SERE 2012), Washington, DC, June 2012. pp. 12-17.</p><p class="ql-block">[33]Baozeng Ding, Yanjun Wu, Yeping He, Shuo Tian, Bei Guan, and GuoWei Wu. Return-Oriented Programming Attack on the Xen Hypervisor. The 7th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2012), 479-484</p><p class="ql-block">[34]Bei Guan, Yanjun Wu, and Yongji Wang. A New Security Scheme for Online Banking Based on Virtual Machine (poster). The 2nd ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2011). Shanghai, China, July, 2011.</p><p class="ql-block">[35]廖晓锋, 王永吉, 周津慧, 关贝. 一种领域专家文献自动收集系统. 计算机系统应用, 2012, 21(6), pp. 115-120</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>专利:</b></p><p class="ql-block">[1] 基于多特征融合的乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效预测装置. 2022.申请号:2022108055755. 发明人:关贝,赵亚晨,王永吉,石清磊,曹崑. </p><p class="ql-block">[2] 一种可拖拽自配置式的工作流生成方法及系统. 2022.申请号:2023100198238. 发明人:李晨溪, 关贝, 王永吉, 刘峻峰, 赵亚晨, 李伟, 吴炳潮, 陈晓霖, 昝道广. </p><p class="ql-block">[3] 一种基于虚拟机的移动介质网银安全认证方法. 专利号:CN201110030183.8. 发明人:于佳耕, 武延军, 吴涛, 关贝, 赵琛.</p><p class="ql-block">[4] 一种基于多节点时间戳共谋的区块链网络隐蔽通信方法. 专利号:CN111245570A. 发明人:李彦峰, 丁丽萍, 吴敬征, 崔强, 关贝, 刘雪花.</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>软著:</b></p><p class="ql-block">[1]李伟,关贝,昝道广,王永吉.基于表单组件拖拽和配置的低代码开发系统.登记号:</p><p class="ql-block">2024SR0778352.</p><p class="ql-block">[2]李伟,关贝,昝道广,王永吉.基于配置的大模型运行调用系统.登记号:</p><p class="ql-block">2024SR1979676.</p><p class="ql-block">[3]陈晓霖,昝道广,关贝,王永吉.论文精准推送系统.登记号:2023SR1220768.</p><p class="ql-block">[4]陈晓霖,昝道广,关贝,王永吉.高层次人才画像分析平台.登记号:2024SR0183200.</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>专著:</b>Jingzheng Wu, Yanjun Wu, Bei Guan, Yuqi Lin, Samee U. Khan, Nasro Min-Allah, Yongji Wang. C2 Hunter: Detection and Mitigation Covert Channels in Data Centers. In Handbook on Data Centers, Springer- Verlag, New York, USA. 2015: 961-996.</p> <p class="ql-block">【作者简介】古文亮,字寅伯,号青山。大专文化,中共党员,山西芮城人。南海书画院常务副院长,一级书法师。 1976年参加工作,曾在芮城县文化系统和城建系统工作。现任晋陕豫黄河金三角区域合作促进会常务副秘书长,运城市商业联合会副会长、副秘书长。</p>