<p class="ql-block"> Today is a happy day, it's the birthday of a good old lady. Reuniting at home, singing loudly, not very happy. When I woke up early in the morning, my good old lady showed me my phone, my glasses were not on, and I was in a daze. As soon as I saw the words "birthday" and my glasses were in place, I couldn't stop feeling extremely happy. At that moment, she didn't hit the wall and exclaimed, 'This is my dear sister Zhang Yuxia!'. According to my family in all, dear sister Zhang Yuxia is currently on a tour these days. When? Just a little over! This is not an accidental gain. Every year at this time, greetings are constant. So we were overjoyed, celebrating together in the morning and gathering together in the afternoon. Until evening, write a composition to remember. Searching for an ancient text, pretending to be Tao Yuanming, hoping to only add laughter. The second day of the second lunar month in the year of Yi Si.</p><p class="ql-block"> 今日喜,乃是好婆之生日。家中团聚,引吭高歌,虽是在新年之中,并无车马喧,舍南舍北皆春水,但见群鸥日日来,不甚快乐。一早醒来,好婆示我手机,眼镜未戴,迷迷糊糊,一眼见“生日二字”,眼镜就位,见“生日快乐”,疑何人贺之。于时手舞足蹈,惊呼:“此乃亲爱的张玉霞姐姐!”。于朋友圈知,此数日,亲爱的张玉霞姐姐正在游览。呜呼,其中快乐此非偶然所得。每年此时,问候不断。于是欢快不已,上午共同庆祝,下午欢聚一堂。至晚间,依然快乐,作文以记至。寻古文一篇,冒充陶渊明,望未是徒增笑耳。乙巳年公历二月二也。</p>