<p class="ql-block">Grand Traverse Guided Walk Greenstone and Routeburn Track <span style="color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">Day3</span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">从 <span style="font-size:18px;">Greenstone and Routeburn Track 大翻越的</span><span style="font-size:18px; color:rgb(237, 35, 8);">第三天</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:18px;"></span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Day 3 <span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">was designated</span> as a rest day, allowing participants the freedom to choose how to spend their time. Options included relaxing at the Lodge, exploring the surrounding area, or enjoying the serene lake. However, a half-day walk was also available, and everyone except Alice opted for this adventure.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Alice suffered her right ankle injury from a fall off a cliff in the previous day and choice to stay in the Lodge for recover and resting. Debbie injured her right wrist in a fall but displayed remarkable determination. She elected herself to join the group and have a half-day adventure. <span style="font-size:18px;">The rest of the group set out on a scenic half-day adventure, soaking in the stunning landscapes and natural beauty of the Greenstone and the Routeburn tracks.</span></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250);">Day 3 was </span><span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250); font-size:18px;"> turned out to be the most challenging,</span><span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250);"> determination, and adventure, making it a memorable chapter in the Grand Traverse experience.</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></p><p class="ql-block">第三天<span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">被指定</span>为休息日,允许参与者自由选择如何度过他们的时间,包括在小屋放松,探索周边地区,或者享受宁静的湖泊,另外,半天的攀登是可以任你选择的,除了Alice,每个人都选择了这次冒险,</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Alice 在头一天从悬崖上摔下,右脚踝受伤,她选择留在小屋休养。Debbie 在一次摔倒中伤了手腕,但她表现出了非凡的决心,决意加入半天的徒步。其余的人开始了半天的风景徒步冒险,沉浸在令人惊叹的景观和大自然🍃美景的Greenstone and Routeburn tracks之中。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250);">第三天被证明是最具挑战性、最需要决心的、最冒险的一天,使它成为了在这场大翻越经历中,令人难忘的一章。</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250);">.</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">In the serene mountains, there lies a remarkable mushroom plant 🌱. Its surface is a <span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250);">velvety expanse</span>, <span style="color:rgb(176, 79, 187);">reminiscent of a plush wool mat</span>, inviting you to touch it. As your fingers sink into its <span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">dense texture</span>, you feel a comforting warmth, like a gentle embrace from nature itself.</p><p class="ql-block">在宁静的山中,有一种非凡的蘑菇植物。它的表面是<span style="color:rgb(21, 100, 250);">天鹅绒般的广阔</span>,<span style="color:rgb(176, 79, 187);">让人联想到毛茸茸的羊毛垫</span>。邀请您触摸它,当你的手指沉入其<span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">密集的纹理中</span>,你会感受到一种舒适的温暖。就像大自然本身的温柔拥抱。</p> <p class="ql-block">Climbing up to the mountain 上山⛰️</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Scott was supposed to be at the front with the faster climbers, but he chose to stay back with Debbie and me. As we were slower climbers, his support was invaluable. He <span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">instinctively</span> knew when to wait and lend a hand. Whether it was reaching out to pull, push, or steady me, his gestures always moved me deeply.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Scott 本应该和更快的攀登者跑在前面,但他选择跟我和Debbie 呆在后面, 由于我们爬得比较慢, 他的支持是无价的! 他<span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">本能地</span>知道什么时候该等待, 什么时候该伸出援手, 无论是伸手拉我, 推我, 还是稳住我,他的动作都深深地打动了我。</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Unfortunately, there was no one available to record Scott helping me, so I could only make videos of Debbie. </p><p class="ql-block">很不幸的是,当时没有人把 Scott 帮我的情景录制下来,我只能录制 Scott 帮助 Debbie 的场景。</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Wendy and Jess</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Ben, Fred and Edie </p> <p class="ql-block"> Wei, Debbie and Lindsey </p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Which will have a lovely view of on the last day, but yeah, it's just pretty cool just to kind of nest and obviously got you what picture looking at.</p><p class="ql-block">when I am hiking in general I'll have a good memory,</p><p class="ql-block">but there's so much to remember </p><p class="ql-block">as a guide I forget the niceties like what you're actually looking at them. </p><p class="ql-block">Peaks can start to look the same, don't you think?</p><p class="ql-block">在最后一天会有很美的景色,但是,这很酷,就像筑巢一样,很明显你看到的是照片一样的.</p><p class="ql-block">一般来说,当我徒步旅行时我会有一个好的记忆,但是有太多的事情要记住。</p><p class="ql-block">作为一个向导,我忘记了一些细节,比如你实际上看到的。</p><p class="ql-block">山峰看起来会差不多,你不觉得吗?</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">We eventually reached at the peak of the mountain ⛰️ and it was windy and cold.</p> <p class="ql-block">This is a Mountain Strawberry 这是山中草莓。</p> <p class="ql-block">Getting down was not easy. 下山不容易。</p> <p class="ql-block">Debbie tripped over and had nose bleeding. </p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:18px;">Debbie 绊倒了, 鼻子出血了。</span></p> <p class="ql-block">Debbie and I returned to the Lodge at 2 p.m., just as others were finishing their lunch. I quickly grabbed a bite to eat myself.</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size:18px;">下午两点,Debbie 和我 回到小木屋🏕️,其他人都吃过午饭了,我自己赶快吃了一点儿。</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">I couldn’t resist capturing the beautiful lovely moment with my camera.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">乖乖女Edie累了,躺在爸爸Ben的腿上, 她的脚搭在弟弟Fred的腿上,我忍不住用我的相机扑捉到了这温馨幸福的时刻。</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Our group loves reading, and everyone brought their own books. Whenever they have some spare time, they sit down, open their books, and <span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">immerse</span> themselves in reading. It's truly special for me to watch them enjoy this moment.</p><p class="ql-block">我们团的人爱读书,每一位都带了书来的,一旦有时间他们就会坐下来,打开书,<span style="color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">沉浸在</span>阅读之中。看着他们享受读书的快乐的时候,对我来说真的很特别😋。</p> <p class="ql-block">Bec is a primary school teacher in Victoria Australia.</p> <p class="ql-block">Alice is a university professor in Western Australia, and her son Julian is a primary school teacher in Wellington, New Zealand.</p><p class="ql-block">Alice 是 WA 大学教授, 儿子Julian 是新西兰 Wellington 小学老师。</p> <p class="ql-block">It's our dinner time, I had a big piece of beef.</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">When Scott chose to sit with me, it truly made my day. I really like him, and having him by my side filled me with joy. There’s so much I want to say about how wonderful that moment felt.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">当 Scott 选择坐在我的身边的时候,啊,他让我整个这一天都是这么的快乐。我真的喜欢他。他坐在我的身边,让我多么的开心。我有很多想要说的。。。他坐在我的身边的那一时刻是多么的美妙。</p> <p class="ql-block">Scott, Ben, Edie, Fred and Jess were enjoying having fun with Monopoly.</p> <p class="ql-block">Joao and Julian were playing Chess.</p> <p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">This was our Day 3 of Great Traverse Guided Walk The Greenstone and Routeburn Track and lights out at 10:00 pm and that was called a day.</p><p class="ql-block">❤️🤔🤔❤️🤔🤔❤️🤔🤔❤️🤔🤔❤️🤔🤔❤️</p>