

<p class="ql-block"><b>张康德(中国)</b></p> <p class="ql-block">  张康德,<b>世界文化名人,第8届世界文化交流伟大贡献奖得主,世界文化大使勋章获得者,世界名人研究院副院长,2020~2025中英双语版《世界名人录》荣誉顾问,编委,中国当代著名方志学者、作家、诗人、翻译家、人口经济学家、文艺评论家,思想教育家、资深出版人、文化策划撰稿人</b>,字怀玉,号,香山居士,曾用笔名:秦川、日月、白愚。男,汉族, 1963年2月6日生于中国西安,中国陕西省郿县杨家湾人,中共党员,九三学社社员。大学学历,先后就读于成都科技大学、陕西省广播电视大学、西安理工大学、中共陕西省委党校、香港公开大学。教育学硕士、管理学博士。研究员。高级编辑。历任中国陕西省眉县果品厂团委书记、民兵连长、副总工程师,眉县新机具研究所、太白山药物研究所所长、研究员,太白山药物开发研究会副会长、会长,眉县计划生育委员会主任秘书、调研员,县计划生育协会秘书长,人口学会会长,第四次人口普查办指导员,县地方志编委会编审,《眉县志》总纂,眉县建材机械厂政工科长,眉县水利水保局《水利志》办公室副主编,陕西省眉县信用合作联社信贷监测员,中国太平洋人寿保险公司宝鸡中心支公司营销主管、兼职讲师、眉县分部经理,合众人寿宝鸡中心支公司首任营业部经理、业务总监,华夏人寿保险股份有限公司眉县支公司经理、工会主席,天则出版社副总编,陕西科技报社、农业科技报社主任记者(此期间兼西北农林科技大学出版社特邀编辑)、陕西凤凰公关策划传媒服务有限公司总经理,香港捷达集团有限公司执行总裁兼南宁分公司经理,中国管理科学研究院企业管理创新研究所副所长、研究员,《陕西省志·太白山志》编辑部执行副主编、杨凌示范区地方志编纂委员会副主任兼秘书长、杨凌示范区地方志办公室总编辑,陕西省农业厅办公室调研员、《陕西省志·农业志》副主编,陕西省扶贫开发办公室综合处一级调研员、《陕西省·扶贫开发志》执行主编。</p><p class="ql-block"> 现系中国文艺出版社、中国生产力出版社社长兼总编辑,中国网络作家协会主席,陕西省人民政府参事,中国文艺家协会常务副主席、香港特别行政区文联副主席,香港孔子学院副院长,CCTV全球爱华诗歌春晚导演兼陕西会场主席;中国秦岭发展研究会、秦岭太白山自然生态养生学会会长、宝鸡毛泽东诗词书法研究会、陕西太白山文化研究会、陕西省史志协会、陕西省写作学会副会长,杨凌示范区老年协会党总支书记、执行会长兼秘书长,陕西省太白诗社名誉社长,凤翔女登文化研究会、杨陵区姜嫄文化研究协会、杨陵民俗民间文化研究会名誉会长。中国报纸副刊研究会、中国药学会、中国国际文艺家协会、陕西省秦风诗词学会、陕西省民间文艺家协会、陕西省硬笔书法协会理事、陕西省写作学会、陕西省科普作家协会、陕西省新闻工作者协会、宝鸡市老摄影家协会副主席,中华诗词学会、中国楹联学会、中国散文学会、中国书画家协会、中国地方志学会、中国传统文化促进会、中国老年学与老年医学学会会员,陕西省市县志审稿专家组成员、秦岭、太白山文化学者。中国管理科学研究院、中央文史研究馆、中央党史与文献研究院、西北大学陕西文化产业研究院、陕西太白山文化研究院研究员,陕西师范大学关学研究院特邀研究员;西安交通大学、西北农林科技大学、宁波大学客座教授。三秦史志研究院理事长。中国国际交流出版社特邀顾问编委,《中国生产力报》副总编,《中国文艺》、《大秦岭》、《天台山》、《太白风》《夕阳红》主编。太白山国家森林公园、汤峪温泉疗养院、太白山书画院顾问、《太白山》杂志艺术顾问,《眉商之路》执行总编、《中国纪实》《西部文学》副主编、《兰亭诗画》《乐安诗画》《岐商》《美罗》杂志艺术总监。文艺之窗网、文艺·手机、非遗·手机创始人。</p><p class="ql-block"> 1983年开始地方史志编研。1985年开始文学编辑与创作。主要著述有:《果汁饮料制作工艺》、《世界语速成读本》、《张载年谱》、《张载与正蒙》、《两画泪》、《性教育基础》、《眉县人口计划生育志》、《眉县地震志》(合著)、《眉县地理志》、《眉县水利志》(合著)、《眉县志》(合著)、《太白山志》、《宝鸡市计划生育志》(合著)、《宝鸡市水土保持志》、《陕西风物志》、《陕西人物年鉴》(合著)、《眉县农业区划更新研究(1980~1990)》(合著)、《眉县60年大事要览(1949-2009)》《民间特效单验秘方一百例》、《太白七药》、《太白草药医学概论》、《太白山纪事》、《秦岭纵考》、《仰望南山》《实用对联集锦》、《魅力汤峪》、《太白山民间故事集成》、《聚金者的足迹》(合著)、《金融法规和知识问答》、《禁毒知识百问百答》、《中国金融企业大全》(合著)、《人寿保险读本》、《人寿保保险投保指南》、《市场营销心理学》、《马克思主义哲学纲要》、《麒麟哲学》、《山海经注》、《商君书注》《道德经注》、《内经注译》、《百喻经注译》、《农历》、《论党风》、《二十四孝图解》、《西府童谣》、《香山阁吟稿》、《止园随笔》、《西安百科全书》(参编)、《党政干部大词典》(参编)、《陕西概览》(合著)、《陕西导游》、《中国当代人生格言》(合编)、《中国老年大智慧》(合著)、《简明方志词典》、《第二轮陕西省志编纂指导手册》、《陕西省志·太白山志》(责编),《太白山汤峪温泉志》、《太白山国家森林公园志》、《杨凌地方志志》、《杨凌示范区档案志》、《杨凌金融志》、《杨凌示范区志》《杨凌文化艺术志》《李岚清与杨凌》《杨凌名人传略》《银龄絮语》《杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区诞生记》《百年记忆》《新集村志》(合著)《陕西省志·档案志》《陕西省志·方志志》《西部大开发陕西志》《中国共产党陕西历史(第二卷)》(合著)、《秦岭志》、《渭河志》、《民国志》、《笔杆子内参》等。参加研制的JZK单螺旋系列真空挤砖机1998年12月20日荣获首届国际“牛顿”科技发明成果博览会国际金奖。发表论文数十篇,其中《好的主管要从多方入手》1998年9月4日获《中国保险报》“国卫保险杯”优秀征文奖,《商业保险公司的发展方向和市场定位》获陕西省保险学会优秀论文奖,《地方综合年鉴条目及编写规范研究》获2017年“湘志杯”全国方志理论研究征文三等奖。《新编地方志要重视“文革”与改革的记述》获世界文化艺术研究中心国际优秀论文奖。《西部农村地区推行“医养结合”的一面旗帜》2020年获中国老年学与老年医学学会优秀论文奖。《王维与辋川,究竟谁成就了谁?》获2021年中国王维研究会第九届年会暨王维国际学术研讨会优秀论文奖。主编出版了《扶眉战役丛书》《宝鸡新文学丛书》《陕西地方史话丛书》《中国风物丛书》《21世纪作家文库》《新时代艺术文库》《汉语新诗百年大系》、《走进古代文明》等大型丛书。其生平业绩被收入《中国当代方志学者词典》、《中华创新与发明人物大辞典》、《中华魂·中国百业领导英才大典》、《世界姓氏总谱》、《世界华人专家名典》、《世界优秀专家人才名典》、《世界科技名人录》、《世界人物辞海》等50余部典籍。2000年被世界华人交流协会授予“荣誉博士”。2009年被授予“1999-2008十年世界时代杰出创新人物”。2010年被授予“世界文化名人”、“全国方志十杰”、“陕西省资深修志工作者”、“太白山绿色大使”。2015年被中国当代文学研究会授予“中国当代百佳诗人”。2017年被世界华人交流协会授予“年度最具影响力的世界华人”。2018年被授予“中国改革开放四十年风云人物”。2019年被中华孔子学会儒商文化研究会授予“中华孝道十大模范人物”,是年入选“华人榜”。2020年被中共中央宣传部授予“时代楷模”。</p><p class="ql-block"> 2025年1月8日荣获第8届世界文化交流伟大贡献奖,世界文化大使勋章,其个人近照,杰出成就入编2025中英双语版《世界名人录》(综合卷·文化卷·文学卷),2025中英双语版《世界名人录》(综合22卷)由世界名人研究院主编,世界圣火艺术研究院,世界文艺界杰出文艺家联合会协编。</p> <p class="ql-block">  Zhang Kangde, a world-renowned cultural figure, winner of the 8th World Cultural Exchange Great Contribution Award, recipient of the World Cultural Ambassador Medal, Vice President of the World Celebrity Research Institute, Honorary Advisor and Editorial Board Member of the 2020-2025 bilingual edition of "World Celebrity Record", a renowned contemporary Chinese local chronicler, writer, poet, translator, population economist, literary critic, ideological educator, senior publisher, and cultural planning writer. His courtesy name is Huaiyu, and his pen name is Xiangshan Jushi. He has used pen names Qin Chuan, Ri Yue, and Bai Yu. Male, Han nationality, born on February 6, 1963 in Xi'an, China, from Yangjiawan, Meixian County, Shaanxi Province, China. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and a member of the 93 Society. I have a university degree and have studied at Chengdu University of Science and Technology, Shaanxi Radio and Television University, Xi'an University of Technology, Shaanxi Provincial Party School of the Communist Party of China, and Open University of Hong Kong. Master of Education and PhD in Management. researcher. Senior editor. He has served as the Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Commander of the Militia Company, and Deputy Chief Engineer of Meixian Fruit Factory in Shaanxi Province, China. He is also the Director and Researcher of Meixian New Machinery Research Institute and Taibai Mountain Drug Research Institute, Vice President and President of Taibai Mountain Drug Development Research Association, Director Secretary and Researcher of Meixian Family Planning Committee, Secretary General of County Family Planning Association, President of Population Society, Instructor of the Fourth National Population Census Office, Editor in Chief of the County Local Chronicles Editorial Committee, Chief Editor of the Meixian County Chronicles, Political Work Director of Meixian Building Materials Machinery Factory, Deputy Editor in Chief of the Water Conservancy Chronicles Office of Meixian Water Resources and Water Conservation Bureau, Credit Monitor of Meixian Credit Cooperative Union in Shaanxi Province, Marketing Supervisor and Part time Lecturer of Baoji Center Branch of China Pacific Life Insurance Company, Manager of Meixian Branch, and He The first business department manager and business director of Zhongshou Life Baoji Center Branch, Manager and Chairman of the Labor Union of Huaxia Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Meixian Branch, Deputy Editor in Chief of Tianze Publishing House, Chief Reporter of Shaanxi Science and Technology Newspaper and Agricultural Science and Technology Newspaper (during this period, also invited editor of Northwest A&F University Press), General Manager of Shaanxi Phoenix Public Relations Planning and Media Services Co., Ltd., Executive President and Manager of Nanning Branch of Hong Kong Jetta Group Co., Ltd., Deputy Director and Researcher of Enterprise Management Innovation Research Institute of China Academy of Management Sciences, Executive Deputy Editor in Chief of the Editorial Department of "Shaanxi Provincial Gazetteer · Taibai Mountain Gazetteer", Deputy Director and Secretary General of the Compilation Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone Local Gazetteer, Chief Editor of Yangling Demonstration Zone Local Gazetteer Office, Researcher of Shaanxi Provincial Agriculture Department Office, Deputy Editor in Chief of "Shaanxi Provincial Gazetteer · Agricultural Gazetteer First level researcher Executive Editor in Chief of Shaanxi Province's Poverty Alleviation and Development Chronicles.</p> <p class="ql-block">  Currently serving as the President and Editor in Chief of China Literature and Art Publishing House and China Productivity Publishing House, Chairman of China Internet Writers Association, Counselor of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, Executive Vice Chairman of China Literature and Art Association, Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Vice Dean of Hong Kong Confucius Institute, Director of CCTV Global Love China Poetry Spring Festival Gala and Chairman of Shaanxi Venue; President of China Qinling Development Research Association, Qinling Taibai Mountain Natural Ecological Health Preservation Society, Baoji Mao Zedong Poetry and Calligraphy Research Association, Shaanxi Taibai Mountain Cultural Research Association, Shaanxi Provincial Historical Association, Shaanxi Provincial Writing Society Vice President, Secretary of the Party Branch, Executive Director and Secretary General of Yangling Demonstration Zone Elderly Association, Honorary President of Shaanxi Taibai Poetry Society, Honorary President of Fengxiang Maideng Cultural Research Association, Yangling District Jiangyi Cultural Research Association, and Yangling Folk Culture Research Association. Vice Chairman of China Newspaper Supplement Research Association, China Pharmaceutical Association, China International Literature and Art Association, Shaanxi Qinfeng Poetry Society, Shaanxi Folk Literature and Art Association, Shaanxi Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Shaanxi Writing Society, Shaanxi Science Popularization Writers Association, Shaanxi Journalists Association, Baoji Old Photographers Association, member of Chinese Poetry Society, Chinese Couplets Society, Chinese Prose Society, Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Chinese Local Chronicles Society, Chinese Traditional Culture Promotion Association, Chinese Geriatrics and Geriatric Medicine Society, member of Shaanxi City and County Chronicles Review Expert Group, and cultural scholars of Qinling and Taibai Mountains. Researcher at China Academy of Management Sciences, Central Institute of Culture and History, Central Institute of Party History and Literature, Shaanxi Cultural Industry Research Institute of Northwest University, Shaanxi Taibai Mountain Cultural Research Institute, and specially invited researcher at Shaanxi Normal University Institute of Guan Xue; Visiting Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwest A&F University, and Ningbo University. Chairman of the Sanqin Historical Research Institute. Specially invited consultant editor of China International Exchange Press, deputy editor in chief of China Productivity Daily, editor in chief of China Literature and Art, Great Qinling Mountains, Tiantai Mountain, Taibai Wind, and Sunset Red. Advisor to Taibai Mountain National Forest Park, Tangyu Hot Spring Sanatorium, Taibai Mountain Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Art Advisor to "Taibai Mountain" Magazine, Executive Editor in Chief of "Meishang Road", Deputy Editor in Chief of "Chinese Documentary" and "Western Literature", Art Director of "Lanting Poetry and Painting", "Le'an Poetry and Painting", "Qishang" and "Meiluo" Magazines. Founder of Wenyi Window Network, Wenyi Mobile, and Intangible Cultural Heritage Mobile.</p> <p class="ql-block">  Started compiling and researching local historical records in 1983. Started literary editing and creation in 1985. His main works include: "Juice Beverage Production Technology", "Esperanto Quick Reader", "Zhang Zai Chronology", "Zhang Zai and Zheng Meng", "Two Paintings of Tears", "Fundamentals of Sex Education", "Population and Family Planning Chronicles of Meixian County", "Earthquake Chronicles of Meixian County" (co authored), "Geography Chronicles of Meixian County", "Water Resources Chronicles of Meixian County" (co authored), "Meixian Chronicles" (co authored), "Taibai Mountain Chronicles", "Family Planning Chronicles of Baoji City" (co authored), "Soil and Water Conservation Chronicles of Baoji City", "Shaanxi Fengwu Chronicles", "Shaanxi Character Yearbook" (co authored), "Research on Agricultural District Planning Update of Meixian County (1980-1990)" (co authored), Overview of Major Events in Meixian County in the Past 60 Years (1949-2009), One Hundred Cases of Folk Special Effects Single Test Secret Formulas, Seven Medicinal Herbs of Taibai, Introduction to Taibai Herbal Medicine, Chronicles of Taibai Mountain, Qinling Longitudinal Study Looking up at Nanshan "," Practical Couplet Collection "," Charming Tangyu "," Collection of Folk Stories from Taibai Mountain "," Footprints of the Gold Collector "(co authored)," Financial Regulations and Knowledge Q&A "," Hundred Questions and Answers on Drug Control Knowledge "," Complete Collection of Chinese Financial Enterprises "(co authored)," Life Insurance Reader "," Life Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Guide "," Marketing Psychology "," Marxist Philosophy Outline "," Qilin Philosophy "," Shan Hai Jing Annotation "," Shang Jun Shu Annotation "," Tao Te Ching Annotation "," Nei Jing Annotation Translation "," Baiyu Jing Annotation Translation "," Lunar Calendar "," On Party Conduct "," 24 Filial Piety Illustrations "," Xifu Tong Rumors "," Xiangshan Pavilion Recitation "," Zhiyuan Essays "," Xi'an Encyclopedia "(co edited)," Dictionary of Party and Government Cadres "(co edited)," Overview of Shaanxi "(co authored) Shaanxi Tour Guide, Chinese Contemporary Life Motto (co edited), Great Wisdom of Chinese Elderly (co authored), Concise Local Chronicle Dictionary, Guide Manual for the Second Round of Shaanxi Provincial Chronicle Compilation, Shaanxi Provincial Chronicle · Taibai Mountain Chronicle (co edited), Taibai Mountain Tangyu Hot Spring Chronicle, Taibai Mountain National Forest Park Chronicle, Yangling Local Chronicle, Yangling Demonstration Area Archives, Yangling Financial Chronicle, Yangling Demonstration Area Chronicle, Yangling Cultural and Art Chronicle, Li Lanqing and Yangling, Yangling Celebrity Biography, Yinling Xu Yu, Yangling Agricultural High tech The Birth of the Technology Industry Demonstration Zone, Centennial Memory, Xinji Village Chronicle (co authored), Shaanxi Provincial Chronicle · Archives Chronicle, Shaanxi Provincial Chronicle · Local Chronicle, Western Development Shaanxi Chronicle, CPC Shaanxi History (Volume II) (Co authored), "Qinling Annals", "Weihe Annals", "Republican Annals", "Bijizi Nei Shen", etc. The JZK single spiral series vacuum brick extruder, which participated in the development, won the International Gold Award at the first International "Newton" Science and Technology Invention Achievement Expo on December 20, 1998. Published dozens of papers, among which "A good supervisor should start from multiple aspects" won the "National Health Insurance Cup" Excellent Essay Award from China Insurance News on September 4, 1998, "The Development Direction and Market Positioning of Commercial Insurance Companies" won the Excellent Paper Award from Shaanxi Insurance Society, and "Research on the Entry and Writing Standards of Local Comprehensive Yearbook" won the third prize in the 2017 "Xiangzhi Cup" National Local Chronicles Theory Research Essay Award. The New Local Chronicles Should Pay Attention to the Description of the Cultural Revolution and Reform "won the International Excellent Paper Award from the World Cultural and Art Research Center. The banner of promoting the integration of medical care and elderly care in rural areas of western China won the Excellent Paper Award of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics in 2020. Wang Wei and Wang Chuan, Who Achieved Who? "Won the Excellent Paper</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">Award at the 9th Annual Conference of the China Wang Wei Research Association and the Wang Wei International Academic Symposium in 2021. The editor in chief has published large-scale series such as "Fumei Campaign Series", "Baoji New Literature Series", "Shaanxi Local History Series", "Chinese Culture Series", "21st Century Writers Library", "New Era Art Library", "Chinese New Poetry Century Series", "Entering Ancient Civilization", etc. His life achievements have been included in more than 50 classic works such as the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Local Chronicles Scholars, the Dictionary of Chinese Innovation and Invention Figures, the Chinese Soul · Chinese Hundred Industry Leadership Talent Encyclopedia, the World Surnames Genealogy, the World Chinese Expert Dictionary, the World Excellent Expert Talent Dictionary, the World Science and Technology Celebrity Record, and the World Character Dictionary. In 2000, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the World Chinese Exchange Association. In 2009, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Innovative Figure of the World Era from 1999 to 2008". In 2010, he was awarded the titles of "World Cultural Celebrity", "Top Ten National Gazetteers", "Senior Gazetteer in Shaanxi Province", and "Green Ambassador of Mount Taibai". In 2015, he was awarded the title of "Top 100 Contemporary Chinese Poets" by the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association. In 2017, he was awarded the title of "Most Influential World Chinese of the Year" by the World Chinese Exchange Association. In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Person of the Year in China's 40 Years of Reform and Opening up". In 2019, he was awarded the title of "Top Ten Exemplary Figures of Filial Piety in China" by the Confucian Business Culture Research Association of the Chinese Confucius Society and was selected for the "Chinese List" that year. In 2020, he was awarded the title of "Model of the Times" by the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China.</p><p class="ql-block">Award at the 9th Annual Conference of the China Wang Wei Research Association and the Wang Wei International Academic Symposium in 2021. The editor in chief has published large-scale series such as "Fumei Campaign Series", "Baoji New Literature Series", "Shaanxi Local History Series", "Chinese Culture Series", "21st Century Writers Library", "New Era Art Library", "Chinese New Poetry Century Series", "Entering Ancient Civilization", etc. His life achievements have been included in more than 50 classic works such as the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Local Chronicles Scholars, the Dictionary of Chinese Innovation and Invention Figures, the Chinese Soul · Chinese Hundred Industry Leadership Talent Encyclopedia, the World Surnames Genealogy, the World Chinese Expert Dictionary, the World Excellent Expert Talent Dictionary, the World Science and Technology Celebrity Record, and the World Character Dictionary. In 2000, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the World Chinese Exchange Association. In 2009, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Innovative Figure of the World Era from 1999 to 2008". In 2010, he was awarded the titles of "World Cultural Celebrity", "Top Ten National Gazetteers", "Senior Gazetteer in Shaanxi Province", and "Green Ambassador of Mount Taibai". In 2015, he was awarded the title of "Top 100 Contemporary Chinese Poets" by the Chinese Contemporary Literature Research Association. In 2017, he was awarded the title of "Most Influential World Chinese of the Year" by the World Chinese Exchange Association. In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Person of the Year in China's 40 Years of Reform and Opening up". In 2019, he was awarded the title of "Top Ten Exemplary Figures of Filial Piety in China" by the Confucian Business Culture Research Association of the Chinese Confucius Society and was selected for the "Chinese List" that year. In 2020, he was awarded the title of "Model of the Times" by the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China.</p> <p class="ql-block">  On January 8, 2025, he was awarded the Great Contribution Award for World Cultural Exchange and the World Cultural Ambassador Medal. His personal recent photo and outstanding achievements were included in the 2025 bilingual edition of "World Celebrity List" (Comprehensive Volume, Cultural Volume, Literature Volume). The 2025 bilingual edition of "World Celebrity List" (Comprehensive Volume 22) is edited by the World Celebrity Research Institute, co edited by the World Torch Art Research Institute and the World Federation of Outstanding Literary and Art Circles.</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>名人风采</b></p><p class="ql-block">Celebrity style</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>世界殊荣</b></p><p class="ql-block">Celebrity style</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>附录:</b></p><p class="ql-block">Appendix:</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> <b>2020-2025中英双语版《世界名人录》(综合22卷)征稿(征订)启示</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> 欢迎各国各界先生(女士)发来近照,简历,代表作品(非艺术类名人不用发来文字作品或书画摄影类图片)译编2024中英双语版《世界名人录》(综合22卷),担任世界名人研究院、世界圣火艺术研究院院士或分院院长副院长、世界文艺界杰出文艺家联合会会员,理事,分会主席,副主席等职务鼎力相助研究院、联合会发展!</p><p class="ql-block"> 已经入编入会任职的先生(女士)可以推荐更多各界名人,杰出青年入编入会任职!</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> 联系人:院长主席总编伟人之心(王迅)</p><p class="ql-block"> 电子邮箱:sjmrl2022@163.com</p> <p class="ql-block">  <b>2020-2025 Bilingual Edition of "World Who's Who" (Comprehensive 22 Volume) Solicitation (Subscription) Enlightenment</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> Welcome people from all walks of life from all over the world to send recent photos, resumes, representative works (non artistic celebrities do not need to send written works or calligraphy, painting, and photography pictures), translate and compile the 2025 Chinese English bilingual version of the "World Who's Who" (comprehensive 22 volumes), serve as academicians or vice presidents of the World Celebrity Research Institute, the World Flame Art Research Institute, and members, directors, and branch chairmen of the World Federation of Outstanding Literary and Artists in the Literary and Artistic World, Vice Chairman and other positions make every effort to assist the development of the research institute and the federation!</p><p class="ql-block"> Ladies and gentlemen who have already joined the organization can recommend more celebrities and outstanding young people from all walks of life to join the organization!</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"> Contact person: Dean, Chairman, Editor in Chief, Weiren Zhixin (Wang Xun)</p><p class="ql-block"> Tel: 18740956400</p><p class="ql-block"> Email: sjmrl2022@163.com</p>