

Minor Cold <p class="ql-block">小寒,二十四节气中的第二十三个节气,意味着开始进入一年中最寒冷的时期。寒风凛冽刺骨。梅花悄然吐蕾绽放,在冰雪中傲然屹立。夜幕降临,星辰闪烁,月光皎洁,小寒的夜空下,万物沉睡,静待春的唤醒。</p><p class="ql-block">Minor Cold, the twenty-third of the 24 solar terms, marks the approach of the coldest period of the year. The cold wind chills to the bone. Plum blossoms quietly bud and bloom, standing proudly amid the snow and ice.</p><p class="ql-block">As night falls, stars twinkle and the moon shines brightly. Under the cold night sky of Minor Cold, all things sleep, waiting silently for the awakening of spring.</p> <p class="ql-block">寒风中,节日的气息悄然弥漫。人们忙着置办年货,写春联、挂窗花、张贴年画、买鞭炮等,迎接即将到来的春节,满怀对新的一年的憧憬和家人团聚的期盼。</p><p class="ql-block">In the cold wind, the festive atmosphere quietly spreads. People are busy preparing for the Chinese New Year, writing Spring Festival couplets, decorating windows with paper-cuts, putting up New Year pictures and buying fireworks.</p><p class="ql-block">They're eagerly awaiting the upcoming festival, filled with anticipation for the new year and a longing for family reunions.</p> <p class="ql-block">小寒与腊八节相近。每年农历腊月初八,家家户户围坐一桌,品尝热气腾腾的腊八粥。粥里的大米、红枣、花生和莲子等食材交织成一片温暖的味道,象征着团圆、吉祥,更蕴含着养生与祈福的双重意义。</p><p class="ql-block">Laba Festival, the eighth day of the 12th month on the Chinese calendar, is often around Minor Cold. Every year, Chinese families gather at the table to enjoy steaming Laba porridge on that day.</p><p class="ql-block">Rice, red dates, peanuts and lotus seeds, blend together to create a warm, comforting flavor, symbolizing reunion and good fortune, while also carrying the dual significance of health and blessings.</p> <p class="ql-block">小寒是进补的好时机,宜适食用羊肉等具有温补作用的食物,并搭配大白菜、萝卜等蔬菜,有助于增强体质,抵御寒冷。</p><p class="ql-block">Minor Cold is an excellent time for replenishment. It is advisable to eat nourishing foods such as lamb, and pair them with vegetables like Chinese cabbage and radishes, which help strengthen the body and resist the cold.</p> <p class="ql-block">涮羊肉火锅、糖炒栗子和烤红薯,都是冬日里不可或缺的美味,温暖着人们的心与胃。外出时要注意保暖,平时可进行适度的运动锻炼,增强免疫力,保持身体健康。</p><p class="ql-block">Hot pot with lamb, sugar-roasted chestnuts, and roasted sweet potatoes are all essential winter treats, warming both the heart and the stomach. It is important to keep warm when you go out, and regular moderate exercise can help boost immunity and maintain overall health.</p> <p class="ql-block">尽管小寒象征严冬,但春意正在萌动,如大雁北迁,喜鹊筑巢,野鸡鸣叫。二十四节气中只有白露和小寒是完全以鸟类作为物候标识,古人认为鸟类能最先感知自然界的阴阳之气变化。</p><p class="ql-block">Although Minor Cold symbolizes the cold winter, signs of spring are already emerging. For example, wild geese migrate to the north, magpies start to build their nests, and pheasants start to tweet loudly.</p><p class="ql-block">Among the 24 solar terms, only White Dew and Minor Cold are marked as being bird-related in phenology. Ancient Chinese believed that birds were the first to sense the flows of the energy of yin and yang.</p> <p class="ql-block">小寒期间,约上家人朋友,踏雪寻梅,享受冬日的自然美景。“俏也不争春,只把春来报”。在冰雪中独自怒放的梅花,仿佛在轻声诉说,春天的脚步已经悄悄临近。</p><p class="ql-block">You can invite family and friends to walk through the snow and seek out plum blossoms, enjoying the natural beauty of winter.</p><p class="ql-block">"Though sweet and fair, with other flowers she won't rival. But only heralds spring's arrival." The plum blossoms, blooming alone amid the snow and ice, seem to gently whisper that the footsteps of spring are quietly approaching.</p>