Unscramble of Squeeze


<p class="ql-block">Author: Luo Shixin Wuhan China</p><p class="ql-block">Review:Wei Houpei American Chinese</p> Social bridge <p class="ql-block"><b>S</b>queeze is the highest level of bridge, and it is also the most difficult to play. Identifying the type of squeeze, is the first threshold to enter the squeeze.</p><p class="ql-block"><b>H</b>owever, which is theory is profound, the concept is complex, the type is complicated, and the translation is also obscure, so that there are players who respect and stay far away are more, but those who learn are few.</p><p class="ql-block"><b>I</b>n this article, the squeeze is sorted into the kind of 19 fixed formula card spectrum, and according to the difficulty of squeeze, it is divided into three parts of Basic, intermediate and high-level, and it is unscrambled. Analyze its laws and relationships so as to simplify popular, easy to recognize and remember.</p> <b>I</b>n fact, for the squeeze, the basic is enough. After understand its fixed card spectrum, it is often inadvertently played. The intermediate and the high-level, it is difficult to meet for a lifetime. But it is also a pleasure to know its types and appreciate the art of squeeze in bridge. Once played, you will never forget it. "Unscramble of Squeeze" was included in Baidu Library in 2018. <b>I</b>n 2021, it was enthusiastically recommended by Professor Wei Houpei, an American Chinese,bridge master, and checking by English editors, and published in an American bridge journal. Well received by American Bridge friends. <b>T</b>hank you, Mr. Luo. After your article was published in the United States, the hit rate on that day was more than 2,700, which was great.<br><b>A</b>mericans said that in the past, when playing cards, they all claimed in advance. After reading your article, they learned to squeeze the last card, and miracles often appear.<br> <b>T</b>his article takes you into the magical world of bridge squeeze. After reading it, you will definitely sigh that bridge is a competitive art, and squeeze is again an art in bridge art. <font color="#ed2308">1. structure code</font><div><b>A</b>ccording to the North-South direction structure, regard the three main factors of card squeezing: "squeeze card", "Threat card" and "bridging form" are combined with corresponding letter symbols or codes. </div><div><b>S</b>et the code rules as shown in table:<br></div> <font color="#ed2308">2. Definition</font><div><b>T</b>hreat card——threatening the defender's big card of the same suit, making it possible to become a potential winning card.<br><b>I</b>t only poses a threat to one of the defender, which is called a single-threat, and to both of the defender, which is called a double- threats.<br><b>T</b>he suit with threat cards are called threat-suit, and others are called free-suits.<br><b>S</b>queeze card——a free suits wins (or free wins) that forces the defender to be squeezed when he discard.<br><b>B</b>ridging——at least one high card in the threat suit (usually double-ton cards or multiple cards threats) has been used to entry.<br><b>B</b>locked card——a threatened suit that blocks a threatening card from becoming a winning card.<br><b>P</b>rotect card——a card that protects a threatened suit.<br><b>I</b>dle card——any card that has nothing to do with squeeze.<br></div> <b>S</b>ingle squeeze——both suits are single-threat, which can only be squeezed for the previous defender. Make the declarer in the remaining n cards, from the existing n-1 win trick, get one trick more until to all n trick.<br><b>I</b>t can be classificated into total 2 category 5 types including simple type and automatic type. <b>D</b>ouble squeeze——two suits are single-threat, and the third suits is double-threat, which can be squeezed for both of the defender. Make the declarer in the remaining n cards, from the existing n-1 win trick, get one trick more until to all n trick. <br><b>D</b>ouble-squeeze is an automatic squeeze.<br><b>I</b>t can be classificated into total 4 category 7 types including R type, RL type, dispersed B type and dual double-squeeze type. <b>T</b>riple squeeze——three suits are single-threat, which can be squeezed for any one of the defenders. Make the declarer in the remaining n cards, from the existing n-2 win trick, get one or two trick more until to n-1 or all n trick.<br><b>I</b>t can be Classificated into total 3 category 7 types including simple type, automatic type and compound type. <font color="#ed2308">3. Position</font><div><b>R</b>elative declarer(South), East is the previous defender, and is right side. West is the next defender and is left side. The threat card have the right threats and the left.<br><b>R</b>elative to dummy(North),West is the previous defender, East is the next defender. If only for the previous defender , it is a simple squeeze. If for any one of the defenders, it is automatic squeeze.<br></div> <font color="#ed2308">4. Code and code fixed formula<br></font><div><b>T</b>he code or characters in the code rule table represent the corresponding noun meanings. Single squeeze, double squeeze and triple squeeze are indicated by I, II and III. Thus, the squeeze classification code fixed formula is formed.</div> Single squeeze 2, double squeeze 1 and triple squeeze 1. <p class="ql-block"><br></p> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>P</b> alone on the S∧side, D1 refers to this double-ton single-threat, with a high card entry, using as single-suit single-way(SSW) bridging,T is singleton single-threat, be called single squeeze P-type. It is the simple type of single squeeze, but also the basic type of double squeeze and triple squeeze. Fig. I-1 A <p class="ql-block"><b>T</b>his example (Fig. I-1 A), T is d5, D is cAJ. When the declarer played squeeze card s3 (When P played, same below), the previous defender is squeezed, and forced to give up d6 or cK/cQ. Correspondingly, the dummy's d5 or cJ will become wins.</p> Fig. I-1 B <p class="ql-block"><b>T</b>he D in Fig. I-1 B is a dispersed form(no idle card form) that for Fig. I-1 A. that is, cJ and cA are dispersed in the declarer and dummy, be called dispersed double-ton threat, both belong to the same type.</p> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b> and P with the S∧ same side. D1 using as SSW bridging. It can squeeze for any one of the defenders, be called single squeeze T- type, which is automatic type. It is the basic type of all automatic squeeze type too. Fig. I-2-1 A Fig. I-2-1 B <div><b>T</b>his example , T is d5, D is cAJ. When P played, Whether defender is West (fig. I-2-1A)or East(fig. I-2-1B), it all will be squeezed, and forced to give up the d6 or the cQ. Correspondingly, the declarer's d5 or dummy's cJ will become wins.<br></div> <b>T</b>he T-type can be regarded as the T of the P-type, which is moved from ∧N to ∧S,that is (P+<font color="#ed2308">T</font>∧D1). <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>R</b> is right threat, L is left threat. R and P are on the same side. BD1 is a double-ton double-threat, with a high card entry, using as SSW bridging, be called double squeeze R-type. It's the basic type of double squeeze. fig. Ⅱ-1 <div><b>T</b>his example (fig. Ⅱ-1.), R is h6, L is d5, Bd is cA3. When P played, both of the defender three suits are squeezed at the same time. <br></div><div><b>I</b>f West gives up d6 or the E gives up h7, correspondingly, dummy's d5 or declarer's H6 will become a wins. If they all want to be retained him-self blocked card d6/h7, Neither can't retained the double- threat protect card c2/c4, then dummy's 3 will become a wins.<br></div> <b>D</b>ouble squeeze R-type (P+<font color="#ed2308">R</font>∧T+D1), minus R, is single squeeze P-type. <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>A</b>lone P on the S∧side, Three single-threats, all on the side of ∧N. Only squeeze on the previous defender, be called triple squeeze P -type, it is also triple-squeeze simple type. fig. III-1 <div><b>T</b>his example (fig. III-1), both T are H6 and C7 respectively, D is dAJ. When P played, the three suits of the previous defender are squeezed, and forced to give up h7/c8, or dQ, correspondingly, dummy's h6/c7 or dJ, will become wins. But the other has to hand out, that is, can not win all n trick.</div> <b>T</b>riple-squeeze P-type, the declarer can only win n-1 trick, the other has to hand out, that is, can not win all n trick. It can be regarded as the single squeeze P-type with an extra T(P∧<b><font color="#ed2308">T</font></b>+T+D1). In fact, it is the rectifying count(to be discarded first if you has a losing trick, that is, one <b><font color="#ed2308">T</font></b> is discarded first). <b>T</b>he four basic squeeze types had know, try it in simulated actual combat. <b>F</b>inish the contract, but one trick short. See if there are potential wins. One suit is not enough, and two suits are needed. A suit must have a high card used for entry, which happens to be in the dummy. <b>P</b>lay out the last free wins, this is squeeze card. Don't worry, just see if the previous defender(the relative dummy is W)whether there is a blocked card or protect card at the defensive next player and play out in front of dummy. He throw away me to keep, he kept me to throw away, you can get more one trick —— single squeeze P-type. <div><b>B</b>ut not necessarily, if there is one potential wins (no big high wins), and it is in the dealer. That's good. Blocked card or protect card, no matter whether are previous or next defender , as long as he don't play out, you will throw away it, and you will definitely get one more trick——single squeeze T-type. </div><div><b>I</b>f the blocked card and the protect card are in the previous and next defender respectively, there is no regret, and the squeeze is not established.<br></div> <b>S</b>uddenly, it is found that there are three suits potential wins, two in the dummy (same as single squeeze P-type) and one in the dealer. That's better, Play casually, and you can claimed that both defender are squeezed and the contract is completed——double squeezed R-type. <b>U</b>nfortunately, the potential wins of the three suits are all on one the together. To complete the contract, but two trick short. So don't worry about it, looking at the previous defender discard, he keeps it when he throws it away, throws it away when he keeps it, you can makes one more trick, and the goal is achieved, and hands over the other trick——triple squeeze P-type. <b>I</b>f you can't make one more trick, it means that you can't form triple squeeze, and single squeeze is gone too. To analyze and judge in advance, first throw away a potential wins and adjust it to single squeeze P- type. Single squeeze 1, double squeeze 2 and triple squeeze 2. <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>M</b>2 refers to the declarer and the dummy each with a high card(Be called dispersed high card)entry, using as back and forth single-suit double-way(SDW) bridging. And on the same side as P, It can squeeze for any one of the defenders,be called single squeeze M-type. it's automatic type too. fig. I-2-2 A fig. I-2-2 B <div><b>T</b>his example , T is d5, M is cK87. When P played( regardless of the direction of the player, the declarer or the dummy is established), whether defender is West(fig. I-2-2A)or E(fig. I-2-2B), it all will be squeezed, and forced to give up d6 or c2. Correspondingly, the dummy's d5 or declarer's c7 will become a wins.<br></div> <b>S</b>ingle squeeze M-type, when dummy's squeeze card is big, first remove the it, which is single squeeze T-type (P+T∧D1). <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b>ogether R with L are on the same side as P. BM1 is a connected high cards multiple-cards double-threat, using as SSW bridging, be called RL- type. fig. Ⅱ-2 <div><b>T</b>his example (fig. Ⅱ-2), R is h6, L is d5, BM is cAK4. When P played, both of the defender's three suits are squeezed at the same time, Both sides must hold of C-protect card, but they have to give up blocked card of d6/h7, the dummy's c4 or the declarer's d5/h6 will become a wins. <br></div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>B</b>M2 is a dispersed high card multiple-cards double-threat, on the same side as P, be called dispersed B-type. And using as SDW bridging. fig. Ⅱ-3 <b>T</b>his example (fig. Ⅱ-3), R is h6, L is d5, BM is cK87. When P played, both of the defender's three suits are squeezed at the same time, and the process is the same reason which the Ⅱ-2 double squeeze RL-type. <b>D</b>ispersed B-type (P+<font color="#167efb">Bm2</font>∧R+L),can be regarded as with RL-type(P+R+L∧<font color="#167efb">Bm1</font>)the threat card is switched places . Dispersed B-type remove one T(<font color="#ed2308">R/L</font>), that is, single squeeze M-type (P+M2∧<font color="#167efb">T</font>).<br> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>A</b>ny T on the same side as P. D1 using as SSW bridging. It can squeeze for any one of the defenders , be called triple-squeeze T -type. it's automatic type too. fig. III-2-1 A fig. III-2-1 B <b>T</b>his example, both T are h6 and c7 respectively, D is dAJ. When the P played, Whether the defenders W or E, this three suits will be squeezed. As for whether to get all n or n-1 wins, it depends on the defense's discard. <b>F</b>or the defender of W( fig. III-2-1 A), keeping the blocked card h7 correctly, giving up c8 or the protect card dQ, the declarer can only get n-1 wins. Otherwise, the declarer's h6 becomes wins, and at the same time it is a new squeeze card, that is evolved into "I-1 single squeeze P-type(P∧T +D1)",it can be get all n wins by squeeze again.It is often said that “stare at the previous player, ignore the next player” , that's the cause.<br><b>F</b>or the defender of E( fig. III-2-1 B), the declarer can only get n-1 wins. <b>T</b>riple squeeze T-type (P+<b><font color="#ed2308">T</font></b>∧T +D1), can be regarded as two T's on one side of triple squeeze P-type (P∧<b><font color="#ed2308">T</font></b> +<font color="#167efb"><b>T</b></font>+D1)∧N, and any one of them is moved to one side of S∧. <div><b>I</b>t can also be rectifying count, removed the left T , then it reverts to a single squeeze P-type(P∧ <b><font color="#ed2308">T</font></b>+D1).IF remove the T on the right, it reverts to a single squeeze T-type(P+<b><font color="#167efb">T</font></b>∧+D1). Interestingly, if the Idle cards on both sides is removed, it may become a double squeeze R-type (P+R∧L+Bd1).</div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>B</b>oth T, on the same side as P. D1 using as SSW bridging. It can squeeze for any one of the defenders, be called triple-squeeze double T-type. it's automatic type too. fig. III-2-2 A fig. III-2-2 B <b>T</b>his example, both T are h6 and c7 respectively , D are dAJ. When P Played, Whether defenders W or E, this three suits will be squeezed. As for whether to get all n or n-1 wins, it depends on the defense's discard too. <div><b>F</b>or the defender of W(fig. III-2-2 A), must keeping the blocked card h7 and c8,only can giving up the protect card dQ,the declarer can only get n-1 wins. Otherwise, the declarer's h6/c7 becomes wins, and at the same time it is a new squeeze card, that is evolved into “Ⅰ-1 single squeeze P-type”, it can be get all n wins by squeeze again. <br><b>F</b>or the defender of E(fig. III-2-2 B),still keeping the blocked card h7 and c8,again according to dummy discard, giving up the blocked card of bridge cutoff suit, the declarer can only get n-1 wins too. Otherwise, the declarer's h6/c7 becomes wins, and at the same time it is a new squeeze card, that is evolved into “Ⅰ-2 single squeeze P-type(P+T∧D1)”, it can be get all n wins too. <br></div> <b>T</b>riple squeeze double T-type (P+<font color="#ed2308"><b>T</b></font>+<b><font color="#ed2308">T</font></b>∧D1) can be regarded as Triple squeeze P-type(P∧<font color="#167efb"><b>T</b></font> +<b><font color="#167efb">T</font></b>+D1) that two T on one side of ∧N. <div><b>F</b>or the defender Wast, it will not win all the tricks. But it can also be rectifying count too, remove any one t on the right, it reverts to a single squeeze T-type(P+T∧+D1).</div> <b>T</b>he five Intermediate squeeze type had know, try it in simulated actual combat. <b>T</b>o complete the contract, but one trick short. Just in time, there are two suits potential wins, one is singleton, which is in the dummy. The other is multi-cards suit, there are 3 cards the declarer of the same suit and 2 cards the dummy, Each with a high cards , using as SDW bridging. This is multi-cards form of dispersed high cards. <b>Y</b>ou don't have to think too much. Play out the last free wins, that is squeeze card, and it doesn't matter which side play out. As long as the defender's card that controls my singleton suit potential wins don't coming out, you will cash two high cards, and the result is that the third cards will been make big——single squeeze M- type.<br> <b>I</b>f there is still another singleton potential wins in the dummy, there are will be three suits potential wins. No matter. As long as the defender’s card which controls two of my singleton suit potential wins don't coming out, you will cash two high cards, and the result is that the third cards well been make big. Congratulations——you played the double squeeze dispersion B-type. <b>I</b>f two high cards are together, this is a multi-card form of connected high cards. That is, there are three potential wins of different suit, two singleton, all in the declarer, and one multi-cards suit with two high cards, in the dummy. No matter what, play out the squeeze card, As long as the defender’s card which controls two of my singleton suit potential wins don’t coming out, you will cash two high cards. Congratulations, you played double squeeze RL- type. <div><b>A</b>lthough there are three potential wins, One in the dummy, one in the declarer, and other of one is a double-ton with a high card in the dummy, but only n-2 wins. Hoping to gets n-1 trick, but It is too late to rectifying count.<br></div><div><b>P</b>lay out first squeeze card to take a look, no thinking of the cards of hand all become the wins. That must are the three squeezed suits are all in one side of the defender (it doesn't matter which one side). And the defender discard the wrong card. If right, it can get one wins too—— Triple squeeze T-type(P+T∧T +D1).</div> <p class="ql-block"><br></p>   Beach bridge Single squeeze 1, double squeeze and triple squeeze 4 each. <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b>he two D1 on S∧N both sides, refers to the high card of the two suits are mutually as the entry, using as double-suits double-way(DDW)bridging.The threat card and the entry are in a split state. It can squeeze on any one of the defender, be called single squeeze cross type. It's automatic type too. fig. I-2-3 A fig. I-2-3 B <div><b>T</b>his example, both D are dJ5 and cJ5 respectively. When P played, whether the defenders W(fig. I-2-3 A)or E(fig. I-2-3 B),it would be squeezed, and forced to give up dQ or cQ. The declarer would unblock this suit high card, and cross the bridge using another suit, to cash in dJ or cJ that had become a wins.</div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>D</b>1 is Double-ton threats, and M1 is multiple-card threat, two suits are using as DDW bridging. It can squeeze for any one of the defenders, be called single squeeze cross M-type. It's automatic type too. fig. I-2-4 A fig. I-2-4 B <b>T</b>his example , D is cJ5, M is dK32. When P played, any one of the defenders will be squeezed, and the process is the same reason which the I-2-3 single squeeze cross type. <b>I</b>nterestingly, if dummy's M and delarer's D are interchanged, accordingly, the card on both of the defenders are interchanged too, the squeeze is still valid. That is(P+M1∧D1), them both belong to the same type. <b>U</b>nscramble:<br>BD1 is double-ton double-threat , LD1 is double-ton left single-threat, two suits using as DDW bridging. BD1 on the same side as P, be called double squeeze double-ton B-type. <br> <b>T</b>he intermediate squeeze type of three of R-type, RL-type and dispersed B-type, which double- squeeze process are completed synchronously. And Dual double- squeeze type is not synchronized. <br> fig. Ⅱ-4-1 <div><b>T</b>his example (fig. Ⅱ-4-1), R is h6, LD is dA3, BD is cA3. When P played, West is squeezed first, if give up the d5, then the dummy's d2 becomes wins, so that squeeze is completed.<br><b>I</b>f gives up the c2, and then the declarer discard the threat d3, use the dA to cross the bridge. At the same time, it becomes a new squeeze care, thus East is squeezed, and forced to give up h7 or c4. Correspondingly , the dummy's h6 or declarer's c5 will become wins.<br></div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>B</b>M1 is multi-cards double- threat that connected high cards, using as DDW bridging with LD1. And on the same side as P, be called double squeeze connected B-type. Fig. II-4-2 A Fig. II-4-2 B <b>T</b>his example (Fig. II-4-2 A), R is h6, LD is dA3, BM is cAK7. When P played, the process is the same reason which the Ⅱ-4-1 Double squeeze Double-ton B-Type. <div>(fig.Ⅱ-4-1 A)the cards of E and W are interchanged, it is (fig. II-4-1 B). Both belong to the same type. When P played, in turn, E is squeezed first, and then, the same reason, the W is squeezed. It is mixed Dual double -squeeze.<br></div><div><br></div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>B</b>D1 is double-ton double-threats, LM1 is Multi-cards single-threat, two using as DDW bridging. BD1 together with R on the same side as P, be called double squeeze double-ton BR-type. fig. Ⅱ-4-3 <b>T</b>his example (fig. Ⅱ-4-3), R is h6, Bd is dA4, M is cAK4. When P played, the process is the same as Ⅱ-4-1 Double squeeze Double-ton B-Type. <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>B</b>M2 is dispersed high card multi-cards double-threat, using as SDW bridging, and together with R on the same side as P, be called dispersed BR type. LD is double-ton single-threat, although with a high card, but it isn't entry. fig. II-4-4 <b>T</b>his example (fig. II-4-4), R is h6, LD is A2, BM is K87. When P played, West is squeezed first, if give up d5, then the declarer use cA to cross the bridge, play dA, the dummy's 3 become wins, the squeeze is completed.<div><b>i</b>f gives up c2, the declarer still use cA to cross the bridge, and at the same time, it becomes a new squeeze care, thus East is squeezed, and forced to give up h7 or c4, correspondingly, the declarer's h6 or c7 will become wins.<br></div> <b>T</b>he difference between the four high-level types of double squeeze (Ⅱ-4-1~Ⅱ-4-4),and the three types of basic and intermediate (Ⅱ-1~Ⅱ-3) is that the former are completed synchronously, else the latter are not synchronized. It belongs to Dual double- squeeze type, that is, the first squeeze to West. If he give up the L protect card, the squeeze is completed; or give up the B protect card(Both of defenders are defense care together), then the second squeeze to East, and this squeeze is reverted to I-1 single squeeze P-type(P∧T+D1). <div><br></div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b>he M2 on ∧N one side is multi-card single- threat, using as SDW bridging. Combined with two T, whatever which side the defender is, the declarer can only win n-1 tricks, be called triple-squeeze MT-type. Fig. III-3-1 A Fig. III-3-1 B <b>T</b>his type, both T are h6 and d5 respectively ,M is cK65. When P played,the process is the same reason which the Ⅲ-2-2 Triple squeeze double T -type(P+T+T∧D1) <b>T</b>hat is, whether West or East, the blocked card should be keeping correctly, giving up protect card, that is, keeping h7 and d6, giving up c7 . When the dealer squeezes again with the third c5 that rises to the wins, for West (Fig. III-3-1 A)must watch at the previous of defender(S), for East (Fig. III-3-1 B) must according to dummy(N) discard, giving up the blocked card of bridge cutoff suit, then the declarer can only win n-1 tricks, otherwise the declarer will win all n tricks. <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b>he two D1 on ∧both sides are double-ton single squeeze, using as DDW bridging. The West of defender (relative to the declarer is left side,that is L) three suits is squeezed, whatever he discard cards, the declarer will win all tricks, be called triple squeeze L- type. fig. III-3-2 A fig. III-3-2 B <div><b>T</b>his example , T is h6, both D are cAJ and dAJ respectively. When P played (same as the dummy does):<br></div><div><b>F</b>or West(fig. III-3-2 A), if give up any one which h7 or cQ/dQ, correspondingly, the dummy's h6 or cJ, and the declarer's dJ will become a wins. At the same time, it becomes a new squeeze care, to squeeze again for the other two suits, so as to win all the tricks.<br></div><div><b>B</b>ut for East(fig. III-3-2 B), if giving up dQ(watch at the previous, giving up the next), when the declarer squeezes again with the has becoming the wins dJ, because of East discard behind, it will no be squeezed again. As a result, the declarer can only win n-1 tricks.<br></div><div><b>I</b>f the East discard by mistake, that is, giving up the h7 or cQ( give up the previous), the declarer can win all tricks.</div> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b> is on the same side with P, and the two D1 on ∧both sides are double-ton single squeeze, two suits using as DDW bridging. For East of defender (relative to the declarer is right side,that is R) is squeezed, whatever he discard cards, the declarer will win all n tricks, be called triple squeeze R-type. fig. III-3-3 A fig. III-3-3 B <b>T</b>his type, T is h6, both D are cAJ and dAJ respectively. When P played(same as the dummy does),the process is the same reason which the Ⅲ-3-1 Triple squeeze Compound L type. But on the other hand, for East( fig. III-3-3 A), the declarer can win all the tricks, for Wast( fig. III-3-3 B), discard by correct, the declarer can only wins n-1 tricks, discard by mistake, can wins all n tricks. <br> <b>U</b>nscramble:<br><b>T</b>he most wonderful squeeze type appears, it is the queen of squeeze. This M is different from connected and dispersed high cards, is only a single high card, with together D1 using as DDW bridging. In the case of two trick short, for any side of defender, no matter what cards are discarded, the dealer can win all the tricks, be called triple-squeeze MD-type. fig. III-3-4 A fig. III-3-4 B <div><b>T</b>his type, T is h6, D is dAJ, M is cAJ5 (D and M swap still established). When P played (same as the dummy does), no matter West(fig. III-3-4 A) or East(fig. III-3-4 B), giving up h7 or dQ/cQ, declarer will win all the trick.<br></div> <b>T</b>he four high-level types of triple squeeze, (Ⅲ-3-1~Ⅱ-3-4), when squeezing the same defender, because of repeated squeeze, it belongs to compound triple squeeze. <div><b>I</b>n the case of two tricks short on compound triple squeeze, in the Ⅲ-3-1, no matter whether the defender is W or E, when discards by mistake, the declarer will win two the tricks and when discarded correctly, the declarer can only win one tricks. In the Ⅲ-3-2, for the defender on the left side, the declarer will win all the tricks, and for the defender on the right side, it’s the same as the Ⅲ-3-1. In the Ⅲ-3-3 conversely, the defender on the right side, the declarer will win two tricks, and for the defender on the left side, the same as the Ⅲ-3-1. They are all called false compound triple squeeze.<br><b>T</b>hen in the Ⅲ-3-4, no matter whether the defender is W or E, and no matter what discards are mistake or correct, it does not affect the declarer to winning two tricks.This is true compound triple squeeze.</div> <b>T</b>his 10 types of high level squeeze type are difficult and cannot be simulated in actual combat. May meet, can't ask for it. And practice makes perfect, only when you are familiar with the types of squeeze, know this kind of fixed card spectrum and master the basic methods of squeeze, you may be able to play out squeeze which day, that is purely an accident surprise. From this, you will gradually get into a wonderful situation of squeezing cards and enjoy the fun of bridge. <b>T</b>o sum up, the basic squeeze, the intermediate squeeze and high-level squeeze are a total of 19 squeeze types, basically covering all types of bridge squeeze.<br><b>I</b>n addition, such as ruff squeeze,throw-in squeeze, threat-cards transfer squeeze, stepping stone squeeze and so on. Strictly speaking, they are a special form of squeeze, which can be regarded as advanced play or skill of squeeze in the above basic types, not included in the squeeze sorts categories. <b>F</b>or the convenience of memory, the squeeze classification as follows. Reference Books<div>1.《Basic Squeeze》by Nafu and translated by Cai Langya<br>  World Cultural relics Press<br></div><div>2. 《High level Squeeze》 by Nafu and translated by Cai Langya </div><div> World Cultural relics Press<br>3.《Standard Double-Squeeze Type》 by Yu Maorong<br>4.《Repeat Squeeze》by Yu Maorong<br>5.《High-level Bridge Tactics》Translated by Terrence·Liss [United Kingdom], Qian Shangwu, Sun Huaimin Zhu Yunlun<br></div> January 2025