<p class="ql-block">中国古代厅堂</p><p class="ql-block">厅堂是古代中国居宅中占地显要,空间最大,装饰最为考究的建筑。它集多功能用途于一体,凡家庭祭祀、婚丧礼仪、亲朋交往大多在此举行。厅堂内的家具因事而设。平时通常在屏门前置一条案,案前依次设交椅和扶手椅。亲朋聚话以级别或长幼之序排列,始终突出其布局严谨,气度严正的气氛。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">THE RECEPTION HALL IN AN ANCIENT CHINESE HOUSE</p><p class="ql-block">The reception hall was an important part of an ancient Chinese house and was the largest and most elaborately decorated area. Various functions were held in the hall as sacrificial, wedding and funeral ceremonies as well as a reception area for greeting friends. The setting of the furniture in the hall varied according to the social function. Usually a long narrow table with recessed legs was placed in front of a central movable wooden wall. A folding chair and some armchairs were placed in front of the narrow table. Family members or relatives would be placed according to their respective positions in the family hierarchy. A solemn atmosphere usually pervaded this reception hall.</p>