《For my dear grandma致亲爱的嗯奶》作者∶傅宇(521)


<p class="ql-block">You know, I have not caught a cold for more than ten years, but have the blood matter. High fever today, confirmed a flu, but lethargy, water and food can not go down, then vomit out, double return. Honey, it's urgent in America. Night (we are daytime) call in the good lady, tell how to nourish, buy a few old hens, send and tell the good lady practice, after the purchase of jelly orange - high fever can not eat, orange soft and juice, like the peach blossom source of the fisherman looking for peach blossom forest! One bite, like freshly squeezed orange juice without the orange. This is a long drought and a good rain is also!</p><p class="ql-block">After sending Hotan jujube, tell good lady need to cook two three every day to replenish qi and blood. So chicken soup with dates, a few days later. Can eat a little. At first, it was three seconds to spit, ten seconds to spit, nothing to eat! That now I'm better and...can't run but happy! </p><p class="ql-block">Booo! In this ten years of kindness book not a hundred years of words not a thousand years countless! SOB SOB! How to express gratitude!</p><p class="ql-block"> 汝等可知,吾十数年除先天之疾,大病没有小病更无,今高烧一场,乃是甲流冲击昏昏沉沉,水食皆不可下,下便呕出,加倍返还。亲爱的嗯奶知之,于美国甚急。夜间(吾等白天)通话于好婆,告知何以滋补,购老母鸡数只,寄而告好婆做法,后购之果冻橙——高烧不可食,橙软而汁多,宛如桃花源记之渔人寻之桃花林!一口下,宛如鲜榨橙汁而无橙也。此乃久旱逢甘霖是也!</p><p class="ql-block">后寄出和田大枣,告好婆需每日煮二三以补气血。如此鸡汤配大枣,数日后。可以食少许。初乃是三秒一小吐,十秒一大吐,无物可食!现乃精神饱满而可上蹿……无法下跳是也。</p><p class="ql-block"> 噫!此中恩情十年书不尽百年言不完千年数不胜数!呜呼!感恩之情何以言表!</p>