

<h5 align="center"><div><b>美国纽约【综合新闻】805期</b></div><div>主编:佩英</div><div>总编:程朗</div><div>总顾问:马华胜</div><div><br></div></h5><div align="center"><br></div> 本期翻译:佩英 <h5><b>苏迪普塔·查特吉博士(Dr. Sudipta Chatterjee)</b><br></h5><h5>印度诗人,医生,已出版十本诗集。现任 国际跨文化研究学会(ISISAR)秘书长,国际和平委员会协调员,期刊《文化与探索》(英语)及《文化与探索》(孟加拉语)的执行编辑。他翻译了乔达摩·佛陀的《法句经》和卡尔·马克思的诗歌至孟加拉语。作为医生曾获超级英雄奖(2021年)与国家医疗服务功勋奖(2021年);作为诗人与文化人,其作品曾获南亚区域国家杰出贡献奖(2022年)、德巴希什·德伊纪念奖与银质奖章(2022年)、印度杰出作者奖(2021年)。他接受了二十年的印度古典音乐训练,曾指导几部纪录片的制作。</h5><h5><br></h5> <b>冥想</b><br><br>题记:一支蜡烛可以点燃千支蜡烛,一生亦可照亮无数生命<br>——佛陀<br><br>来吧,让我们站在树下<br>开始光合作用<br>在衰老与死亡中<br>走过如此漫长的路<br>路上满是血痕、斗争、武器与罪行<br>来吧,让我们再次站在树下<br>将目光从冥想转向花朵<br>让你积累的眼泪凝结<br>成为树的树皮<br>那将是你的铠甲<br>现在,构建*苏贾塔与斯里玛蒂的形象<br>来吧,我们在感知中化为树<br>在最原始的战争之后<br>让我触摸你<br><div>哦,我的树,我的神</div><div><br></div>译者注:<br><div>苏贾塔与斯里玛蒂(Sujata, Shrimati)的形象是梵文与佛学中两种精神或象征性力量的象征,分别代表滋养、奉献与神圣的女性能量。</div><div><br></div><br><div>As one candle can light a thousand candles so by a single life lightup thousands of lives -Buddha</div><div><br></div><div><b>Meditation</b></div><div><b><br></b></div>Come, let's stand near the tree.And begin the photosynthesisIn decrepitude and death.<br>While walking such a long way<br>Scarred by blood, fight, weapons and crime<br>Come, let's stand again near the tree.<br>Shift your eyes from the meditation to flower.<br>Let your accumulated tears freeze<br>To be the bark of a tree.<br>And that will be your armour.<br>Now build up the image of* Sujata, Shrimati.<br>Come, we become tree in our perceptions.<br>After the most primitive war<br>Let me touch you<br><div>O my Tree, my God.</div><div><br></div> <div><b>0 身体</b></div><div><b><br></b></div>题记:深入内心,那是你的生命。<br>——迈克尔·贡萨尔维斯<br><br>我每天将情感<br>留在你痛苦旁边<br>从破碎的戏屋里<br>带来肃穆的虔诚<br>在每一个宁静的下午<br>当夕阳渐沉<br>我带来命运的面容<br>那纤弱的呢喃<br>那蛛丝般的存在<br>舌尖的味道,触碰的肌肤<br>书写无名的诞生故事<br>我不停地触碰这静止的世界<br>打破一切<br>哦,生命——回来吧,<br>为我带来那古老的身体<br><br><i><br>Look deep inside, that's your life .<br>Michael Gonsalves</i><br><b><br>0 Body</b><br><br>I leave my feelings everyday<br>Beside your agony,<br>From the broken play-house<br>I bring the austere devotion<br>In every quiet afternoon<br>When the sun is setting<br>I bering the face of destiny,<br>Feeble utterances of gossamer existence<br>Taste of tongue, touch the skin,<br>And writes nameless story of birth.<br>I keep on touching the still world<br>Foiling everything<br>O the life - come back<br><div>Bring me the ancient body</div><div><br></div> <div><b>女人</b></div><div><b><br></b></div>题记:你对这个世界而言或许只是孤身一人,但对于某个孤独的人而言,你便是整个世界。<br>——比尔·威尔逊<br><br>喧嚣中<br>我们触及天空的边缘<br>秘密的阳台交换着<br>爱的低语,隐秘而深情<br>痛楚的草丛<br>掩盖面庞与喜悦<br>现在,你正打破堤岸<br>水从病痛中涌出<br>无尽的病痛像你的虔诚般涌来<br>屋顶崩塌<br>如同灵魂失去生命力的根基<br>来吧,与无形的影子一起<br>我们保存着冷漠胚胎故事<br>和僧人的泥屋<br>在你最后的沉睡里<br><div>打破铁丝网,摧毁那个女人的城池</div><div><br></div><i>You are alone to the world, but to some lonely person you arethe world.-Bil Wilson</i><br><br><b>Woman</b><br><br>In the midst of hustle and bustleWe touch the edge of the sky,<br>Secret balcony exchange<br>Utterances of love clandestinely,<br>All the grasses of pained body<br>Cover the face and their happiness.<br>Now you are breaking the bank,<br>And the water is springing from illness,<br>The endless illness comes like your devotion,<br>The roof is collapsing like the dead foundation of soul,<br>Come, with the unbodied shadow<br>We preserve the indifferent story of embryo<br>And the clay house of monk,<br>In your last sleep<br><div>Break the barbed wire and the woman city</div><div><br></div> <h5><b>诗歌赏析:</b><br><div>苏迪普塔·查特吉博士(Dr. Sudipta Chatterjee)的诗歌展现了诗人对生命、女性、身体与精神之间深刻而复杂的思考。这些诗通过象征、隐喻和深刻的哲学意蕴,将情感、存在与人类的终极追问融为一体。并引用大量佛经的故事,字里行间充满智慧的禅思。诗人善用意向:自然(树、夜晚)、身体(影子、胚胎)以及宗教符号(苏贾塔、灵魂)作为桥梁,将人类的个体经验与普世主题连接起来。有悲怆,也有对生命力的强烈呼唤,表达诗人对生命的爱与敬畏。诗人涉及多层面的主题:个体存在、人与自然、女性解放、灵魂救赎等,对生命本质深入思考。诗歌语言简朴,读之令人甘之如饴。其每首诗开篇皆有一句题记,起画龙点睛的作用,成为每首诗歌的”诗眼“,有其独特的语言魅力。(佩英)</div><div><br></div><div><b>Editorials:</b><br></div>Dr. Sudipta Chatterjee's poetry showcases the poet's profound and complex reflections on life, women, the body, and the spirit. These poems, through the use of symbols, metaphors, and deep philosophical meanings, weave together emotions, existence, and humanity's ultimate inquiries. The poet frequently references stories from Buddhist scriptures, with the lines brimming with wise Zen thoughts. The poet skilfully uses imagery such as nature (trees, night), the body (shadows, embryos), and religious symbols (Sujata, soul) as bridges, connecting individual human experiences with universal themes. There is both sorrow and a strong call for vitality, expressing the poet's love and reverence for life. The poet delves into multiple layers of themes: individual existence, the relationship between humans and nature, women's liberation, and soul redemption, offering deep reflections on the essence of life. The language of the poetry is simple yet delightful, making the reader savour every word. Each of his poem begins with an epigraph, serving as a stroke of genius to highlight the essence of the poem, becoming the "poetic eye" of each piece. It carries a unique linguistic charm.(By Christine Chen, NewZealand)<br></h5> <h5><b>佩尔塔·卡莱米(Pertha Kalemi)</b></h5><h5>希腊诗人、作家,毕业于雅典商学院酒店管理专业,并参加过戏剧研究课程。她已出版诗集《未踏之梦》和《激情与心灵的抒情长歌:情色哈利路亚》,另外她的诗集《爱之音符上的声乐》即将出版。其部分诗作已被谱曲、传唱。</h5> <b>不可重复的爱……</b><br><br>我的不可重复的爱<br>我的攀登伙伴,<br>你的沉默让我感知到<br>风车的转动<br>磨砺欲望的时光……<br>在午夜的哈利路亚声中<br>你的波浪在我思绪的海岸撞击<br>凝视着你那由神手雕刻的原始躯体<br>让我沉醉<br>在无数的肉体印记中<br>将我带走<br>仿佛我、你和一个幻想<br><div>共同旅行在天空中</div><div><br></div><b>Unrepeatable Love. . .</b><br><br>My unrepeatable love,<br>my climbing companion,<br>your silence is making me sense<br>the windmills grinding<br>times of lust…<br>In the midnight Alleluia,<br>your waves are crushing<br>in my thought’s shores,<br>while gazing your primordial body<br>made from god’s hand,<br>intoxicating me<br>with numerous imprints of flesh<br>and carrying me away as <br>me, you and a fantasy<br><div> are co-travelling in the sky.</div><div><br></div> <b>激情与爱的女人</b><br><br>我曾寻找你……<br>在上帝面前<br>我允许你剥去我所有外衣<br>深入探寻<br>如果你觉得<br>我对你有所隐瞒<br>在我体内,你找到了春天<br>你为我庆祝,穿越你的人生<br>一个梦想者与浪漫者<br>一个追求你美丽与艺术的猎人<br>那是我的爱<br>也是我为一个人所做的牺牲<br>我曾寻找你,我记得<br>让你永远活在我心中<br>永恒不朽<br>为了正义<br>因为你是为我雕刻的诗歌<br>为我量身定制!<br><br><br><b>Woman of passion and love</b><br><br>I looked for you…<br>Before God<br>I allowed you to nude me,<br>to dig as deep as you could<br>in case you felt<br>I hid something from you.<br>Inside me you found Spring<br>and you cerebrated me passing by<br>your life<br>a dreamer and a romantic<br>a hunter of your beauty and art, <br>that was my love<br>and my sacrifice for a human.<br>I searched for you, I remember,<br>so you can live inside me <br>forever and immortally<br>for justice<br>as you were sculpted poetry<br><div>tailored for me! <br></div><div><br></div> <b>月光漫步 </b><br><br>在夜的寂静中,把我醉倒的月亮<br>轻轻地照进我的灵魂<br>你忧伤眼中的平静欺骗了我<br>我的思绪如羽毛般飘入午夜的祈祷<br>你的光带我穿越宇宙的大门<br>我的心被你的声音醉倒<br>你挥动我的气场,用玛瑙刺绣它<br>你透过天空朦胧目光轻轻地看着我<br>在夜的寂静中,你迷住了我,月亮<br>你带着火焰的光线洒下,沐浴我<br>你是世界不朽的怀抱<br>在你神圣的光辉下,我隐藏的痛苦也变得明亮<br><br><br><div><b>A WALK IN THE MOONLIGHT</b></div><div><br></div>In the silence of the night, you god me drunken moon<br>as you light fed shyly shined into my soul<br>the peace of your sad eyes deceived me<br>and my thoughts were feathered into midnight prayer.<br><br>Your light moved me across the universe’s gate<br>and my heart was intoxicated by your voice<br>you waved my aura, and embroidered it with the achat<br>and you looked at me lightly through a sky blen choice.<br><br>In the silence of the night you have bewitched me, moon<br>you came with rays of fire and showered me in your light<br>you are blessed as the world’s immortal womb<br>in your holy light even my hidden pain becomes bright.<br> <h5><b>赏析:</b><br>希腊女诗人佩尔塔·卡莱米(Pertha Kalemi),其诗歌从女性视角,细腻描写了爱、欲望、灵魂与自然的种种感受,情感丰富,语言优美。通过使用象征、隐喻和精致的描写,诗人表达了爱情与人生的复杂性,以及与宇宙、神性之间的深刻联系。其·诗风奔放热烈,如火山爆发般的浓烈情感喷涌而出,无拘无束,一种女性宣言:女人不仅仅是被爱的,更是心灵的启迪者和生命的塑造者,具有主动性。诗人通过对自然、神性符号的引用,创造出了一种既感性又理性的诗意空间,邀请读者在这些深邃的意象中寻找自我与爱的真谛。(佩英)<br><br><b>Editorials:</b><br>Greek poet Pertha Kalemi's poetry, from a female perspective, delicately portrays various feelings of love, desire, soul, and nature. The emotions are rich, and the language is beautiful. Through the use of symbols, metaphors, and intricate descriptions, the poet expresses the complexity of love and life, as well as the profound connection between the universe and the divine. Her poetic style is passionate and intense, with emotions erupting like a volcanic explosion—unrestrained and bold. It is a declaration of womanhood: women are not merely objects of love, but also the enlighteners of the soul and shapers of life, possessing agency. By referencing natural and divine symbols, the poet creates a poetic space that is both emotional and rational, inviting readers to explore the truth of self and love within these profound images. (By Christine Chen)<br></h5> <h5><b>奥兰多·西米埃莱(Olando Simiele)</b></h5><h5>意大利作家、诗人,现居法国近日内瓦之地。他荣获语言学与文学批评、文学与哲学、应用于新闻学的传播科学荣誉学位,担任学术参议员,并拥有公爵贵族头衔。他已出版诗集《爱的碎片》(Frammenti d'amore)。</h5> <div><b>真正的透明</b></div><div><br></div>出生<br>成长,写作<br>在成为自己的舞蹈中雕琢<br>这就是纯粹本质!<br>笑但不嘲讽<br>分享而不是分裂<br>且活且惬意<br>激愤,尖叫<br>爆发出来但不傲慢<br>不杀戮而选择歌唱<br>唱出注定走向和平之路的高亢旋律<br>和平的回声永不、永不沉寂<br>直言不讳而不背后说三道四<br>在海洋的黑暗中航行<br>划桨,回到陆地,努力消弭每一分矛盾与开战的借口<br>即使在梦中也要克服困难<br>在肌肤之下感动最美的人<br>在星辰炽热中去爱<br><br><b>True transparency</b><br><br>To be born, <br>to grow, to write, <br>to engrave in the dance <br>of being oneself.<br> This is the essence! <br>To laugh without mocking, <br>to share without dividing,<br> to live and relive. <br>To exasperate, to scream, <br>to explode without any arrogance, without killing but to sing, <br>to sing acute melodies <br>destined in ways of that peace<br> that in its wakes never <br>and never falls silent.<br> To speak in presence without gossiping.<br> To navigate in the darkness of the sea. <br>To row, to return to land in trying to smooth out every contrast<br> and pretext for waging war. <br>To overcome difficulties even in dreams.<br> To move the most beautiful people under the skin.<br> To love in the incandescence<br><div> of the stars.</div><div><br></div> <div><b>你是爱情之盐</b></div><div><br></div>小小的心,不言不语<br>花蕾般迎着阳光绽放<br>雨云散去,它生长<br>回响着大地之盐的余音<br>爱之盐,你之盐<br>风起,动作连着动作<br>它渴望,它飞翔<br>在紫罗兰的芬芳间<br>它偷看你<br>在蔚蓝中飞得越来越高<br>我的灵魂得以安慰<br>它将不再孤单<br>它飞翔,远离痛苦之石<br>远离所有暴力<br>它将弥漫精髓的芳香<br>并将在我们爱情的足迹中<br>永恒存在下去<br><b><br>You are the salt of our love</b><br><br>A little heart that has no words, <br>a flower bud that comes out into the sun. <br>After clouds of rain, it grows, <br>echoes from the salt of the earth. <br>Salt of love, salt of you. <br>The wind rises, movement after movement it wants, it begins to fly. <br>Among the scent of violets<br> here it is peeking at you,<br> and in the blue it flies ever more. <br>My soul consoles itself,<br> it will no longer be alone. <br>It flies and will fly far from the stones <br>of pain of all its violence.<br> It will smell of the essence<br> and will live in the eternity <br><div>of the steps of our love.</div><div><br></div><br> <div><b>唯一能安慰她的摇篮曲</b></div><div><br></div>上帝追随着微风<br>看见了她的目光<br>他注意到她眼睛的美丽<br>或许它们由一层蓝色的薄纱制成<br>像天上的天空一样染成蔚蓝<br>他用长矛拨开云层<br>让太阳得以降下<br>安卧在她如橘子般红润的双颊上<br>是的,那一天<br>上帝在顷刻刻间<br>搅动了风,捉住了坠落的星辰<br>他轻抚她的肌肤<br>塑造她的形体<br>将她化为那些星辰的模样<br>夜晚的回响奏起了旋律<br>她的耳朵张开,聆听那魔幻的音乐<br>那是有史以来最美的歌声<br>温柔的话语在她耳边低语<br>她被和平包围<br>在一首摇篮曲中沉默<br>唯有它能安慰她的心灵<br>他创造她的鼻子<br>像最精美的陶罐<br>看啊,最耀眼的星辰闪耀<br>它的尾迹留下了火花<br>再一次,奇迹突然降临<br>他描绘了她的面容<br>点缀上最美的痣<br>太阳舒展开来,劈开云层<br>这光芒映照在她的微笑中<br>与她的父亲和挚爱共享<br>在永恒的天堂里<br>那光明与和平的国度<br>他们等待着即将到来的奇迹<br><br><br><b>The only lullaby that consoles her</b><br><br><br>God went behind the breeze<br> and saw her gaze.<br> He noticed the beauty of her eyes. <br>Perhaps he made them of a veil adorned with blue, colored like the sky up there. <br>He removed the clouds with<br> his spears giving space<br> to the sun to descend<br> and settle on her cheeks<br> red like the color of oranges. <br>Yes, on that day, <br>god moved in a moment <br>the wind and caught the fallen stars. <br>He caressed her skin, <br>formed her skin and transformed <br>her just like those stars. <br>In an echo, the night rings with its notes. <br>Her ears open and hear a magical music, the most beautiful ever heard, sung. <br>A sweet word is whispered to her, <br>and she, wrapped in peace, <br>is silent in a single lullaby <br>that consoles her. <br>It is no coincidence that he created <br>his nose like the most beautiful <br>clay vase. <br>Behold, the most beautiful <br>star shines and in its wake leaves a spark. <br>Once again, suddenly he creates a wonder, draws his face with the most beautiful moles. <br>The sun stretches out and splits the clouds. <br>This, shines in his smile,<br> shared by his dad and his sweetheart<br> in the eternity of a paradise<br> of light and peace <br>that will soon arrive.<br> <b>赏析:</b><br><div> 意大利诗人奥兰多·西米勒(Olando Simiele)的诗歌有一种纯真的东西散光。他用质朴和感性的语言,讴歌女性之美与神性之光辉,如一股清流,汩汩而出心灵的纯净、对美好爱情的向往,把生命与神性融为一体,并对自然存在的本质做探索。在《唯一能安慰她的摇篮曲》中,诗人以浪漫的意象和神性的比喻,描绘了一个充满爱与和平的世界,对女性之美的歌颂,展现了纯洁、神圣和慰藉的力量。其作品如一面镜子,折射出人类情感的丰富与多样性,是一首爱与生命的赞歌。(佩英)</div><div><br></div><b>Editorials:</b><br> Italian poet Olando Simiele radiates an aura of innocence. Using simple yet heartfelt language, he extols the beauty of women and the brilliance of divinity, flowing like a clear stream that reflects the purity of the soul and the yearning for beautiful love. His work weaves together life and divinity while exploring the essence of natural existence.In The Only Lullaby That Consoles Her, the poet employs romantic imagery metaphors to depict a world filled with love and peace. His praise of feminine beauty reveals the forces of sanctity, and solace. Simiele's poetry serves as a mirror, reflecting the richness and diversity of human emotions. It is a hymn to love and life, a celebration of beauty and existence.(By Christine Chen)<br> <h5>(所有文字作品均获作者授权)</h5>