<p class="ql-block">七绝 鹰之歌</p><p class="ql-block">春晓</p><p class="ql-block">孤影长空掠北辰,千峰直下啸风尘。</p><p class="ql-block">
寒云万里寻霜雪,铁翅翻飞破九秋。</p> <p class="ql-block">徐纯原先生的这幅国画大写意以鹰和苍松为题材,呈现出一种刚柔并济的力量感。画中的鹰,用笔狂扫,笔触强烈且充满力度。粗壮有力的墨线,勾勒出鹰的羽翼,黑羽在疏密之间巧妙分布,既体现了翅膀的雄壮,又保留了大写意的简约和意境美。鹰的双眼则是画中最为传神之处,画者以寥寥数笔刻画出鹰的眼神,充满了冷峻与威严,仿佛它正在环视四周,注视着广阔的天地。鹰的头部和喙,笔法坚实有力,特别是那锐利的喙,给人一种坚不可摧的感觉,展现了它桀骜不驯的性格。</p><p class="ql-block">与鹰的雄壮形成对比的是苍松翠柏。松树的造型错落有致,画者在构图上将松的枝干与树冠进行了细腻的刻画。松针描绘得极为细致,层层叠叠的绿意点缀在画面中,仿佛能感受到它们在风中微微摇曳。与鹰的粗放笔触不同,松针的线条细致入微,与粗壮的树干形成鲜明对比,这种对比让画面充满了张力和层次感。松树的枝干,虽然经过简化,但粗犷有力,富有厚重感,仿佛在风雨中依然屹立不倒,展现出生命的顽强与坚韧。</p><p class="ql-block">画中的构图独具匠心,鹰与松树错落有致,彼此相辅相成。鹰站在高耸的松枝上,仿佛正在俯瞰远方的猎物,表现了它独立、冷静的姿态。松树则以其独特的造型和苍翠的绿意,增添了画面的生气与诗意。画者通过粗细线条的对比,将鹰的强壮与松树的柔美相互衬托,既展现了力量的对抗,又透露出自然的和谐美。</p><p class="ql-block">这幅国画以大写意的手法,将鹰的桀骜与松的坚韧融为一体,画风潇洒不羁,笔墨之间透出深厚的功力与精神气质。画者不仅表现了自然的形象,更通过形象表达了生命的哲理,鹰的孤高、松的坚韧,象征着独立与顽强的精神追求。</p> <p class="ql-block">This freehand Chinese painting takes eagles and pine trees as its subject matter, presenting a sense of strength and softness. The eagle in the painting is drawn with strong and powerful strokes. The thick and powerful ink lines outline the eagle's wings, and the black feathers are cleverly distributed between sparse and dense, which not only reflects the majesty of the wings, but also retains the simplicity and artistic conception of freehand painting. The eagle's eyes are the most vivid part of the painting. The painter depicts the eagle's eyes with just a few strokes, which are full of coldness and majesty, as if it is looking around and gazing at the vast world. The eagle's head and beak are drawn with solid and powerful strokes, especially the sharp beak, which gives people a sense of indestructibility and shows its unruly character.</p><p class="ql-block">In contrast to the majestic eagle are the green pines and cypresses. The pine trees are arranged in a patchwork pattern, and the artist has delicately depicted the branches and crowns of the pine trees in the composition. The pine needles are depicted in great detail, with layers of green dotted in the picture, as if you can feel them swaying slightly in the wind. Unlike the rough brushstrokes of the eagle, the lines of the pine needles are meticulous, forming a sharp contrast with the thick trunks. This contrast makes the picture full of tension and layering. Although the branches of the pine trees have been simplified, they are rough and powerful, with a sense of heaviness, as if they are still standing in the wind and rain, showing the tenacity and toughness of life.</p><p class="ql-block">The composition of the painting is ingenious, with the eagle and the pine tree in a well-proportioned arrangement, complementing each other. The eagle stands on a towering pine branch, as if overlooking its prey in the distance, showing its independent and calm attitude. The pine tree, with its unique shape and lush green, adds vitality and poetry to the picture. The artist uses the contrast of thick and thin lines to set off the strength of the eagle and the softness of the pine tree, showing both the confrontation of power and the harmonious beauty of nature.</p><p class="ql-block">This Chinese painting uses a freehand style to blend the eagle's wildness with the pine's tenacity. The painting style is unrestrained and uninhibited, and the brushwork reveals profound skills and spiritual temperament. The painter not only expresses the image of nature, but also expresses the philosophy of life through the image. The eagle's loneliness and the pine's tenacity symbolize the spiritual pursuit of independence and tenacity.</p>