Star Dance Centre Showcase ‍多伦多星舞蹈中心圣诞汇演剪影


<p class="ql-block"><b style="color:rgb(25, 25, 25);">星舞蹈中心圣诞演出:218颗星光点亮多伦多夜空</b></p><p class="ql-block">2024年12月20日晚,北约克的Fairview剧院迎来了一场璀璨夺目的圣诞演出,由多伦多星舞蹈中心倾情呈现。此次演出汇聚了218位从4岁至成年不同年龄层的学生舞者、专业舞蹈导师、以及20多位团队成员和义工,共同打造了这一充满欢乐与艺术震撼的夜晚。</p><p class="ql-block">演出剧院内座无虚席,观众热情高涨。整场演出32支节目,涵盖芭蕾、爵士、Hip Hop 、 K-Pop、现代舞、街舞、拉丁舞、Bachata 等多种风格。演出在充满圣诞氛围的欢乐歌舞开场秀中拉开帷幕,随后依次登场的是少年Hip Hop团队、青少年K-pop表演团队,以及北美国标拉丁冠军Fiona和Mishka的精彩双人舞《Ain’t No Sunshine》。其中,星舞蹈中心独创的观众LED灯光互动环节更是掀起了全场高潮,观众挥舞着闪烁的灯光,与舞者一起感受舞蹈节奏的魔力,剧院瞬间化作一片星光闪烁的海洋。</p><p class="ql-block">第二部分中,日本特邀嘉宾B-Boys的街舞表演技惊四座,而随后登台的阿根廷探戈团队和肚皮舞团队和百老汇舞台歌舞则展现了舞蹈艺术的多元魅力。星舞蹈创始人Fiona Su 讲述了她膝盖受伤后,家人的关爱,舞蹈所赋予的希望,重返舞台的故事,与她的舞伴Ronen用一支国标舞完美演绎了这一主题。演出以压轴大秀《D&C》和全体演员结尾秀圆满落幕。</p><p class="ql-block">令人感动的环节是,无论是首次登台的稚嫩小演员,还是精湛的专业舞者,都获得了满场热烈的掌声和欢呼声。演出结束后,小演员们在大厅的星舞蹈签字幕布上看到了他们的专属精美表演勋章,惊喜不已,家长们也为孩子们的精彩呈现欣喜万分,热泪盈眶。</p><p class="ql-block">星舞蹈中心CEO及艺术总监Fiona Su在演出中说道:“舞蹈不仅是动作的艺术,更是成长与奉献的见证。今晚不是普通的学生汇演,而是一场精心策划的高水平艺术盛宴,希望这些年轻舞者未来能在更大的舞台上闪耀。”她感谢所有演员、导师、团队和观众的支持,并强调舞蹈教育的意义:“舞蹈教会我们如何在压力下成长,如何从跌倒中站起。这是一场关于梦想和坚持的演出。”</p><p class="ql-block">Fiona 说:“你们是今天舞台的耀眼明星,星舞蹈很自豪能够继续成为你们的基石,为你们提供支撑的肩膀,愿今晚的魔力激励你们继续闪耀,摘星!”</p><p class="ql-block">这场演出不仅展现了星舞蹈中心学生的舞蹈才华,也为多伦多观众奉献了一场视觉与艺术的盛宴。星舞蹈中心作为多伦多北约克地区的艺术标杆,是一个充满活力的艺术家聚集地。拥有一支由30多位涵盖多种舞蹈风格的全国奖项导师团队。不仅培养未来的舞蹈新星,更通过艺术赋予每位舞者信心和力量。</p><p class="ql-block"><b>English Version:</b></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="color:rgb(25, 25, 25);">Christmas performance at the Star Dance Centre: 218 stars light up the night sky of Toronto</b></p><p class="ql-block">On the evening of December 20, 2024, the Fairview Theatre in North York welcomed a dazzling Christmas performance, presented by the Toronto Star Dance Centre. The performance brought together 218 student dancers of different ages from 4 to adults, professional dance instructors, and more than 20 team members and volunteers to create this night full of joy and artistic shock.</p><p class="ql-block">The theater was packed with people and the audience was enthusiastic. The whole performance had 32 programs, covering various styles such as ballet, jazz, Hip Hop, K-Pop, modern dance, street dance, Latin dance, Bachata, etc. The performance kicked off with a joyful song and dance opening show full of Christmas atmosphere, followed by the teenage Hip Hop team, the teenage K-pop performance team, and the wonderful duet "Ain't No Sunshine" by Fiona and Mishka, the North American standard Latin champions. Among them, the audience LED light interaction session created by the Star Dance Center set off a climax. The audience waved the flashing lights and felt the magic of the dance rhythm with the dancers. The theater instantly turned into a sea of ​​stars.</p><p class="ql-block">In the second part, the street dance performance of the Japanese special guest B-Boys amazed the audience, and the Argentine tango team, belly dance team and Broadway stage dance that took the stage later showed the diverse charm of dance art. Fiona Su, the founder of Star Dance, told the story of her family's love, the hope given by dance, and her return to the stage after her knee injury. She and her partner Ronen performed this theme perfectly with a national standard dance. The performance ended successfully with the finale show "D&C" and the ending show of all the actors.</p><p class="ql-block">The touching part was that both the young actors who took the stage for the first time and the superb professional dancers received warm applause and cheers from the audience. After the performance, the young actors were pleasantly surprised to see their exclusive exquisite performance medals on the Star Dance signature curtain in the hall. The parents were also delighted and moved to tears by their children's wonderful performance.</p><p class="ql-block">Fiona Su, CEO and Artistic Director of Star Dance Center, said during the performance: "Dance is not only the art of movement, but also the witness of growth and dedication. Tonight is not an ordinary student performance, but a carefully planned high-level art feast. I hope these young dancers can shine on a bigger stage in the future." She thanked all the actors, mentors, teams and audiences for their support, and emphasized the significance of dance education: "Dance teaches us how to grow under pressure and how to stand up from falling. This is a performance about dreams and persistence."</p><p class="ql-block">Fiona said: "You are the shining stars on the stage today. Star Dance is proud to continue to be your cornerstone and provide you with a shoulder of support. May the magic of tonight inspire you to continue to shine and reach the stars!"</p><p class="ql-block">This performance not only showcased the dancing talents of the students of Star Dance Center, but also presented a visual and artistic feast to the Toronto audience. As an artistic benchmark in North York, Toronto, Star Dance Center is a vibrant gathering place for artists. We have a team of more than 30 national award-winning instructors covering a variety of dance styles. We not only train future dance stars, but also give each dancer confidence and strength through art.</p>