Fang zi的美篇

Fang zi

<p class="ql-block">Joyful gathering in the Community 欢乐相聚在社区</p> <p class="ql-block">深冬,像一位沉默的老者,带着岁月沉淀的冷峻,悄然而至。</p><p class="ql-block">In the depths of Winter, it comes quietly like an old man in silence, with the coldness of time.</p><p class="ql-block">岁暮冬寒,昨日周末南國的Hong Kong 气温系今年最低气温的一天13度吧!小区在2pm左右举办佐一个住宅小区圣诞快节前Party联欢会。</p><p class="ql-block">In the cold of Winter , yesterday weekend , the temperature in the southern Hong Kong was the lowest of the year at 13 degrees ! The neighborhood held a Christmas Party for one residential Community around 2pm .</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">2点左右人们如期而至来到佐会场,要数最高兴的系小朋友🧒们了,约20至30个。会场装得相当喜庆,高大的圣诞🎄,闪烁的灯饰和圣诞🧑‍🎄的图像画贴、盆景🪴俱全,孩子们在追逐嬉戏,他们的童雅、天真、清脆、悦耳的笑声,家长们亦在相互交谈着,欢乐、喜悦的心情,尽显在她们脸上!</p><p class="ql-block">Around 2pm, People arrived at the venue as scheduled, and among them were the most delighted ones the Children , numbering around 20to30!The hall was decorated with great festive cheer , featuring tall Christmas, image stickers, as well as potted plants…….The Children were playing and chasing each other, their innocent, pure ,clear,and pleasant laughter filled the air, while the parents conversed with each other, their joy and happiness evident on their face!</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">Party 在洋溢的气氛中进行,小丑表演🎭、知识竞赛、小游戏、抽奖活动在欢乐😆的气氛中进行,每个获奖者露佐满意的笑容😊……亦穿插着下午丰富的午点品尝环节。</p><p class="ql-block">Party takes place in an overflowing atmosphere with clown performing knowledge competitions mini一games and activities in a joyful atmosphere . Each Winter reveals a satisfied smile…….interspersed with the tasting session at noon.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">咁样噶Party联欢,增强佐左邻右里的共知性与和谐,使左邻右里都相互了解,用一份善心去体验、珍惜!小小的Party 联欢,增进了邻里之间的认知,亦使我感受到人与人之间的温暖和美好😊!</p><p class="ql-block">Such Party gatherings enhance the mutual understanding and harmony among neighbors making both left and right neighbors understand rather other with a kind heart to experience and Cherish! This small party gathering has increased the understanding among neighbors and also made me feel the warmth and beauty of between people!</p>