<p class="ql-block">China has a long history of astrology with complex and incredibly scientific algorithm, and the 24 solar terms were calculated based on the rotation law of the stars. Winter solstice festival is one of the most important festivals . People have an illusion that people beyond Northern China have nothing special to celebrate it but to follow northern people’ suit with curiosity admirably.</p><p class="ql-block">中国有悠久的星相学,其算法及其复杂,具备惊人的科学水准。24节气是基于天体星球的运行规律计算而来。冬至是其中非常重要的一个节气。人们有一个幻觉: 北方以外的中国人没有合适的东西庆祝冬至,所以只有拜倒在北方人的餐盘面前, 吃饺子。</p><p class="ql-block"></p><p class="ql-block"></p> <p class="ql-block">However, in Southern China, people celebrate the festival by eating soft-sticky rice cakes with black sugar inside( 红糖糍粑)while in Northern China people prepare a luxury dumpling(饺子)feast for the whole family . In Shanghai, rice cakes with osmanthus flowers decorated ( 桂花糕)are both children’s favorite snacks and the best dishes to show respect to the elderly on the festival. </p><p class="ql-block">然而,在这一天,当北方人为全家准备一个豪华的饺子宴时,南方人在吃软糯Q弹的红糖糍粑,而上海人的桂花糕是冬至孩子们最喜爱的零食,也是给赠送老人的最好礼物。</p><p class="ql-block"></p><p class="ql-block"></p> <p class="ql-block">On delicate porcelain plates , osmanthus flowers decorated on the white soft naughty rice cakes are just blossoming proudly. </p><p class="ql-block">精致的餐盘中,软糯白胖淘气的米发糕上点缀着桂花,正在傲然绽放。</p><p class="ql-block"></p><p class="ql-block"></p> <p class="ql-block">One day somehow dumplings began to catch on all over China , serving as a must on the dinner table on the winter solstice. </p><p class="ql-block">不知从哪一天起,饺子开始占上风,很快大行其道了。冬至那天,它成了南北各地餐桌上的必需品。</p><p class="ql-block"></p><p class="ql-block"></p> <p class="ql-block">Property staff from Tang Gao including the chefs and the restaurant manager Mr.Huang began to prepare hand-made dumplings one day before the winter solstice of 2024, whose pictures alone have warmed hearts of Tang Gao. Hungry stomaches are to be filled with the delicacy at 11:30 on December 21,2024 , the lunch time. </p><p class="ql-block">汤高的大厨们和后勤餐饮黄经理已经提前一天,进行手工包饺子。看着他们包饺子的照片,就能温暖我们汤高人的心。2024 年12 月21日中午11:30 , 汤高人空着肚子准备好哦!</p> <p class="ql-block">The biggest Easter Egg today is the most touching words posted in the WeChat group for faculty staff by Qiyi, the teaching director of Senior 1 of 2024. American philosopher Ralph Emerson once said,“ Comparison is the thief of happiness.” The campus culture of Tang Gao understands it well. This idea was put forward at least 10 years ago , but very few schools have taken action. Tang Gao is on the right track of “Love and Appreciation ” advocated by the principal to a better future. </p><p class="ql-block">今年冬至最大的彩蛋是2024级高一年级主任齐Yi在群里发的感人至深的语句。美国思想家拉夫爱默生曾说“ 攀比是快乐的小偷。” 汤高的文化深谙其意。不排名的要求喊了十多年,真正公开执行的学校不多,汤高真的走上了校长倡导的“爱与赏识”的教育之路,正坦然无愧地走向崭新的未来。</p>