

<p class="ql-block">舌尖上的汤高 A Taste of Tang Gao</p> <p class="ql-block">Have you ever hesitated to order delivery service or drive out to visit a restaurant for lunch on workdays ? You are not alone. However, after trials and surveys, recently the property managing levels have changed their ingredients and menus, catering for nearly all. This is just one of the random options on the 3rd floor. The colors display the efforts of the cook. </p><p class="ql-block">‍你是否也有过在工作日的中午陷入两难,不知道是点外卖还是开车出去吃?我也经历过。然而汤高的后勤在多次全面民调后,进行改良,改进了配方,增加了品种,成功的满足几乎所有人的味蕾。这只是我在三楼随机拍摄的一道菜,它的颜色反映了大厨的用心付出。</p> <p class="ql-block">Soybean products are high in proteins , which recover our muscles, maintain bones, make skins elastic and build tougher walls of vessels. If you feel tired occasionally, this is my recommendation. ( 3rd floor) </p><p class="ql-block">‍大豆产品属于高蛋白食物,能帮助人恢复肌肉、强健骨骼、让皮肤富有弹性, 铸造良好的血管内壁。如果你偶尔感到疲倦, 我必须推荐这道菜。( 三楼)</p> <p class="ql-block">Peanuts never fail to amaze the tip of your tongue. Have you ever heard of a famous nutrition product “ 红桃K” ? Right ! It was made of the red soft skins of the peanuts, which help generate blood. This dish not only caters for your taste bud , but for your blood. ( 2nd floor)</p><p class="ql-block">‍花生在惊艳你的舌尖这件事情上,从来不会失败。你听说过一种保健品叫“红桃K”吗? 对!它就是由花生的红衣制作而成。花生红衣是帮助人加强造血功能的。所以这道菜不仅满足你的味蕾,也是帮你造血的!( 二楼)</p> <p class="ql-block">Exploring the varieties of the food in Tang Gao is really fun and rewarding. Countless springs and winters have slipped through my sighs of disappointment and I have been used to the stereotypes of the limited choices of the food, which lack of the concept of Three Procedures with Five Steps. No wonder that I feel it unbelievable to see Wuhan local food sticky rice with black sugar inside ( 红糖糍粑)displayed elegantly in grass baskets . And the sweetness is very subtle. (2nd floor) </p><p class="ql-block">‍探索汤高食堂菜品本身就是一种充满意义的乐趣 。记不清多少个春去秋来,我对食堂的缺乏三环五步的“刻板老三篇”菜品失望地叹息。看到这个武汉地方特色红糖糍粑优雅地陈列于草编篮子的时候,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。关键是它并不甜腻,它的甜度恰到好处的微妙。(二楼)</p> <p class="ql-block">The colors alone can immediately attract teenagers, relieving the fatigue from classroom routine tasks. For adults like me, the artistic shapes with colors from crops themselves can add colors to a day of work routine which would be otherwise dull.( 2nd floor ) </p><p class="ql-block">‍这道面食的颜色就足以吸引花季雨季的少男少女 , 丰富的色彩可以驱散教室里学习带来的疲惫。对于像我这样的成年人,这种艺术造型的食品带着来自大自然农作物本身的色相,给工作中可能出现的灰色增加斑斓的饱和度。( 二楼)</p> <p class="ql-block">Another steamed-pasta version curiously shaped is not only available for breakfast , but for lunch and dinner. ( 2nd floor ) </p><p class="ql-block">‍这种艺术感十足的面食既在早餐有供应,中餐和晚餐也有。</p> <p class="ql-block">Steamed bread is one of the most common pasta products in campus of China, but this is unique. The inside part is a meat ball or a ball of vegetables taking up a big portion of the whole weight. ( 2nd floor ) </p><p class="ql-block">‍包子是中国校园里的常见面点,但是这里的包子不同寻常。 它的里面是很大的肉馅,占整个包子的比重较大。( 二楼) </p> <p class="ql-block">Many more are being served …</p><p class="ql-block">‍ 还有很多其他品种…. 今天写累了,下次继续……</p>