<h5><div align="center"><b>美国【综合新闻】803期</b></div><div align="center">主编:佩英</div><div align="center">总编:程朗</div><div align="center">总顾问:马华胜<br></div></h5> <div align="center"><b>你们正在书写历史</b><br>--小记菲律宾24年度皇冠集团颁奖典礼<br></div><br> 24年12月8日下午5时,菲律宾马尼拉Heritage大酒店灯火辉煌,二楼大会厅迎来一场盛会:24年度菲律宾皇冠集团颁奖典礼正式开始。大会堂过道两旁是巨幅海报,上面有一个个烫金的名字,他们是今晚的主角:获奖嘉宾。获奖者涉及菲律宾文化艺术界、教育医疗界与公共服务界。其中最令人瞩目的是其中一个奖项:24年度杰出20名报业从业员大奖。20名获奖者来自全球四大洲五大洋。这个奖项的设置,也标志着《国际皇冠传奇杂志》正式启动。该杂志由企业家麦克尔•凯文•阿斯塔吉尔博士与记者出身的安东尼奥•马尔主持。麦克尔曾获亚洲最年轻的企业家殊荣。该杂志出版志在鼓励更多追梦者,并为他们的努力喝彩。<br> 来自菲律宾各界约160名嘉宾应邀出席了颁奖典礼和晚宴。来自新西兰报业与文学界的佩英女士非常荣幸代表获奖嘉宾致辞。佩英女士首先感谢组委会对报业从业员的认可,盛赞菲律宾人民跨国界的文化视野,并强调作为报业从业员该有的良知与社会责任感。与会嘉宾对佩英女士的发言报以热烈掌声。值得一提的是,菲律宾华文作家协会主席陈嘉奖先生和陈瑾女士双双获得文学贡献奖。<br> 整个颁奖典礼历时六小时,在精彩的歌声与舞蹈中落下帷幕。<br> 本次盛会在脸书、油管等各大社交媒体上即时转播,全球约有200多个媒体进行报道。<br> <h5><b> You Are Writing History</b></h5><h5>--A Brief Note on the 2024 Legacy Crown Group Awards Ceremony in the Philippines</h5><h5><br></h5><h5> At 5:00 PM on December 8, 2024, the Heritage Hotel Manila in the Philippines was resplendent with lights, as the grand 2024 Crown Group Awards Ceremony commenced in its second-floor ballroom. The hallway leading to the hall was adorned with massive posters featuring golden names—the stars of the evening: the awardees. The honourees came from the fields of culture and arts, education and healthcare, and public service in the Philippines. Among the awards, the most noteworthy was the "2024 International 20 Journalists Award," presented to 20 individuals from across four continents and five oceans. This award also marked the official launch of [The International Crown Legacy Magazine], spearheaded by entrepreneur Dr. Michael Kevin Eustaquio and journalist Antonio Ma-at. Dr. Michael, who previously earned the title of Asia's youngest entrepreneur, aims for the magazine to inspire dreamers worldwide and celebrate their hard work. </h5><h5><br></h5><h5>Around 160 guests from various sectors in the Philippines attended the ceremony and banquet. Representing the awardees, Ms. Christine Peiying Chen, from New Zealand's journalism and literary circles, was honoured to deliver a speech. She began by thanking the organizing committee for recognizing journalism professionals, praised the cultural inclusive of the Filipino people, and emphasized the conscience and social responsibility that journalists should uphold. Her speech received enthusiastic applause from the attendees. Notably, Mr. Jerry Chen and Ms. Jin Chen ,President and director of the Philippine Chinese Writers Association, respectively, were both awarded the Literary Contribution Award. </h5><h5><br></h5><h5>The awards ceremony lasted six hours and concluded amidst captivating singing and dancing performances. </h5><h5><br></h5><h5>The event was live-streamed on major social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, with approximately 200 media channels worldwide reporting on it.</h5> <h5>佩英与菲律宾文化界欢聚一堂</h5> <h5>佩英与菲律宾华文作家协会陈嘉奖先生和陈瑾女士</h5> <b>附:佩英女士发言如下。</b><br><br>女士们,先生们,新朋友们,老朋友们:<br> 你们好!今天能够站在这里,我感到无比的荣幸和喜悦。<br> 我来自一个名叫新西兰的小国家,人口仅有五百万,在地图上只是一个小小的点。然而,能够与众多杰出的新闻工作者一同被认可,对我来说意义非凡:这表明我们的声音正在被听见。<br> 这不仅是个人的成就,更是对全球范围内新闻工作者、诗人、作家以及媒体从业者共同贡献的肯定。<br> 这是我第一次来到你们美丽的国家。在这里,我看到了新与旧、历史与现代、东方与西方的共存。这让我不禁思考,你们的人民是如何将这些元素如此和谐地融合在一起的?我相信这是因为你们的人民拥有一种神奇的力量,能够搭建起文化之间的桥梁。而这项奖项,正是菲律宾向世界张开双臂、拥抱全球的最好证明。<br> 地处南太平洋的重要位置,菲律宾是亚太地区的重要连接点。它拥有丰富的历史、多元的文化以及多样的语言,同时也具备深厚的媒体和文学传统。难怪菲律宾记者以他们的勇气、智慧和独立精神闻名。他们始终以真相为核心,为社会的进步而努力。<br> 作为一名来自新西兰的作家,我深刻意识到菲律宾与新西兰在文化与媒体领域的紧密联系。我们共享同一个南太平洋海域,也共享对真相、和平与人类尊严的共同追求。<br> 语言与媒体能够超越国界,它们是推动全球交流、理解与合作的强大力量。此次获奖,不仅是对个人努力的肯定,更是对国际新闻与文学界的激励。它放大了那些边缘化的声音,让它们能够被听见。<br> 今天,我们面临着前所未有的挑战:信息过载、假新闻的威胁、日益加剧的贫富差距,以及战争的阴霾。在这样的时代,媒体与作家肩负着特殊的使命——捍卫真相、推动正义、守护人性。<br> 这项奖项不仅是一种荣誉,更是一份责任。正如现代中国国父孙中山先生所说:“革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。”<br> 最后,我将这一荣誉献给所有为真相而奋斗的新闻工作者、捕捉人性本质的作家,以及为梦想坚持不懈的媒体人。无论我们的语言或国籍如何不同,我们都在以自己的方式书写历史,就在这里,此时此刻,你和我。<br> 最后,再次感谢菲律宾皇冠集团和评审委员会的信任与认可。谢谢大家!<br> <h5><div>Christine Peiying Chen's Speech: <br></div><div><br></div><div><b>We Are the One</b></div><br>Ladies and gentlemen,New friends and old friends,<br>Good evening!It is such a pleasure and honour to be here. <br>I come from a small country called New Zealand, with a population of just five million—a tiny spot on the map. To be recognized alongside other outstanding journalists has a special meaning to me: it shows that our voices are being heard.<br>This is not just a personal achievement but a collective recognition of the work of journalists, poets, writers, and media professionals around the world.<br>This is my first visit to your beautiful country. Here, I see the coexistence of the old and the new, history and modernity, the East and the West. It makes me wonder how your people have managed to blend these elements so harmoniously. I believe it is the magic of your people who have built a bridge between cultures. This award is a testament to how the Philippines extends its arms to embrace the world.<br>Situated in a strategic location in the South Pacific, the Philippines serves as a vital connection point for the Asia-Pacific region. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse languages, the Philippines has deep media and literary traditions. It is no wonder that Filipino journalists are known for their courage, wisdom, and independence. They consistently place truth at the centre of their work and strive for the betterment of society.<br>As a writer from New Zealand, I am keenly aware of the close ties between the Philippine and New Zealand in the fields of culture and media. We share the same South Pacific Ocean and the same pursuit of truth, peace, and human dignity.<br>Words and media transcend borders; they are forces that drive global exchange, understanding, and cooperation. This award is an encouragement for the international journalism and literary communities. It amplifies marginalized voices and ensures they are heard.<br>Today, we face unprecedented challenges: an overflow of information, the rise of fake news, widening wealth gaps, and the devastation of war. In such times, media and writers bear a special mission—to defend the truth, promote justice, and preserve humanity.<br>This award is not only an honour but also a responsibility. As the founding father of modern China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, once said:<br>“The revolution is not yet complete; comrades must continue to strive.”<br><br>Finally, I dedicate this honour to all journalists and writers who capture the essence of humanity and persevere in their dreams. Together, we are all writing history—right here, right now.<br><b>We are the one.</b><br>Once again, thank you to the Legacy Crown Committee for your trust and recognition.<br>Thank you for all of you !</h5> <h5><b>全球20名杰出报业从业员获奖名单</b><br>- 安吉拉·科斯塔(意大利)<br>- 塔格丽德·布梅尔希(巴西黎巴嫩裔)<br>- 克里斯汀•佩英•陈(新西兰)<br>- 穆杰·布查帕伊博士(阿尔巴尼亚)<br>- 艾琳·杜拉-卡瓦迪亚(希腊)<br>- 弗朗切斯卡·加莱洛(意大利)<br>-哈桑·雅尔蒂(西班牙摩洛哥裔)<br>- 德拉古沙·恩杜耶(阿尔巴尼亚)<br>- 迪布兰·费伊利(科索沃)<br>- 阿尔斯兰·拜尔(土耳其)<br>- 哈米德·阿卜杜勒·穆罕默德·阿尔马吉迈(也门)<br>- 阿尔凯塔·加西·法兹利乌(科索沃)<br>- 阿图尔·努拉(阿尔巴尼亚)<br>- 纳西尔·艾贾兹(巴基斯坦)<br>- 艾瑞斯·卡利夫(以色列)<br>- 姜炳哲(韩国)<br>- 伊娃·利安努·彼得罗普卢(希腊)<br>- 安东尼塔·米卡利(意大利)<br>- 普瑞斯·帕德曼纳班·南比亚尔教授(印度)<br>-拉坦·巴塔查吉(印度)</h5><div><br></div> <h5>全球共200多家媒体对此盛会进行报道。上图为部分报道媒体图标(logo)海报。</h5>