<p class="ql-block">曾经以为“教育”就是学会读书写字,字体漂亮,文章出众,即有文化和才华,后来发现“教育”的根本更在于灵魂的塑造,思想的升华,人格的完善,就是我们传统认知中在德育、智育和体育等多方面均得到发展,才是“教育”的目的。</p><p class="ql-block">大学作为全球“教育”的最高学府,其很多校长在毕业生典礼上的致辞由衷代表了对“教育”核心价值的取向之精髓,而备受社会关注。近期,两所不同国度世界顶级大学校长在毕业典礼上的两段充满激励煽情演讲的短视频吸引了无数眼球和热议,引起了人们的深刻思考,特此翻译整理如下:</p> <p class="ql-block">A校长:“今天,我向你们2022届毕业生们发起一个挑战,请为他人留一个席位,为他人留出空间,让教育带来的不仅只是你们自身生活的富足。你们比大多数人拥有更多机会来改变世界, 也有更多机会让别人过上更好的生活。既然机会来到你们面前,就要让其得以充分利用。无论你们利用在校所接受的教育从事何种职业,谦逊、善良、关爱他人都要像你们的专业成就一样的出色。应充分意识,好的运气和好的环境在你们生命中的重要性,并一定要将此分享给他人。那样才能让你今天感受到的这份自豪和喜悦得以持续升华,那样也才是改变世界可得以的真正自豪和喜悦!”</p><p class="ql-block">Principal A:Today, I want to challenge you members of the XX Class of 2022 to save a seat for others,to make room for others, to ensure that the opportunities afforded to your education do not enrich your life alone. You will have more chances than most to make differences in the world,more opportunities to give others a chance at a better life. Take advantage of these opportunities when they arise.Whatever you do with your education, please be known as much for your humility, kindness and concern for others as for your professional accomplishments. Recognize the role that good fortune and circumctance have played in your life. And please work to extend opportunity to others just as it has been extended to you.That actually, is how you will sustain the pride and joy you feel today. And that's also true!</p> <p class="ql-block">B校长:“命运往往笼罩着不可预知,充满偶然性的迷雾,命运往往荆棘丛生,充满坎坷,在苦难中磨砺意志,在挑战中超越自我,是打开命运枷锁的钥匙!同学们,你们正处在砥砺奋进的新时代,身逢其时,重任在肩,希望你们把握人生方向,做命运的主人,将小我融入国家民族乃至全人类的大我当中,以民族复兴的步阀为节拍,以永远奋进的青春为旋律,谱写新时代命运的交响曲,共岁月峥嵘,留历史回想!”</p><p class="ql-block">Principal B: "Fate may often be very unpredictably or accidentally foggy. And the path you choose can also be too overgrown or full of hardships and difficulties. But tempering through these challenges to surpass yourself will be the only key to stronger will and strength. In time of this new era of pressing great forward, all graduates, you have heavy responsibilities on your shoulders. Hope you can well manage the direction of your life, be the master of your own destiny, merge your small self into the big ones of the country and even the world as a whole so as to with the pace of national revival as the beat and the eternal youth as the melody compose a symphony of the fate in the new era as well as remember the ups and downs of the history in the years to follow!”</p> <p class="ql-block">无论你欣赏哪种风格,两位不同国度校长从小我与大我,或自我与他人之价值纬度,用辩证的思维方式,殊途同归诠释了“教育”的意义。因此,“教育”依赖于人类社会的实践而发展,思维习惯方式亦应随之改变。当今世界已是一个日趋开放、多元、多层次、多环节相互关联而组成的有机整体。我们亦应摒弃传统非此即彼,经纬分明,相互排斥的习惯定式,以集众家之长,合多为一,更全面、深入认识事物发展的内在本质及其效能。这亦是国家改革开放最深刻的含义。</p><p class="ql-block">鉴于上述,“教育”意义在于即如何从“小我”融入,并着眼于全社会、全人类之“大我”,而无论选择何种学科,从事什么职业,都应让谦逊、善良、关爱他人的品质与所学曾致力于的专业成就一样出色!同时,君子和而不同,有差异才有多样性、丰富性,才能充分调动、发挥人先天不同潜质,推陈出新,以产生张力, 激发动力和创造力,让社会得以精彩纷呈,生生不息,充满活力!</p><p class="ql-block">总之,“教育”的根本在于点亮了个体,更照亮他人,路虽远行则将至!The basic significance of education is to light up the individual and illuminate others. The road is far away, but it will come upon your start!</p>