<p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">蠡园,地处风光秀美的蠡湖之滨,是国家重点名胜区“太湖”的主要景点之一。该园初为东西两座相邻的私家别墅园林,分别为1927-1937年建的蠡园和1930-1937年建的渔庄。1952年,对蠡园“百步碑廊”进行了续建,始将两园沟通,统称为蠡园。蠡园以独具风格的水景园林独步于江南,远眺翠嶂连绵,近闻长浪拍岸,山清水秀、庭秀园深。更得以2500年前,范蠡携西施泛舟于此而闻名。</p><p class="ql-block">As one of the key tourist attractions within the national scenic area of "Taihu Lake", Liyuan Garden located at the shores of Lihu Lake, which is a jewel nestled within the revered expanse of Taihu Lake.In retrospection of history, during 1927-1937 and 1930-1937,two villa gardens was builded by two national entrepreneurs. In 1952, a gallery known as the" Hundred-step Corridor"was added, merging the two realms into a single public garden now known as Liyuan Garden.</p><p class="ql-block">Liyuan Garden, with its enchanting waterscape, is a hidden gem among Jiangnan classical gardens. The ponds in the courtyard mirror the distant Lihu Lake, while the majestic mountains on the opposite shore provide a breathtaking backdrop. The untouched beauty of the mountains and the shimmering waters create a harmonious symphony of nature. In this exquisite garden, one can truly immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring grandeur of the natural world. It is here, where a legend unfolded over twenty-five centuries ago, that Fan Li(536-448B.C.) and Xi Shi(503-473B.C.) embarked on an enduring odyssey across these very waters, a narrative that echoing through the tapestry of time.</p> <p class="ql-block">柳堤花雨</p><p class="ql-block">Rain of Flowers onWillow Bank</p><p class="ql-block">无錫园林两条著名花堤之一。堤上桃柳相间,阳春三月,绿柳含翠、桃花吐艳。立于提上,近看桃红柳绿,衬一湖碧水、远眺数点青峰,此景最具春日江南水乡的典型之 美。</p><p class="ql-block">今天2024 年12 月6 日,已是隆冬季节,柳还在,已无花。游客稀少,园区宁静而安详。但美景依旧,景物在湖中的倒影更显美丽,让人心旷神怡。</p>