<h3>百样的人走出百样的人生, 而人生的路总是在悬掛著千百萬把刀和那為數不多的幸運球的天下, 你永遠不會知道的是哪天哪個時辰哪一秒, 是哪一把刀或哪一個幸運球會砸在你的頭頂上, 只有上帝知道。<br>Hundreds of different people lead hundreds of different lives, and the road of life is always hung with millions of knives and a few lucky balls. You will never know which day, hour, or second, which knife or which lucky ball will hit you on the head. Only God knows.<br><br>あらゆる種類の人々があらゆる種類の人生を送り、人生の道は常に何百万ものナイフといくつかの幸運のボールがぶら下がっている世界であり、何日、何時、どのナイフが幸運のボールになるかは決してわかりません。頭を殴るかどうかは神だけが知っています。</h3> <h3>兩年多前, 一向健康, 開朗, 努力的她;有着美好的退休后計劃的她, 突然在上班的時候收到了家庭醫生姚醫生來的電話問:你現在家嗎? 你的先生在嗎? 她答:我在公司上班呢, 有什麼你可以直接告訴我, 姚醫生又說:你的檢查報告和MRI報告來了, 的確疹是大腸癌並已經轉移到肝了, 肝臟有个十公分、一個 五公分、 還有好幾個小的腫瘤, 你得趕緊休息明天到我的疹所來...... 天上的刀真的砸在了她的頭上, 她愣在自己辦公卓前, 也不記得姚醫生最後說什麼了, 過了好一會兒 , 她起身向老闆說了大概情況並要求先請假三個星期, 回到了自己的辦公棹前, 她收拾著自己的東西, 把該發的郵件都發了, 把手頭的緊件都交待給了同事 , 到了五點下班時才離開公司.<br><br><br>More than two years ago, She, who had always been healthy and cheerful, and with a happy plan after her retirement, suddenly received a call from her family doctor Dr. Yao while at work, asking: Are you home now? Is your husband here? She replied: I work in the company. If you have anything, you can tell me directly. Dr. Yao added: Your examination report and MRI report are here. It is true that the rash is colorectal cancer and has metastasized to the liver. The liver is one ten centimeters and one five centimeters and several small tumors, you have to rest quickly and come to my rash clinic tomorrow... The knife from the sky really hit her on the head. She was stunned in front of her office, and she didn't remember Dr. Yao. I finally said something. After a while, She got up and told her boss about the situation and asked to take three weeks' leave. When she returned to her office, she packed her things, sent all the emails that needed to be sent, and handed over all urgent matters to her colleagues. , I didn’t leave the company until I got off work at five o’clock.<br></h3> <h3>她駕着她那辆丰田的省油車离开了公司. 心情難安, 翻騰不平的她, 一出公司的門, 在眼里打转的淚, 止不住的泉湧般夺眶而出, 满面涙珠的她, 木木的開在了回家的高速公路上, 思緒難按伤心無助的她不仅自問: 為什麼? 為什麼是我?<br><br>She drove her Toyota fuel-efficient car and left the company. She was in a restless and turbulent mood. As soon as she left the door of the company, tears welled up in her eyes and flowed out of her eyes like an unstoppable spring. Her face was dripping with tears. Driving dully on the highway home, her thoughts were hard to control and she was so sad and helpless that she not only asked herself: Why? Why me?</h3> <h3>一生努力, 誠信, 勤奋, 勤检, 而离全時退休还不到兩年的她, 有了美好的退休計劃:和家人游歐洲;和老姐妹們乘专列从北京到莫斯科...... 絕症把她从美丽的憧憬里拉回到了现實, 殘酷的現實, 让她知道了自己已經走在了人生路的最后一段路上了...... 思绪纤纤把她拉回到了人生的启程, 回看从記事起的自已;童年的她, 养育她的父母和 關愛她的家人;少年的她, 她的师長, 同窗和她喜愛的音樂和舞蹈; 青年的她, 喜歡的射击; 中年的她, 她的成長, 她的婚姻和她的家庭; 她的生活经历;她的艰难的心的經历;一幕幕的展现着......<br><br><br>She has been working hard, being honest, diligent, and diligent all her life, and with less than two years left before full-time retirement, she has a wonderful retirement plan: traveling to Europe with her family; taking a special train from Beijing to Moscow with her old sisters...... The terminal illness pulled her back to reality from her longing for beauty. The cruel reality made her know that she was on the last stage of her life...... Thousands of thoughts pulled her back to the reality of life. Let’s set off and look back at who she has been since she can remember; her childhood, her parents who raised her and her caring family; her youth, her teachers, classmates and her favorite music and dance; her youth, her favorite shooting; middle-aged her, growth, her marriage and her family; her life experience; her difficult heart experience; scenes unfold......</h3> <h3>童年的她 <br><br> 一九五八年的春天的一個下午, 从挖角街的楊醫生的家(私人診所)里传出了有力的嬰兒哭聲, 在巷子裡的上空响着, 原來是浮桥鎮“筍湖傳芳“的鄭家喜添千金了, 听說出生時臉色紫紅, 頭发都竖立着, 她就是剛剛才踏上了人生旅途的鄭香霞. 自從哇哇落地她就被龐愛著,有疼愛她的奶奶;有疼愛她的父母;有疼愛她的大姐;有疼愛她的倆哥哥們;有疼愛她的堂哥哥們和堂姐姐們. 在家族里,她是她這輩人里最小的小妹。<br><br><br>In her childhood<br><br>one afternoon in the spring of 1958, a powerful baby cry came from Dr. Yang's home (private clinic) on Goujiao Street. It rang in the sky above the alley. It turned out to be Fuyang Sun Lake. The pontoon town Zheng family is blessed with a daughter. It is said that when she was born, her face was purple and her hair stood on end. She was Zheng Xiangxia who had just embarked on the journey of life. Ever since she was born, she has been loved by Pang. She has a grandmother who loves her; her parents who love her; her eldest sister who loves her; her two brothers who love her; and her cousins who love her. In the family Here, she is the youngest girl in her generation.</h3> <h3>每次当看到这张地址是福建泉州浮桥镇新车路34号的大门照的刹那间开始,脑子里的记忆库就被打开了, 雪花似的一片一片在眼前展现……<br>这个大门和它里面的每个角落,都经历着郑俯三代人的成长和每个人的童年,少年的开心,快乐,幸福的时光!<br><br>一进大门,放自行车的“大门路”, 旧庭院里有奶奶用碎砖铺成的庭院, 到后来翻建后的石板庭院……<br><br>更有着陪着我成长的每一位家人! 奶奶留下的威严的样子;伯母亲切的身影;亲爱的爸爸妈妈的样子和他們音容笑貌;還有和堂哥堂姐们, 大姐和哥哥们一起喜闹的场景, 侄儿们和侄女成长的欢乐时光, 我和儿子们在一起的幸福的天伦之乐……<br><br>Every time I see this photo of the door of No. 34, Xinche Road, Fuqiao Town, Quanzhou, Fujian, the memory bank in my mind is opened, and snowflakes unfold before my eyes one by one...<br>This gate and every corner inside it has experienced the growth of three generations of Zheng Fu and everyone's childhood, youth's joy, joy and happy time!<br><br>As soon as you enter the gate, you will see the "main road" where bicycles are kept, the old courtyard that grandma paved with broken bricks, and the later renovated stone slab courtyard...<br><br>I also have every family member who grew up with me! The majestic look left by my grandma; the kind figure of my aunt; the look of my dear parents and their voices and smiles; and with my cousins, eldest sister and brothers. The hilarious scenes, the happy time when my nephews and nieces are growing up, the happy family life that my sons and I have together...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br></h3> <h3>-月十六日二零二五年<br><br>感謝主,昨天上午又是去社安局又去看醫生還去了CVS取藥還買菜,然後吃了餃子餛飩後回家,在路上車的警示燈亮了,丈夫總算能戴著我把車開回家了,安全到家。今天早上丈夫又得把車開到TOYOTA的專門修車廠的去修了,咱家的油電車又壞了.出門修車前,他給病妻煮好早餐,燒好花生皮水,備好藥⋯⋯<br><br>- June 16, 2025<br><br>Thank God, yesterday morning I went to the Social Security Administration, saw a doctor, went to CVS to pick up medicine, bought groceries, and then ate dumplings and wontons before going home. On the way, the car's warning lights came on, and my husband was finally able to drive the car with me. Drove home, got home safely. This morning my husband had to drive the car to the TOYOTA repair shop to get it fixed because our hybrid car broke down again. Before going out to repair the car, he cooked breakfast for his sick wife, boiled peanut skin water, and prepared medicine......<br><br>- 2025年6月16日<br><br>ありがたいことに、昨日の朝、社会保障局に行き、医者に診てもらい、CVSで薬をもらい、食料品を買い、餃子とワンタンを食べて帰宅しました。途中で車の警告灯が点灯し、夫はようやく私と一緒に車を運転することができました。家まで運転して、無事に帰宅しました。今朝、ハイブリッド車がまた故障したため、夫が車を運転してトヨタの修理工場に行き、修理してもらわなければなりませんでした。車の修理に出かける前に、彼は病気の妻のために朝食を作り、ピーナッツの皮の水を沸かし、薬を用意しました...<br><br></h3>