

秋菊颂(手机摄影) <p class="ql-block">年年有菊展,年年有心得。今年菊展规模大,品种多,有主展区,分展区,有造型,有小品,上千个品种,上万盆花,色彩缤纷,目不暇接,引人入胜!</p> <p class="ql-block">菊花,自古产自中国。所以它是我国传统文化中的重要元素,不仅因其高雅脱俗的品性,更因其在历史长河中承载的文化厚重,为我国人民视为珍贵的花卉品种。</p><p class="ql-block">据史书记载,早在战国时期,菊花便已出现在人们的视野中。到了唐代,菊花已成为文人墨客笔下的常客,杜甫、白居易等诗人均有咏菊之作。宋代以后,经人们长年累月的改良,菊花品种变得繁多,名菊辈出,如“墨菊”、“金线菊”、“玉楼春”等。</p><p class="ql-block">“秋菊有佳色,裛露掇其英”</p><p class="ql-block">菊花展,是一场视觉盛宴,更是一次文化饕餮。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Chrysanthemum, an important element in traditional Chinese culture, is not only famous for its elegant and refined character, but also for the cultural significance it carries through history. The Chrysanthemum Exhibition, as a grand event to showcase the beauty of chrysanthemum, not only displays the variety of chrysanthemum, but also demonstrates the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation.</p><p class="ql-block">Chrysanthemum originated in China. According to historical records, chrysanthemum appeared in people's field of vision as early as the Warring States Period. By the Tang Dynasty, chrysanthemum had become a frequent visitor in the works of literati and poets. There were many varieties of chrysanthemum, and famous chrysanthemums such as "Ink Chrysanthemum", "Golden Thread Chrysanthemum" and "Jade Building Spring" were unique and beautiful through the peoples improved for times.</p><p class="ql-block">The Chrysanthemum Exhibition is not only a visual feast, but also a cultural journey. Here, you can appreciate the variety of chrysanthemum and feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture.</p> <p class="ql-block">今年的菊展已经过去,但令人难忘的是,在菊展上偶遇了毕业六十八年的中学老同学。从豆蔻年华到髦耋之年 ,竟然不期而遇,这是天之昭也,地之缘也!真是无巧不成书也!</p>