<p class="ql-block"> 潘菲洛夫-28勇士纪念公园,坐落于阿拉木图市果戈里大街,占地18公顷。公园林木茂盛,景色秀丽,内有长明火、光荣纪念碑、军官之家等建筑。</p><p class="ql-block">Panfilov-28 Warrior Memorial Park, located in Gogol Street, Almaty City, covers an area of 18 hectares. The park is lush with trees and beautiful scenery, and there are buildings such as Eternal flame glorious Monument and officers' home.</p> <p class="ql-block"> 为纪念在莫斯科保卫战中击退德国法西斯坦克进攻,前苏军316潘菲洛夫近卫步兵师的28位勇士(其中10名为阿拉木图人)英勇奋战,而命为现名。</p><p class="ql-block">In commemoration of the defeat of the German Fascist tanks in the Battle of Moscow, 28 former Soviet soldiers of the 316th Panfilov Guards Infantry Division (10 of whom were Almaty) fought bravely and were named.</p> <p class="ql-block">END</p>