<p class="ql-block">钱,永远是不够用的;活,永远是干不完的;心,永远是操不完的;苦,永远是说不出的。人生在世,会有很多意难平.</p><p class="ql-block">Money is never enough; work is never done; worries are never over; hardships are never fully describable. Life is full of unresolved difficulties. </p><p class="ql-block">人生来就是受苦的,不受这个苦,就会受那个苦。活着就是一个不断跟苦难打交道的过程。其实生命中所有的挫折和伤痛,都是为了造就你成全你。</p><p class="ql-block">Man is born to suffer; if not this suffering, then that suffering. Life is a process of constantly dealing with hardships. In fact, all setbacks and pains in life are meant to shape you and make you strong.</p>