

<h5>我漂泊 我不是诗人</h5><h5>I was wandering I am not a poet</h5><h5><br></h5><h5>作者:欧阳欣悦</h5><h5>Author: Ouyang Xinyue</h5><h5><br></h5><h5><br></h5><h5>我漂泊,我不是诗人</h5><h5>I wander, I am not a poet</h5><h5>我只是个喜欢汉语言文字的</h5><h5>I just love the Chinese language</h5><h5>那个到处流浪的小草儿</h5><h5>The wandering small grass</h5><h5><br></h5><h5><br></h5><h5>风吹了 依然不悔地挺着自己</h5><h5>The wind is still not regret it himself</h5><h5>落不经风的腰杆 迎风漂泊</h5><h5>Fell without wind. Wind drift back</h5><h5>把无奈的话语向夜空诉说</h5><h5>The but the words into the night sky</h5> <h5>我漂泊 我不是诗人</h5><h5>I was wandering I am not a poet</h5><h5>我只是个爱在字里行间里</h5><h5>I'm just a love in between the lines</h5><h5>行走的那个沾墨留影的字符</h5><h5>The ink character walking</h5><h5><br></h5><h5><br></h5><h5>雨下了 我的泪水</h5><h5>The rain was my tears</h5><h5>点滴成优美的文字</h5><h5>Bit by bit into a beautiful words</h5><h5>陪伴我 看着夜幕里的星斗</h5><h5>Accompany me watching the night of stars</h5><h5>夜冷了 心凉了 心海死了</h5><h5>The night was cold heart cold heart is dead</h5> <h5>我漂泊 我不是诗人</h5><h5>I was wandering I am not a poet</h5><h5>我只是个翻阅浏览五千年历史的</h5><h5>I was browsing through five thousand years of history</h5><h5>那个走进书海的书虫儿</h5><h5>That went into the books bookworm</h5><h5>请文字帮我打发孤独</h5><h5>Please help me send text alone</h5><h5>叫传奇不再留下太多伤感</h5><h5>Called legend no longer leave too much sadness</h5> <h5>心静了 成了一潭清澈的清荷</h5><h5>The calm into a pool of clear clear load</h5><h5>雨停了 坦然无怨地找寻</h5><h5>The rain stopped have no hatred for</h5><h5>那片属于自己的蔚蓝色</h5><h5>The land belongs to own blue</h5><h5>蔚蓝色的天空</h5><h5>The blue sky</h5><h5><br></h5><h5>叶落了 亲吻着绿草地</h5><h5>Yela kissed the grass</h5><h5>花落了 再去寻找美丽的家园</h5><h5>The flower fell to find beautiful home</h5><h5>随风而动 落脚山野 等待</h5><h5>Moving with the wind up wild waiting</h5> <h5>等待山泉放歌地花香春天 回春</h5><h5>Waiting for the spring sing more flowers spring rejuvenation</h5><h5>等待瀑布袒露他豪放激昂的情怀</h5><h5>Waiting for his bold and passionate feelings waterfall</h5><h5><span style="font-size:15px;">还有钢铁般男儿 另一种的细语柔情</span></h5><h5>There are iron man another whisper tenderness</h5>