Challenge the “2/1” System


<div><b>Author:Lou shi xin (Wuhan, China)<br>English proofread:Ren chengfeng (Shanghai, China)</b></div> <h1><p></p><p><b>I</b>n foreign countries, bridge has a long history and traditional authority, Its bidding system in bridge, whether it is a natural or a precision framework, is based on the "2/1" forcing game as the main structure. Among them, Max Hardy’s way has the most widely used, the most far-reaching impact, and has the status of industry authority.</p><b>S</b>ome people may wonder, who can challenge the traditional and authoritative bidding system of bridge? <br><b>T</b>he times are developing, the concept and methods of bridge bidding are constantly innovating. It includes the historical precipitation and theoretical accumulation of bridge development, contains the bridge bidding researchers unremitting pursuit, also contains the joint efforts of many love bridge players. <p><b>T</b>his article "challenges the '2/1' system", uses a new bridge bidding method, and puts forward the corresponding "solutions" to the "problems" existing in the traditional bridge system in the form of the arena challenge. The traditional bridge theory is really facing the challenge of development and innovation.</p><p><b>I</b>f you receive this article, you can use it as a leisure reading of bridge, slowly taste, maybe there will be surprises.<br></p></h1> <h1><b>I</b>n the "2/1" system, the following six bidding are often encountered.<br>1. the major opening bid, 1NT forces a round;<br>2. the major opening bid, "2/1" forcing game; <br>3. Precision system's 1C strong opening bid;<br>4. Natural system's strong 2C or 2NT jump opening bid;<br>5. first-level takeout double;<br>6. to make up for the "2/1" system structural defects of 'Patch” bidding.</h1> <h1><b>T</b>he above six bidding, at the same time, it also brings some corresponding problems:</h1> <h1><p></p><p><font color="#333333" style=""><b>Problem 1.</b></font></p><p><b>A</b>fter<b> </b>1M opening bid, 1N usually F1, "Its HCP's range is relatively wide, from good 5 to the worse 12"——Max Hardy.<br>For the responder, the invitation hand is mixed with the weak hand, and it is easy to be confused in the future. If you express power, you will lose the expression of shape; if you express your shape, you will abandon the expression of power.<br></p></h1> <h1><p><b>Problem 2. </b></p><p><b>A</b>fter 1M openning bid and the "2/1" GF, the two sides described bidding each other, be called "bids out your own cards clearly". Actually, the power and shape of the two sides aren't easy to express.<br></p></h1> <h1><b>Problem 3. </b><br><b>A</b>fter precision 1C strong opening, bid new suit again, the range of HCP is 16 ~ 21HCP, his partner’s 1D answering, its 0 ~ 7HCP. Them HCP range is too wide and there is no further subdivision.<br></h1> <h1><b>Problem 4. </b><br><b>T</b>he traditional 2N strong opening indicates average shape of 20~21HCP. It waste the space, so the information exchange is limited. and it is the strong cards side are passive and the weak cards side are initiative.<br></h1> <h1><b>Problem 5</b><br><b>F</b>irst-level takeout double defensive bidding, It is difficult to determine the forced bidder's the range of HCP and the number of suit cards. It makes tricky for many bridge players. follow-up rebid are mostly the so-called (actually blind) guesses and judging. It often happens that the game is lost or rushed.<br></h1> <h1><b>Problem 6</b><br><b>T</b>he "2/1" system, due to some special hand types are difficult to describe, so that there are many "patch" bidding ways, such as Bart、Bell、Jacoby、Drury、Wolff、Meckstroth、Walsh、Kokish、Namyats、solemnly 3N、Last train act. <br><b>A</b>lthough it can solve the problem, but they are hard to remember and most partners do not often use it.<br></h1> <h1><b>T</b>he above 6 problems exist in the "2/1" system. Its weakness or inadequate are generally considered to be a blind spot in the bridge name. Only rely on the logic or experience of the brand to solve it.</h1> <h1><b>T</b>he "problem" had be here, the challenger appeared on stage with the corresponding "solution". A total of 14 rounds, wonderful without waiting, the challenge begins.</h1> <h1><b>T</b>he<b> </b>"problem" had be here, the challenger appeared on stage with the corresponding "solution". A total of 12 rounds, wonderful without waiting, the challenge begins.<br></h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">Solution 1 </font></b><br></h1><h1><b>T</b>he 1M opening bid, the traditional dual structure of "2/1" forcing game to become 1NT forcing game, the original 1NT forcing a round is divided into two parts:inviting game and partial score. In this way, an independent but not confusing each other the ternary structure is formed. That is:<br> 1. 1NT: above 13HCP, only meaning GF<br>2. 2C: the 9~12HCP, only meaning invitation.<br>3. other: the 5~8HCP, only meaning To Play. include:<br> 1) Raising bid: the 3 cards to support, suggest shut-off;<br> 2) Jump raising bid: the 4 cards to support, suggest shut-off;<br> 3) "2/1" with new suit:above 6 cards, partner's Major is single or void, shut-off. When new suit is Clubs, then 2NT to transfer to 3C, above 7 cards.</h1> <h1><b>T</b>he<b> </b>ternary structure conforms to the restricted bidding of precision system. The bidding method has also changed from a discussion way to a relay way.So as to understand and use it like a fool..</h1> <h1><font color="#167efb"><b>Round</b> <b>1 Space pressure</b></font></h1> <h1><b>I</b>n the traditional bidding system, North opening bid for 1S. South 1NT forcing a round. Wish rebid for 2D after North 1NT transition to 2C, indicating weak hand and shut-off. But North may have 3 kind of the hand patterns, in order to emphasize his own cards, and then:<br>(a) 2S: the Minimum(11~13HCP, the same below), above 6 cards;<br>(b) 3S: the Maximum(14~15HCP, the same below), above 6 cards;<br>(c) 2H: Majors, 54 hand patterns.</h1><h1>Now, the space in the South is crowded, so it's hard to bid.</h1><p><font color="#39b54a"><b>Challenger demo:</b></font> </p> <h1><b>O</b>f course haven't, this just means weak escape to play!</h1> <h1></h1><h1><font color="#ed2308"><b>Solution 2</b></font></h1><h1><b>A</b>fter the 1M-1NT GF. From the traditional mutual bidding to the relay bidding. The responder as the Initiative bidder, while the opener becomes forced bidder. It can be clarify bids 20 different hand patterns (with the Maximum and Minimum, it will be 40).<br></h1> <h1><font color="#167efb"><b>Round</b> <b>2 </b></font><b><font color="#167efb">Not clear about strength</font></b></h1> <h1><b>N</b>orth bid for 1S, assuming that South plays "2/1" GF. There are the following several possibilities for North to rebid:<br>(a) 2S: bidding back to the original suit, indicating the Minimum (or called the balanced hands or the junk cards), but does not know whether the spades is the 6 or 5 cards.<br>(b) also is 2S too: indicating 6 spades, and then with 2NT express the Minimum of 5 spades. But how express the Maximum? Can’t take into account of both. <br>(c) 3C: The Maximum, and the hand patterns of 55, But 5431 also bid this. How to distinguish. <br>(d)also is 3C too: the maximum, But is Clubs 4 or 5 cards? can't distinguish. The HCP and the hand patterns are obviously different from (c), but the bidding is the same. <br></h1><h1><b><font color="#39b54a">Challenger demo:</font></b></h1><div>(a) 2NT is the Minimum, and 5332 hand patterns;<br>(b) 2S is the Minimum, and the 6 Spades. When partner 2NT relay, and again 3S, that is 6331 hand patterns;<br>(c) 3C is the Minimum, and 55 hand patterns;<br>(d) 2D is the switching bidding of 54 hand patterns. When partner relay for 2H, then plus the level-one to reply for 3C , it is the Maximum, and the 5 Spades and the 4 Clubs.<br>If (a)~(c) are the Maximum, then first reply for 2C, when partner 2D relay, then the follow-up answer are the same above.<br>If (d) is the Minimum, then after 2D, when partner relay for 2H, then plus the level-one to reply for 2S. <b><font color="#39b54a"><br></font></b></div> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 3 Can not judge</font></b></h1> (Open room) (Closed room) <h1><b>A</b> game on BBO.<div><b>I</b>n open room, South opening bid for 1S. North bid for 2D that "2/1" GF. South rebid for 3C. North had a good hand cards and bid for 3H,so as to waiting. South how to bid again? <br><b>T</b>here are two possibilities:<br>1. 4C: emphasize 55 hand patterns (Partner may think that own 3C is the 4 cards).<br>2. 4D: Support raising bid (Partner 2D may be the 5 cards).<br><b>N</b>ow the bidding is reached the fourth-order. Both sides are bidding their cards clearly, but they are not.<br><b>A</b>ctual combat, in open room, South choose bid for 4D, think the Diamonds of North as the 5 cards. And North did not dare to think the clubs of South as the 5 Cards, and the bidding has reached a dead end. result is bids the 4-3 fit 6D.<br><b>C</b>losed room, <b><font color="#39b54a">challenger actual combat:</font></b> </div></h1> <h1><b>T</b>he responder as the Initiative bidder, ask out opener's the Maximum, and the 55 hand patterns, choice 7C correctly.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 4 Hasty and quick battle</font></b></h1> (Open room) (Closed room) <h1><p></p><p><b>A</b> deck of cards of the China elderly team PK with Jin Shuo Mixed team In June 2020. Both sides from the open to the end that bid two rounds only. Bidding too fast, but the goal is not reached. There is no grand Slam pursuit, nor does it reflect the fun and art of bidding.</p><p><font color="#39b54a"><b> Challenger</b> <b>demo:</b></font></p></h1> <h1><b>S</b>outh has known North is the Maximum, and 64 hand patterns of Majors, set the 6 Hearts as the provisional trump, 4NT starts the slam, It's not count Spades Q yet, having already counted out the 13 wins trick, OK fine contract 7NT!<br><b>I</b>n the bidding process, good hand card shall bid slowly, like floating clouds and running water, and its memorable. Bid out best contract is artistic enjoyment, it also embody the fun of bridge.</h1> Enjoy life,social bridge. <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 5 Without suspense</font></b></h1> <h1><b>A</b> deck of cards in the second quarter of the first round of the "2021 National Bridge Class A clubs Final".<br>Of the four teams, with three bid for 6S, and one only bid for 5S.</h1> <h1><b>O</b>n-site the expert commented: "Small slam is easy, but the Grand slam isn't easy, because it needs to launch the impact by the hand patterns. If you do not understand the specific the hand patterns and the HCP distribution, you will not bid the Grand slam".<div><font color="#39b54a"><b>Challenger demo</b></font>:</div></h1> <h1><b>E</b>ast opening bid for 1S, West has the 12HCP, and the 5 cards support with A and K, and 5521 hand patterns, a game is must, the slam too is possible. When partner answer the Maximum, and 6430 hand patterns, with two A (without Clubs A because its void) and Spades Q, and Diamonds K, there is no suspense that bid for 7S.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 6 barely satisfactory</font></b></h1> (Closed room 1) <h1> (Closed room 2) </h1> <h1><b>A</b> deck of cards of Hangzhou Asian Games Bridge Team Final in October 2023.</h1><h1><b>C</b>losed room 1, a foreign player, using natural system, 1H is transfer Spades suit, 2H~ 3D is tell each other high card point. But the hand patterns is not clear, so the simple stopped at 4S.<br><b>C</b>losed room2 , China women's team, using precision system, around a big circle what very complicated, also stopped at 4S. <br><b>N</b>ature is not like nature, precision is not like precision, the result is not satisfactory all. <br><b><font color="#39b54a"> Challenger demo</font></b>:</h1> <h1><b>N</b>orth was asked out the Maximum, 54 hand patterns, with two A and the spade Q, it is not difficult bid for 6S. If the trump is 32 distribute, even if you don't know Spades J, there is also a 68% probability for 7S.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">Solution 3</font></b></h1> <h1><b>P</b>recision<b> </b>system’s 1C strong opening bid, if above 19HCP, and then the partner respond 1D to express 0~7HCP, using the puppet convention of 1H/2C/2D.While express 19~21HCP and 22HCP, at the same time known the partner’s HCPs of the 0~2, 3~4, and 5~7 subdivision ranges, as well as position of the high card, and the number of suit cards.</h1><h1><b>I</b>f the partner is 5~7P, join hands has above 24HCP with partner, and will not stop until the game is over.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 7 Cheap 1NT</font></b></h1> (Open room) (Closed room) <h1></h1><h1><b>C</b>losed room, "2/1" system is usually opening bid for 2NT. If partner is 0~4HCP, even if not bids, the contract has reached the second-order.<br><b>O</b>pen room,<b><font color="#39b54a"> Challenger actual combat </font></b>(See the prompt box)<br></h1> <h1><b>W</b>est through the puppet 1H, so as to known partner that is 0~4HCP, thus stop at 1NT. It is an order of magnitude lower than the traditional bid for 2NT.</h1> <h1><b>I</b>f the partner answers 2C, this is the 5~7P, and you have above 22HCP, you can also use puppet 2D to continue asking if there is high card A or K, and its location.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 8 Who bet right?</font></b></h1> (Open room) (Closed room) <h1><b>O</b>pen room, after 1C-1D, there is no good bids, South had to bet blindly 5C.<div><b>C</b>losed room, <b><font color="#39b54a">Challenger actual combat</font></b> (See the prompt box)<br><p> *1 the 0~7HCP<br> *2 puppet 1H convention<br> *3 the 5~7HCP</p><b>A</b>lso 1C-1D, but South using puppet 1H, knew partner is the 5~7HCP of the majors, bet 3NT is reasonable. <br><b>W</b>ho is right bet?<br></div></h1> <h1>When puppet 1H, answer 1S is the 0~4HCP. Then balanced hand bid for 1NT, this example bid for 3C ends.</h1> <h1><b>U</b>sing puppet 2C relay, ask again the HCP subdivision ranges. <br> 1. 2D: the 0~2HCP; <br> 2. 2H/S/3C/D: the 3~4HCP, and this suit has the high cards or above 4 cards.<br><b>I</b>n this way, HCP subdivision ranges and the hand patterns can be known. In particular, when the HCPs of joint hands are 19~21 and 5~7 or 22~24 and 3~4, don't worry about bidding, not to a game can not stop.</h1> <h1><b>T</b>his problem is the fourth problem exactly, and it is also an extension of the third problem.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">Solution 4</font></b></h1> <h1><b>D</b>efine above 16HCP into 1C strong opening bid, and as the initiative bidder. 1D weak responding bid as the passive bidder.<br><b> I</b>t is also applicable to solution 3.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 9 Master-slave inversion</font></b></h1> (Open room) (Closed room) <h1><b>O</b>n September 7, 2019, a deck of cards of the 21St World Tourism City (Zhangjiajie) Bridge Open Tournament semi-final. Open and closed rooms, both opening bids are all 2NT, they also stopped for 4H too. <b>T</b>he reason is very simple, there is no space. <br><font color="#39b54a"><b>Challenger demo:</b></font><br></h1> <h1><b>T</b>he strong cards side as initiative, starting from the low-order, relay and asking bid, know that the weak cards side is the Minimum, and 5422 hand patterns that is the 5 Hearts and the 4 Diamonds, as well as Hearts K and Q, Diamonds K. Easy to bid for 7H.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 10 Do your best</font></b></h1> (Open room) (Closed room) <h1><b>O</b>pen room, precision system 1C-1D, then jump bid for 3D, after 3H, there is no good bidding, and 3NT is over. <br><b>C</b>losed room, natural system 2C-2D, 3D-3NT, West's 4D and East's 6D, both sides have done their best.<div><b><font color="#39b54a">Challenger demo</font></b>:<br></div></h1> <h1><b>W</b>est has good hand cards, and known East has the 5~7HCP. Is there a slam? Using puppets 2D to ask East if A and K. This possibility is smaller, but there is enough space to try. <br><b>E</b>ast replied for 2S to show had two K, and 4D, Indicating good support for Diamonds, slam interest. and then grand slam of 7D. </h1> Enjoy bridge, Open tournament <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 11 Too strong and too weak </font></b></h1> <h1><b>A</b> deck of cards in the third round of the men’s bridge team selection match in the 19th Asian Games. </h1> <h1><b>A</b>s can be seen from the open room and closed room, both sides all use the precision 1C opening bid and use the puppet 1H asking. The trouble is, open room bid too many to slam, closed room bid too low only to partial score. It is difficult to bid good for this kind suit of cards with an extremely unbalanced distribution of the strong and the weak. <br><b><font color="#39b54a">Challenger demo</font></b>:</h1> <h1><b>A</b>lthough North has 23HCP, but there is one suit hasn't guard cards. After the puppet 1H, continue the puppet 2C relay, asking again. When known partner is 3~4HCP, and Spades suit (or have High card), just right, make up own the weakness of this suit. Join hands has 26HCP with partner, 3NT is the best choice. Although has 4H instead of 3NT for four dummy, that’s another say. </h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 12 Difficult and not difficult</font></b></h1> <h1><b>T</b>he title of this deck is "7C grand slam is difficult to bidding", come from the player of BBO masters. <br><p><b>U</b>sing"2/1", this example simply bid for 6s. The given conclusion is that it is difficult judge onto the spot, lack of "logic and imagination". </p><p><b>I</b>s there a bridge system reason for it?</p><b><font color="#39b54a">Challenger demo</font></b><font color="#39b54a"><b>:</b></font></h1> <h1><b>W</b>hen the partner answer the Maximum, two key-card (apparently no Diamonds A) and Spades Q, and Hearts K, no suspense for 7C.</h1> <h1><b>F</b>or the OPP second side interfere, the responder:<br> 1. PASS: the 0 ~ 4HCP;<br> 2. The 1D: the 5~7HCP;<br> 3. X/bidding suit:above 8HCP.<br><b>F</b>or the OPP fourth side interfere, the opener:<br>XX/X (replace puppet 1H asking) : above 19HCP, responder again:<br> a) plus level one (replace 1S answer bid) : the 0~4HCP;<br> b) plus level above two (replace 2C answer bid) : the 5~7HCP, the bidding suit is above 4 cards.</h1> <h1><b>I</b>f the 19~21HCP, after 1C-1D-1H-1S, rebid for 1NT. Compared with the traditional system of 2NT opening bid, it has been reduced by one level.<br><b>I</b>f the 22~24HCP, after 1C-1D-1H-1S, rebid puppet 2C and then 2NT or bid for 2NT directly.<br><b>I</b>f the 25~27HCP, after 1C-1D, bid for 2NT directly. Compared with the traditional system that bid for 3NT directly, it is also reduced by one level. It is possible that STM and transfer bids. </h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">solution No.5 </font></b></h1> <h1><b>I</b>t combines two theories of the "Reid-Senior Transfer bids" from overseas and the "Majors Double No Trump (MDN)" from teacher De sheng Zhang in China. <br><b>C</b>ombining actual combat experience and logical induction. A new method of first-order takeout double defensive bidding of the "range of HCP is divided quantitatively, the number of suit cards is transferred qualitatively, and the forced bidder to become the initiative bidder" is put forward. <br><b>F</b>orced bidder can not only express the different the range HCPs of 0~4, 5~7, 8~10 and above 11, but also express the number of suit cards, totaling more than 20 hand patterns.<br></h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 13 Be in a dilemma</font></b></h1> <h1><b>T</b>his is actual combat example of Wuhan jixian social bridge clubs, its typical and common too.<br><b>N</b>orth-South game, East opening bid for 1S, South has 19HCP, and Spades have a guard card, overcall 1NT is a little weak, and Insufficient description of the hand patterns also. So choose double.<br><b>T</b>raditional bid process(See below picture)<div><b>F</b>orced<b> </b>bidder(North)simple bid for 2H, Indicating above 4 Hearts with below 8HCP. But there are three possibilities:</div></h1> <h1><b>I</b>t differ too much between (a) and (c) . Now East rebid for 2S, South bid have fallen in a dilemma. <br><b>Y</b>ou no bid, If (a), will loss a game. <br><b>Y</b>ou raise, If (c), it is possible to be doubled by West, the loss is greater. <br><div><b>I</b>n view of the above three possibilities <b><font color="#39b54a">Challenger demo:</font></b><br></div></h1> <h1><b>T</b>hen the doubler directly bid to a game, and dealer’s position is favorable. </h1> <h1><b>I</b>f East rebid for 2S, the doubler choose double again, indicating above 16HCP, looking for 4-4 fit of the minor suit. Then 3D is optimum contract. </h1> <h1><b>T</b>he doubler although own has 19HCP, should pass unconditionally, and avoid aggressive bidding blindly. the contract safety stop in the second-order.<br><b>If </b>East East rebid for 2S, the doubler of course does not bid, and the right to bid is given to the forced bidder. </h1> <h1><b>A</b>fter 1NT transfer to 2C, "pass" is the 0 ~ 7HCP, and above 4 Clubs.<br><b>A</b>fter 2C transfer 2D, "pass" is the 0 ~ 4HCP, and above 4 Diamonds.<br><b>T</b>he double meaning of the transfer bids, it can be all reasonably express, and logic is very clear. </h1> <h1><b><font color="#167efb">Round 14 How to bid clear?</font></b></h1> <h1><b>Is </b>is also a actual combat example. East opening bid for 1S, South have 14HCP, so take out double. <br><b>T</b>raditional bid process(See below picture)<div><b>N</b>orth jump bid for 3H, above 9HCP, but there are three possibilities too:<br></div></h1> <h1><b>C</b>an you logical analysis what kind of possibilities? </h1> <h1><b>T</b>his need to study. Interested bridge friends can add new precision Official Accounts of “newprec”, to detailed understand.</h1> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308">solution No.6</font></b></h1> <h1><b>U</b>sing the above five "solutions", these problems have been solved, so some “patch” bidding are unnecessary.</h1> <h1><b>C</b>hallenge is over, who’s the challenger? How to win or lose?<div><b>P</b>robably many spectators already know about the challenger——"new precision system". however who wins or loses doesn't matter. Because the results of challenge is just a teach form of four-dummy, whether <b>i</b>t<b> </b>can bid out in actual combat, requires good cooperation between the partner. But the important thing is, through watching "challenge the'2/1'system", is our thinking more spacious? And is there deeper understanding on bridge bidding?<br></div><div><b>T</b>he<b> </b>"New Precision System" changed the foreign professional relay system into an amateur system, there has been a fundamental change in the way bridge bids. From mutual narrative to relay bidding, from the front thinking to reverse thinking, from logical analysis to logical reasoning, it also brings a brand-new bridge bids experience to bridge lovers. <br><b>In </b>addition, due to the restricted bid that is more accurate in the “solution”, it can be reached to within the 3HCP. It offers a possibility for the carry on accurate losing trick count what beset about for many years for bridge experts. <br><b> M</b>essage<b> </b>of congratulation from Yalan Zhang, a national bridge master and former member of the women’s team of the national bridge team:"Dare to innovate boldly, put forward own idea, dare to challenge the bridge authority, carry out bridge theoretical research and put it into practice”. It is the best encouragement for the challenger. <br><b>M</b>essage from Mr. Yibin Chen , former coach of Hong Kong Bridge Team:"New precision System, all by logical reasoning to win! I am very positive. We must work hard to change other people ideas about Asians. We will start with the 'New Precision System', respect everyone". It is a powerful driving force for the challenger to move on.<br><b>T</b>he "New Precision System" has been preparing for a long time, advantage can be expected,and its ready to go, benefiting many bridge player.and its influence will certainly be more far-reaching.</div><div>"<b>N</b>ew precision System", Dormant for a long time. Advantage can be expected. Be poised to set out. Beneficiary many. The impact will be even most profound. <br></div></h1> <b>Bibliography:</b><br>1.《The Viking Precision》 2000, Alan Sontag with Glenn Grøtheim<br><div>2. The major opening bid, inverse thinking of 1NT responding 《Bridge》 No.5, 2015, Luo shixin<br>3. Challenge 2N 《Bridge》No.12, 2015, Luo shixin<br>4. New thinking of first-order takeout doubles defensive bidding 《Bridge》No.9, 2016, Luo shixin<br>5. The major opening bid,2C inviting game of 1NT to forcing game 《Bridge》No.1, 2022, Luo shixin</div> The 44th Bridge Team Championship (2019 Wuhan, China),the author took a photo with Rona, President of the World Bridge Federation, and presented the "New Precision System (second edition)".<br> <div> 2024年11月28日</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>