2024年11月2日晚,是一个充满激情和梦想的夜晚,全校的舞者怀着满腔热情,为观众呈现一场视听盛宴。舞蹈,不仅仅是一种艺术形式,更是一种跨越语言和文化的表达方式。它让我们用肢体讲述故事、传递情感。今晚的舞台上,不仅有优雅的古典舞蹈,也有热情洋溢的现代舞、K-pop等多种风格。来和我们一起感受舞蹈的力量与魅力吧!<br>Welcome to the Dreamworks Studio Dance Show! It is a night filled with passion and dreams. Every dancer on this stage is ready to give their all, to bring you a visual and emotional feast. The program includes a wide range of dance styles, from graceful classical dance to energetic modern dance and K-pop. We hope you’ll enjoy every moment with us as we celebrate the beauty of dance together!<br> <div><br></div> <br><br> <div><br></div> <div><br></div> 感谢同学们、老师们和各位义工的付出,感谢观众们的掌声,掌声是我们每一位演员的付出得到的最大回报!在这个舞台上,我们见证了青春的活力、传统的优雅和无数的感动。<div><br></div> 摄影:张凯 编辑:在和