

<p class="ql-block">药师殿</p><p class="ql-block">主供“东方三圣”,亦称为“药师三尊”,中为药师如来佛,左侧供日光善萨、右侧供月光善萨。药师佛不仅能医治众生身体上的病痛,更能医治众生智慧,慈悲惧不圆满心灵。主壁绘制《药师七佛图》,是我国唯一的药师佛站立像,两壁绘制的《药师十二大愿》,讲述药师佛为普渡众生所发下的十二大愿,要满足众生一切的愿望,拨出众生一切痛苦。</p><p class="ql-block">Hall of Bhaisajya Guru</p><p class="ql-block">Enshrined are the Three Eastern Saints:Bhaisajya in the middle, Suryaprabha to his left and Candraprabha to his right. Bhaisajya not only heals physical illnesses but also provides wisdom and compassion to imperfect minds. The side walls dlepict the twelve great vows of Bhaisaiya, which he made in order to satisfy the desires of all sentient beings and save them from torment. The mural on the back wall depicts the seven Bhaisajyas. It is the only painting of standing Bhaisaiyas in China.</p>