<p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(176, 79, 187);"> 都匀西山大桥,始建于 1966 年,横跨剑江河,连接都匀老城区与西山公园。经改造后成为特色风雨桥,宽 31.5 米,桥面双向 4 车道,左右人行道各 8 米。外观古朴典雅,廊柱、栏杆土黄色,瓦面灰色小青瓦,屋脊白色防水涂料,塔式桥亭别具风格,尽显民族特色。它不只是交通要道,更是热门打卡地。电影《无名之辈》《我和我的家乡》在此取景后声名远扬。夜幕降临,灯光璀璨,与剑江河相映成画。这里也是市民休闲好去处,人们散步聊天、欣赏美景。西山大桥作为都匀的亮丽名片,向世人展示着这座城市的独特魅力,承载着都匀的历史与风情。</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><b style="font-size:20px; color:rgb(22, 126, 251);"> The Xishan Bridge in Duyun was built in 1966. It spans the Jianjiang River and connects the old urban area of Duyun with Xishan Park. After renovation, it has become a characteristic wind and rain bridge. It is 31.5 meters wide, with four lanes in both directions on the bridge deck and 8 meters of sidewalk on each side. The appearance is simple and elegant. The pillars and railings are yellowish-brown. The tiles are gray small green tiles. The roof ridge is coated with white waterproof paint. The tower-shaped bridge pavilions are unique in style and fully display ethnic characteristics. It is not only a major transportation route but also a popular tourist attraction. After being featured in the movies "A Cool Fish" and "My People, My Homeland", it has become widely known. When night falls, the bridge is ablaze with lights, forming a beautiful picture with the Jianjiang River. It is also a good place for citizens to relax. People take walks, chat and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The Xishan Bridge, as a beautiful business card of Duyun, shows the unique charm of this city to the world and carries the history and customs of Duyun.</b></p>