<p class="ql-block">这个公共旱生植物园,以其丰富的耐旱植物收藏而闻名,包括来自世界各地的多肉植物、仙人掌和其他旱生植物。该花园由露丝·班克罗夫特(Ruth Bancroft)于20世纪70年代创立,现已成为可持续节水园艺的典范。苗圃还出售各种适合干燥、地中海气候的植物,是园艺爱好者和寻找干旱环境景观灵感的人的热门目的地。</p> <p class="ql-block">Nestled in the quiet suburbs of Walnut Creek, California, the Ruth Bancroft Garden and Nurserystands as one of the world's finest examples of sustainable garden design. This unique space showcases the beauty and resilience of drought-tolerant plants, making it a premier destination for garden enthusiasts, landscape architects, and anyone passionate about environmental sustainability. Founded in the 1970s by Ruth Bancroft, the garden has flourished into a living testament to her vision, dedication, and love for horticulture.</p>