<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 摄影:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">杭州青山湖,位于杭州临安区,建于1964年,水域面积10平方公里。北线湾区相连,或绿草花海,或水上森林;南线群山相接,或跃出葱茏,或深入水面。湖之西北隅,有一处100多亩的水上森林,春夏宛若一块绿翡翠,秋冬宛若一块红宝石,嵌在碧水之中。每到汛期,水会漫过杉树林的沼泽地面,形成“树在水中长,船在林间行,鸟在枝头鸣,人在画中游。”的奇特景观。</p> <p class="ql-block">Hangzhou Qingshan Lake, located in Lin'an District, Hangzhou, was built in 1964 and has a water area of 10 square kilometers. The North Line Bay Area is connected, or green grass and flower sea, or water forest; the South Line Mountains are connected, or leaping out of lush, or deep into the water. In the northwest corner of the lake, there is a water forest of more than 100 mu, which is like a green jade in spring and summer, and like a ruby in autumn and winter, embedded in the blue water. During the flood season, the water will overflow the swampy ground of the fir forest, forming a unique landscape of "trees growing in the water, boats sailing in the forest, birds singing on the branches, and people wandering in the painting."</p> <p class="ql-block">水上森林生长着相亲相爱的三兄弟:水杉、池杉和落羽杉,水杉是中国的原生树种,池杉和落羽杉则是北美的树种。它们树形相似,秋天叶片变色期相似,但仔细分辩还是有区别。水杉:线形,羽状对生,排列较密;池杉:钻形,螺旋状排列;落羽杉:线形,羽状互生,排列较疏。水杉出现于1.3亿年前,和银杏一样,是仅存的几种十分古老的植物之一,素有植物“活化石”之称。</p> <p class="ql-block">The Water Forest is home to three brothers who love each other: the Water Cypress, the Pool Cypress, and the Downy Cypress. The Water Cypress is a native tree species in China, while the Pool Cypress and the Downy Cypress are tree species in North America. They have similar shapes and similar leaf-changing periods in autumn, but there are differences if you look closely. The Water Cypress: linear, opposite leaves, densely arranged; the Pool Cypress: conical, spirally arranged; the Downy Cypress: linear, opposite leaves and sparsely arranged. The Water Cypress appeared 130 million years ago, and like the Ginkgo, it is one of the few very ancient plants that are still alive. It is known as a "living fossil".</p> <p class="ql-block">1977年,水上森林种下了来自美国的池杉,1978到1980,又种下了自行培育的落羽杉,经过历届政府的保护和建设,水上森林已出落得亭亭玉立了。一晃四十多年过去,终于第一次有缘来目睹它的芳容。行走于杉林之间,上仰看高耸之杉木,金灿灿高入云端,与白云蓝天相拥轻语。下俯视碧绿之湖水,倒映在水中的杉树,随着水波的时而平静或荡漾,呈像也是时而清晰或模糊。</p> <p class="ql-block">In 1977, the water forest was planted with pool cypress trees from the United States, and in 1978 to 1980, it was planted with cypress trees cultivated by itself. After the protection and construction of successive governments, the water forest has grown tall and elegant. After more than forty years have passed, I finally have the opportunity to witness its beauty for the first time. Walking among the cypress trees, looking up at the towering cypress trees, which are golden and high into the clouds, embracing the white clouds and blue sky, and looking down at the green lake, the cypress trees reflected in the water, which are clear or blurred according to the water waves.</p> <p class="ql-block">深秋的“水上森林”,五彩斑斓。杉林尽染,叶枯而红,如火如荼,如红霞落地,又如老君丹炉,云蒸霞蔚,亮丽风景,引人入胜。最奇妙的是,同一片杉树,当阳光照射的程度不一,呈现的颜色也不同,被阳光普照时的杉树,呈黄色、红色或褐色,十分的秀美;若是被阳光拂过的叶子,更有趣,会变色,明黄变成了黄色,赤红变成了枣红,浅咖变成了褐色,如万花筒一般迷人。</p> <p class="ql-block">In late autumn, the "water forest" is colorful. The coniferous forest is dyed, the leaves are red and withering, like a blazing fire, like a red cloud falling to the ground, or like Laojun's furnace, steaming with clouds and clouds, bright scenery, fascinating. The most wonderful thing is that the same coniferous tree, when the degree of sunlight is different, the color is also different. The coniferous tree under the sunlight is yellow, red or brown, very beautiful; if the leaves are brushed by the sunlight, it is more interesting, it will change color, bright yellow becomes yellow, red becomes jujube red, light brown becomes brown, like a kaleidoscope.</p> <p class="ql-block">明明是深秋,眼前却浮现出春天的“水上森林”,满眼郁葱。那嫩绿,如初生的婴儿般细腻柔软,落在水杉、池杉和落羽杉高耸笔直的身驱两侧的枝条上,如绿羽毛一般昂着头、挺着胸,它们好奇地抬头想去触摸天空里的云朵,又好奇地低头想去触碰湖面里的春水。那嫩绿,如繁星点点,静静的落在山旁、路边,小草们穿上了漂亮的绿衣服,与小花儿一起装扮着水上森林。</p> <p class="ql-block">It is clearly late autumn, but in front of me, the "water forest" of spring appears, full of lush greenery. That tender green, as delicate and soft as a newborn baby, falls on the branches on both sides of the towering and straight bodies of the water cypress, pool cypress, and fallen cypress. They raise their heads and shoulders like green feathers, curiously looking up to touch the clouds in the sky, and curiously looking down to touch the spring water in the lake. That tender green, like countless stars, quietly falls on the side of the mountain and the roadside, and the little grass wears a beautiful green dress, together with the flowers to decorate the water forest.</p> <p class="ql-block">明明是深秋,眼前却浮现出夏天的“水上森林”,枝繁叶茂。林间树荫与天上的炽日形成了鲜明的对比,树荫落到了依旧清凉的湖面,漫步游道,一点没有炽热的不适感。水上森林里的鱼儿、鸭儿和白鹭们,该吃吃,该睡睡,悠闲着呢,好像酷热与它们无关。穿梭于水上森林游艇上的人们,拍打着、触摸着清冽的水,仰望着、拥抱着壮实的杉树,一阵风儿吹过,更是清凉无比。</p> <p class="ql-block">It is clearly late autumn, but in front of me, I see the "water forest" of summer, with lush branches and leaves. The shade of the trees in the forest contrasts sharply with the scorching sun in the sky, and the shade falls on the still cool lake. Walking on the path, there is no feeling of heat. The fish, ducks, and egrets in the water forest are eating and sleeping leisurely, as if the heat has nothing to do with them. The people on the watercrafts in the water forest are slapping and touching the clear water, looking up and embracing the sturdy fir trees. When a breeze blows, it is even more refreshing.</p> <p class="ql-block">明明是深秋,眼前却浮现出冬天的“水上森林”,宛如仙境。有云雾缭绕在林间,别的水杉已经落尽繁华,这一片池杉树,却在碧水微澜中迟迟不肯落下。大寒节气,池杉变深、变稀疏了,羽毛似的叶已飘零得所剩无几,但笔直高耸的躯干和整齐的枝条,仍倔强地昂首挺胸。下雪了,林间银装素裹,杉树美得更加不可方物。躯干里,正涌动着生机,期盼着春天快点到来。</p> <p class="ql-block">It was very late autumn, but the "water forest" of winter appeared before our eyes, like a wonderland. There was a cloud hovering among the trees, and other spruces had already fallen into bloom, but this pool spruce tree was slow to fall in the shimmer of the blue water. In the Greater Cold, taxodium has deepened and thinned out, leaving few feathery leaves, but the tall, straight trunks and neat branches still stubbornly hold their heads high. It snowed, and the woods were covered in silver, and the fir trees were even more beautiful. In my torso, life is bubbling, looking forward to spring.</p> <p class="ql-block">说到青山湖,得说说“太和治水”这个典故。一个叫黄太和的临安县长和书记,带领百姓,从1958到1964年,在临安城的下游建造了青山水库;1966到1973年,在临安城上游建造了里畈水库;1975到1980年,清理、改造、建设了从里畈水库到青山水库之间24公里的苕溪河道,史称“千军万马战苕溪”。人们为了纪念他的功绩,就有了“太和治水”的典故。</p> <p class="ql-block">When it comes to Qingshan Lake, we must mention the story of "Taihe Water Control". Huang Taihe, the county magistrate and secretary of Lin'an, led the people to build Qingshan Reservoir downstream of Lin'an City from 1958 to 1964; from 1966 to 1973, they built Li Fan Reservoir upstream of Lin'an City; from 1975 to 1980, they cleaned, renovated, and built the 24-kilometer section of the Tao River between Li Fan Reservoir and Qingshan Reservoir, which is known as the "Tao River Battle of Thousands of Soldiers and Millions of Horses". To commemorate his achievements, the story of "Taihe Water Management" was born.</p> <p class="ql-block">这片美丽的水上森林,曾是荒山脚下,苕溪之滨的一块毛地。1964年青山水库建成后,这里聚集了更多的清水,逐渐形成了一块沼泽地,与四周的荒山一样是青山湖边的荒芜地。1974年,临安县委将青山等4个公社林场联合组建了临天林场,在湖四周的2000亩山上,种下了各种各样的树和茶叶。但这块沼泽地,因一年要被淹七八次,水涨没顶,水落露头,因而无人顾及。</p> <p class="ql-block">This beautiful water forest used to be a barren piece of land at the foot of the mountain and by the Tao River. After the construction of Qingshan Reservoir in 1964, more clean water gathered here and gradually formed a marshland, which was as desolate as the surrounding mountains. In 1974, the Lianan County Party Committee jointly established the Lintian Forest Farm by combining four public forest farms, including Qingshan, and planted all kinds of trees and tea on the 2,000 mu of mountains around the lake. However, this marshland was ignored because it was flooded seven or eight times a year, with the water rising to the top and falling to the bottom.</p> <p class="ql-block">1977年,林业部门和临天林场觉得这块地荒芜着可惜,想在上面种点什么,且好此时,传来了一个很有价值的消息:杭州植物园有一个叫池杉的树种适合种在水里。这种杉树根部有一种“根膝”能在水中呼吸和贮存氧气。林场便立即派人去买来了几十把树苗,一把50枝苗。买回后立即拉线放样,每枝苗的前后左右间距全是2米,以至于今天看这片森林,树木纵横笔直,排列整齐。</p> <p class="ql-block">In 1977, the forestry department and Lin Tian Forest Farm thought it was a pity that the land was abandoned and wanted to plant something on it. At that time, a very valuable piece of news came: there was a tree species called cypress in the Hangzhou Botanical Garden that was suitable for planting in water. The roots of this cypress tree had a kind of "root knee" that could breathe and store oxygen in water. The forest farm immediately sent people to buy dozens of seedlings, 50 per seedling. After buying them back, they immediately laid out the lines, and the spacing between each seedling was all 2 meters. Today, looking at this forest, the trees are straight and neatly arranged.</p> <p class="ql-block">据临天林场资料记载:1977年池杉种下15天后,第一次淹没29天,第二次淹没45天,第三次24天,先后共计淹没98天,本以为小树苗会淹死,没想到洪水退去,池杉又恢复了勃勃生机。此后的1978年到1980年,临天林场又在冬春两季,用自己繁殖的苗木树林,增加了落羽杉树种,后因开办砖瓦厂,经再三协商,保留了1980前种植的100多亩池杉林,就是今日的“水上森林”。</p> <p class="ql-block">According to the records of Lin Tian Forest Farm, 15 days after the cypress seedlings were planted in 1977, they were submerged for the first time for 29 days, the second time for 45 days, and the third time for 24 days, with a total of 98 days of submergence. It was thought that the small seedlings would drown, but the floodwaters receded, and the cypress regained its vitality. From 1978 to 1980, Lin Tian Forest Farm again used its own propagated seedlings to increase the number of cypress trees in the winter and spring seasons. Later, due to the establishment of a brick and tile factory, after many negotiations, 100 mu of cypress trees planted before 1980 were retained, which is today's "Water Forest."</p> <p class="ql-block">说起这池杉,还有一段奇妙的故事在。1972年,美国总统尼克松访华,向中国赠送了原产美国弗吉尼亚州的红杉和池杉树种,后来,周恩来总理亲自安排,种在了杭州植物园。缘份就是这般奇妙,谁都不曾想到,这株连起大洋彼岸的树种,在1977年,被培育移植至临安青山湖这块曾经荒芜的沼泽地,日后成就了青山湖独一无二的水上森林公园和那里的春光秋色。</p> <p class="ql-block">Speaking of this cypress tree, there is also a wonderful story. In 1972, US President Nixon visited China and presented China with redwood and cypress trees native to Virginia, USA. Later, Premier Zhou Enlai personally arranged for them to be planted in the Hangzhou Botanical Garden. Fate is so wonderful, no one would have thought that this tree connecting the other side of the ocean would be cultivated and transplanted to the once barren marshland of Qingshan Lake in 1977, which later became the unique water forest park and the spring and autumn scenery of Qingshan Lake.</p> <p class="ql-block">到了1990年代,这一片池杉、落羽杉已是枝繁叶茂,高䇯参天,较之它处名山上的古木也是不遑多让,成为飞鸟翔集,万木蔽空的水上森林,船也在这时进入了森林。便有了开头介绍的“树在水中长,船在林间行,鸟在枝头鸣,人在画中游。”的奇特景观。怪不得有人说,青山湖最值得看的不是鱼,不是虾,而是这片离奇生长在湖内的水上森林和盘旋在水上森林中的绿道。</p> <p class="ql-block">By the 1990s, the pool of cypress and tamarisk had become lush and towering, rivaling the ancient trees on other famous mountains. It became a water forest where birds flocked and trees covered the sky. Boats also entered the forest at this time, creating the unique scene of "trees growing in the water, boats sailing in the forest, birds singing on the branches, and people wandering in the painting." No wonder some people say that the most worth seeing in Qingshan Lake is not the fish or the shrimp, but the water forest growing in the lake and the greenway circling in the water forest.</p> <p class="ql-block">中国现代哲学家张岱年先生认为:“近代汉語中所谓的自然,表示广大的客观世界,自然的意义可谓开始于阮籍。”竹林七贤之一的阮籍在《达莊论》里有云:“天地生于自然,万物生于天地。自然者无外,故天地名焉。天地者有内,故万物生焉。”自然能化生天地,天地进而创造万物,所以自然是高于天地万物的存在。正如何晏《无名论》所言:“自然者,道也。”</p> <p class="ql-block">Mr. Zhang De-nian, a modern Chinese philosopher, believes that: "In modern Chinese, the so-called nature refers to the vast objective world. The meaning of nature can be said to have begun with Ruan Ji." Ruan Ji, one of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, said in "Da Zhuang Lun": "Heaven and earth are born of nature, and all things are born of heaven and earth. Nature has no outside, so heaven and earth are named. Heaven and earth have an inside, so all things are born." Nature can transform heaven and earth, and heaven and earth can then create all things, so nature is a higher existence than heaven and earth. Just as He Yan said in "Anonymous Theory": "Nature is Dao."</p> <p class="ql-block">山山水水、草草木木是自然,我们尽管保护它、欣赏它;春夏秋冬、春播秋收是自然,我们尽管借助它、用好它;日出日落、花开花谢是自然,我们尽管听从它、期待它;和风细雨、狂风暴雨是自然,我们尽管面对它、接受它。青山绿水给予我们最美的栖息地,春华秋实满足我们生命的需求。自然包容又融于天地万物,它赋予我们人生的意义、希望和期待,给予我们前行的信心和勇气,给予我们对生命真谛的理解和寻味。</p> <p class="ql-block">The mountains and waters, the grass and trees are nature; we should protect and appreciate it. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter, spring planting and autumn harvest are nature; we should take advantage of it and use it well. The sunrise and sunset, the blooming and withering of flowers are nature; we should listen to it and look forward to it. The gentle breeze and light rain, the strong wind and heavy rain are nature; we should face it and accept it. The green mountains and blue waters give us the most beautiful habitat, and the spring flowers and autumn fruits satisfy our life's needs. Nature is inclusive and integrates with everything in the world. It gives us the meaning, hope, and expectation of life, gives us the confidence and courage to move forward, and gives us the understanding and appreciation of the true meaning of life.</p> <p class="ql-block">常常被四季的草木感动,因为自然的指引,也许是自身的渴望。春天会生发嫩芽花蕾,夏天会舒展绽放,到了秋冬,草木则以浓墨重彩展现生命的辉煌,为即将的告别而谱写着华美乐章。寒冬里的草木,也许大多成了光秃的身驱,但这光秃的身驱里正孕育着希望,为新的生命轮回蓄势,让储藏的“生意”萌动,使自然万物生生不息。我们与四季草木的情缘,不仅是一场互相感动的审美聚合,更是一场互为滋养的生命提升。</p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">I am often moved by the plants and trees of the four seasons. Perhaps it is because of the guidance of nature, or perhaps it is because of my own desire. In spring, new buds and flowers will sprout, in summer, they will unfold and bloom, and in autumn and winter, the plants and trees will display the brilliance of life with bold strokes, composing a beautiful melody for the farewell that is about to come. In the cold winter, the plants and trees may mostly become bare, but this bare body is nurturing hope, preparing for the new life cycle, making the stored "business" sprout, and making all things in nature thrive. Our relationship with the plants and trees of the four season is not only a mutual aesthetic gathering, but also a mutually nourishing life promotion.</p> <p class="ql-block">编辑:倪捷儿 文字:倪捷儿 出镜:倪捷儿 包小青、楼柯英、罗雪曼、晨雪 审稿:鄢祖锋 摄影:千喜 化妆:晨雪 拍摄地点:杭州青山湖山上森林</p> <p class="ql-block">Editor: Ni Jie'er, Writer: Ni Jie'er, Presenter: Ni Jie'er, Bao Xiaoqing, Lou Keying, Luo Xueman, Chen Xue, Reviewer: Yan Zuofeng, Photographer: Qianxi, Makeup: Chen Xue, Location: Green Forest on the Mountain of Qingshan Lake, Hangzhou</p>