西班牙 圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉2 Spain Santiago de Compostela, June


今天还是先回老城区游览。<br><br>Today I came back to the old town again.<br> 天主教国王旅馆最初是天主教君主卡斯蒂利亚的伊莎贝拉和阿拉贡的斐迪南二世于 1492 年创立的一所收容所,用于接待朝圣者。天主教国王下令用他们征服格拉纳达所获得的钱建造一座豪华的大旅馆。在它的前门墙上可以看到卡斯蒂利亚的两个徽章。随着时间的推移,之今改造成一家旅馆,主要还是接待朝圣者大型团体,举办和朝圣有关的活动。<br><br> The Hostal dos Reis Católicos (Catholic Kings Hostal) was originally a hostal founded in 1492 by the Catholic monarchs Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, to accommodate pilgrims. The Catholic Kings ordered the construction of a flamboyant inn with the money obtained from the conquest of Granada. On its front door wall, carved the two coats of arms of Castile. Over the time, it was transformed into an inn (Parador), which still mainly receives large groups of pilgrims and organizes the pilgrimages related functions and events.<br><br> 奥布拉多罗广场是圣地亚哥城市的中心,它以当年建造大教堂时的石匠作坊命名。圣詹姆斯之路的终点就位于这个广场的中心。每天有成千上万朝圣者到达。广场周围是不同建筑风格的典范。东边是圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大教堂,教堂的右边是大教堂博物馆,左边是盖尔米雷斯宫。广场的西边是18 世纪优雅的拉霍伊宫,现在是圣地亚哥市政厅。北边是一座豪华风格的天主教国王旅馆,用于接待朝圣者。广场的南边是圣杰罗尼莫学院,它是圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大学的总部。 <br><br> Praza do Obradoiro is the heart of Santiago city, named after the stonemason's workshop where the cathedral was built. The Way of St. James ends in the centre of this square. Thousands of pilgrims arrive every day. The square is surrounded by examples of different architectural styles. To the east is the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, to its right is the Cathedral Museum, and to its left is the Palacio de Guermirez. To the west of the square is the elegant 18th-century Rajoy Palace, now the City Hall. To the north is the Hotel del Rey Católica, a grand-style building built to accommodate pilgrims. To the south of the square is the Collegiata de San Jerónimo, the headquarters of the University of Santiago de Compostela.<br><br> 谢尔米雷斯广场上的圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉市政府<br>Santiago de Compostela City Hall. Pazo de Xelmírez<br><br> 广场上不时爆发出那些经过长途跋涉到达终点的朝圣者欢呼,歌唱和跳舞。有的忙着拍照;有的除了鞋子卸下背囊席地而坐,有的看手机,看书,聊天;有的干脆躺在地上休息。<br><br>Time and again, the square bust with cheers when crowds of pilgrims, having completed the Camino de Santiago, arrived in Santiago de Compostela after their long journey, dancing and singing in unison. Some were busy taking photos; some removed their shoes and backpacks and sat on the ground, some checked their phones, read books, or chatted; and some simply lay on the ground to rest.<br><div><br></div> 圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大教堂的正面是大教堂和圣地亚哥的象征。它还是西班牙欧元硬币 1 分、2 分和 5 分背面的雕刻图案。 <br><br>The façade of Catedral Santiago de Compostela has become a symbol of the cathedral and the city of Santiago de Compostela. As such, it is the engraving on the back of the Spanish euro coins of 1, 2 and 5 cents.<br><br> 孔波斯特拉教堂享有宽恕那些前往圣地亚哥朝圣人赦免宽容的特权。要获得圣地亚哥朝圣者资格,有三个要求:参观使徒圣詹姆斯的坟墓并祈祷,在大教堂本身或不超过15天前接受忏悔圣礼,以及接受圣餐。<br><br>The Compostela Cathedral has the privilege of granting forgiveness to those who make the pilgrimage to Santiago. To qualify as a pilgrim to Santiago, there are three requirements: visiting the tomb of the Apostle St. James and praying, receiving the sacrament of confession in the Cathedral itself or no more than 15 days before, and receiving Holy Communion.<br><br> 使徒圣詹姆斯埋葬于大教堂地下,参观者排起了长长的队进入地下参观其坟墓,下去后甚至可以拥抱代表圣人的雕塑。<br><br>The alleged burial site of the Apostle St. James is beneath the cathedral, and there was a long queue to go down for visiting his tomb, and even to hug the sculpture representing the saint.<br><br><br> 多个忏悔教堂有懂得不同语言的神父接受来自世界各国朝圣者的忏悔。<br><br>There are several confessional chapels in the side of the church where priests who understand different languages receiving the confession of the pilgrims from all over the world.<br><div><br></div> 圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大教堂中著名的巨型香炉可以追溯到 1851 年,香炉1.5米高,装满香和煤时重量为63公斤。最初使用香炉是为了给经过漫长的旅程抵达圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大教堂成群的朝圣者净化空气。<br><br>香炉由八名精力充沛的男人拉着绳子摆动,在大教堂上空形成一条跨度有65 米长雄伟壮丽的弧形轨迹。这种仪式延至至今,通常在圣诞节和圣詹姆斯日等重要礼拜庆典的特殊日期使用。 <br><br> The famous giant censer, Botafumeiro, in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, 1.5 meters high and weighing 63 kg when filled with incense and coal. It has been used since the Middle Ages, originally to purify the air when groups of pilgrims arrived in Santiago de Compostela after their long journey on the Camino de Santiago. <br><br>The cense is swung by a rope operated by eight energetic men, forming an impressive 65-meter-long arched trajectory along the cathedral. The ritual continues to this day, often used on special days of important liturgical celebrations such as Christmas and St. James' Day.<br> 圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉大学的校园。<br><br>The campus of the University of Santiago de Compostela.<br><div><br></div> 中午点了西班牙小吃 Tapas, 土豆色拉,煎青椒,炸奶酪 和一个扇贝。<br><br>At noon, I ordered Spanish tapas, one potato salad, an order of the fried green peppers, a portion of the fried cheese and one scallop.<br><br><br> 贝壳就象征朝圣之路线图。我留了做纪念。<br><br>The shells resemble the symbol of the pilgrimage. I save shells as souvenir.<br><div><br></div> 加利西亚文化之城矗立在盖亚斯山顶,看起来像连绵起伏的山丘。由美国建筑师彼得·艾森曼领导的建筑师团队设计。旨在展示加利西亚、西班牙、欧洲、拉丁美洲和世界最优秀的文化表现形式。该项目的建设极具挑战性,而且成本高昂,因为建筑设计需要高度精确弧形轮廓,使建筑看起来像连绵起伏的山丘。经过十年的建设,该项目于 2013 年停止。它仍被认为是新世纪一座令人敬畏的建筑里程碑。<br><br> The City of Culture of Galicia stands on the top of Mount Gaiás and looks like rolling hills. It was designed by a team of architects led by American architect Peter Eisenman. It aims to showcase the best cultural expressions of Galicia, Spain, Europe, Latin America and the world. The Construction was challenging and expensive as the design of the buildings involves high degree contours, meant to make the buildings look like rolling hills. After ten years of construction, it was stopped in 2013. However, it is still rated as a formidable architectural milestone for the new century.<br><br> 这次住的酒店不太方便,公交站很远,出租车只能在“的士站”上车。幸好酒店附近就有一个出租车站,所以早上出门打车;回来的时候不知道哪里是的士站,就只得走路回来了。<br><br>在路上不时和朝圣者迎面相过,单独行走的年纪比较大,而三五个结队而行的多数是年轻人。 他们拄着手杖,背着沉重的背包,有时还停下来东张西望,查看手机。我也走走停停,确认回酒店的路线。沿街的建筑可以遮挡一部分阳光,到离开酒店最后20分钟的一段小路,就完全暴露在阳光下。路上有朝圣路线的指示牌,我感觉自己也是一个朝圣者。<br><div><br></div> This time I booked a hotel which was not convenient. The bus stops were far away. The city taxi uses “Taxi Stands” system. Luckily there was a taxi stand near the hotel. So, I took a taxi in the morning, but I had to walk back in the afternoon because I had no idea where the closest taxi stand was. <br><br>On the way back, I encountered pilgrims. Those who walked alone were older, while those who walked in group of three or five were mostly young people. They all had walking canes and carried heavy backpacks. Sometimes they stopped, looking around checking their phones. I walked slowly and stopped to confirm the route back to my hotel. The buildings along the streets partly blocked the sun; however, the last 20 minutes near the hotel was a small path, and I was completely exposed to the sun. There were signs for the pilgrimage route on the road, and I felt myself as a pilgrim too.<br><br><br>