西班牙 圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉1 Spain Santiago de Compostela, Jun


结束了在波尔图四天游览,今天去这次行程的最后一站,西班牙的圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉。它位于波尔图北面250公里。坐长途巴士要四个半小时。<br><br>在长途车站遇到四位从美国来的游客,这是他们去圣地亚哥朝圣最后一段路程。在巴士站牌前请我帮助拍照作为路径波尔图的见证。我也请他们给我拍照见证到此一游。<div><br></div> After four days in Porto, my next and the last stop of this trip is Santiago de Compostela in Spain. It is located 250 kilometres north of Porto. The bus journey takes four and a half hours.<br><br>At the bus terminal, I met four tourists from the United States. This was the last leg of their pilgrimage to Santiago. They asked for my help to take photos in front of the bus signage as the proof of their journey passing through Porto. I also asked them to take a photo of me as a testimony of this visit.<br><br> 圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉,简称圣地亚哥或孔波斯特拉,是西班牙西北部加利西亚自治区的首府。 这座城市起源于圣詹姆斯大帝的神殿,现在是圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大教堂,是自 9 世纪以来主要的天主教朝圣路线圣詹姆斯之路的目的地。 1985年,该市的老城区被联合国教科文组织指定为世界遗产。<br><br>Santiago de Compostela, known simply as Santiago or Compostela, is the capital of the autonomous region of Galicia in the northwestern Spain. The city originated as the shrine of St. James the Great, now the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, and has been the destination of the Way of St. James, a major Catholic pilgrimage route since the 9th century. In 1985, the city's old town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.<br><br> 圣奥古斯丁教堂位于塞万提斯广场和阿巴斯托斯广场之间的圣阿戈斯蒂诺街。这是一座巴洛克风格的教堂,虽然有点小,但内部精致宜人而宁静。<br><br>Iglesia de San Agustin is located on Rua Santo Agostino between Plaza de Cervantes and Plaza de Abastos. This is a baroque style church, though a bit small in size but is pleasant and peaceful inside.&nbsp;<br><div><br></div> 加利西亚当代艺术中心于 1993 年开放,位于圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉老城区边界。由葡萄牙建筑师阿尔瓦罗·西扎设计,该建筑让外部空间和内部空间之间找到了微妙的平衡。<div><br></div> The Galician Centre for Contemporary Art (CGAC) opened in 1993 and is located on the border of the old town of Santiago de Compostela. Designed by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza, the building strikes a delicate balance between exterior and interior spaces. <br><br> 展馆里到处都是大件的展品。如果不是有需要,很可能会把这洗手间的门也当成展品,看一眼而走过。<br><br>The exhibition hall was full of large exhibits. If you were not in urgent need, you might mistake this bathroom door for an exhibit and walk past it.<br><div><br></div> 加利西亚民族博物馆坐落在老城区城墙外的一座小山上,毗邻朝圣者进入孔波斯特拉的道路,它的前身是圣多明各·博纳瓦尔修道院。这里展示了加利西亚民族文化最具代表性的情景:沿海生活、传统行业、乡村、传统服饰和建筑等各个方面。博物馆还展出了加利西亚考古、绘画和雕塑等部分。这里也是许多重要加利西亚人物的埋葬地。<br>  <br> The Galician People's Museum is located on a hill outside the old city walls, next to the pilgrims' path into Compostela. It was formerly the Monastery of Santo Domingo de Bonaval. The museum provides the most representative expressions of Galician culture itself. It displays various aspects of coastal life, traditional trades, the villages, traditional costumes and architecture. The museum also exhibits sections on Galician archaeology, paintings and sculptures. It is also the burial place of many important Galician figures.<div><br></div> 位于市中心的是阿尼马斯兄弟会教堂。成立于 1655 年,建造在前身是一所医院和神学院的位置上。2015年被联合国教科文组织将其列为圣地亚哥朝圣之路相关的古迹,也是加利西亚首都最重要的古迹之一。它每年都会接待成千上万的游客。 <br><br>教堂的外观比其他建筑要简洁,镶嵌在正门中央的炼狱灵魂图像格外醒目。<br><br> Located in the city centre is the Animas Brotherhood Church, popularly known as Capilla de Ánimas. Founded in 1655, it was built on the site of a former hospital and seminary. In 2015, it was listed by UNESCO as a monument related to the Camino de Santiago and is one of the most important monuments in the Galician capital. It receives thousands of tourists every year.<br><br>Its exterior of the church is simpler than the other buildings, with the image of the soul in purgatory standing out in the centre of the main entrance.<br><br> 圣帕约·安塔尔塔雷斯修道院和教堂<br><br>Monastery and Church of San Paio Antaltares<br><div><br></div> 圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大教堂边上的金塔纳维沃斯广场。一队年轻人把背包排成了“24 ”图形。<br><br>In the Quintana de Vivos Square next to the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, a group of young people arranged their backpacks in the shape of “24”.<br><div><br></div> 圣地亚哥和朝圣博物馆。一个主题博物馆展示了自中世纪中期以来,特别是在欧洲和美洲,对圣地亚哥的热爱和通往詹姆士一世坟墓的朝圣之路的发展。是为了纪念使徒圣地亚哥和拜访他的朝圣者。<br><br><br> Museu das Peregrinações e de Santiago.<br>A monographic museum showing the development of the devotion to Santiago and the pilgrimage route to the tomb of James I since the High Middle Ages, especially in Europe and America. It is dedicated to the memory of the Apostle Santiago and the pilgrims who visited him.<br><br> 老城区的几条街道上游客聚集。到处都是酒吧,餐厅,和纪念品商店。午餐我点了一份海鲜拼盘。<br><br>Tourists gathered on several streets in the old town. Bars, restaurants, and souvenir shops were everywhere. I ordered a seafood platter for lunch.<br><br> 位于奥布拉多罗广场的圣地亚哥大教堂博物馆收藏有圣地亚哥大教堂最好的艺术杰作。展示圣地亚哥大教堂的历史和宗教艺术。自 1985 年以来一直被列为世界遗产。<br><br><br> The Santiago Cathedral Museum, located in Praza do Obradoiro, houses the best artistic masterpieces of the Cathedral and offers a glimpse into the history and art of the Cathedral. It has been a World Heritage Site since 1985.<br><br> 圣马蒂诺皮纳里奥修道院和教堂<br><br>Igrexa de San Martiño Pinario<br><br> <p class="ql-block">戴上VR眼镜回看到过去几个世纪的历史:</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">使徒圣地亚哥的遗体在公元一千年初由他的门徒转移到半岛,他被埋葬并隐藏了几个世纪,9 世纪初一位隐士在山上看到一道奇怪的灯光后发现了他。消息传到了国王阿方索二世,他从奥维耶多前往现在的孔波斯特拉,以验证这一发现的真实性,从而成为第一位朝圣者。从那时起,数百万人效仿他前往圣地亚哥,朝圣者的踪迹绘制了一幅贯穿整个欧洲的路线图。圣地亚哥朝圣之路因此成为历史悠久欧洲大陆公民团结和认同的元素,年复一年越来越多的人加入朝圣的行列,使圣地亚哥与罗马和耶路撒冷并列为天主教三大朝圣中心之一。</p> <p class="ql-block">Put on the VR glasses to go back a few centuries:</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">The remains of the Apostle Santiago were transferred to the peninsula by his disciples at the beginning of the first millennium. He was buried and hidden for centuries until he was discovered by a hermit in the early 9th century after seeing a strange light in the mountains. The news reached King Alfonso II, who travelled from Oviedo to what is now Compostela to verify the veracity of the discovery, thus becoming the first pilgrim. From that point on, millions of people have followed his example and made the journey to Santiago, charting a route map that stretched across Europe. The Camino de Santiago thus became an element of union and identification for the citizens of the Old Continent, with more and more people joining the pilgrimage year after year, and placed Santiago among the three great Catholic pilgrimage centres, alongside Rome and Jerusalem.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p>