<p class="ql-block">原创:倪捷儿 摄影:千喜</p> <p class="ql-block">Original: Ni Jie Photography: Qianxi</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么,是大雁南飞吗?秋天的大雁南飞,犹如一幅浓墨重彩的画卷。在湛蓝的天空中,大雁们队形整齐,时而呈“一”字,时而聚成“人”字,悠然自得地翱翔着,优雅地向着南方飞去。天际间响起阵阵雁鸣,留下一串串悠长的回响,它们的鸣叫声,如同秋天的诗篇,悠扬而深远,仿佛在诉说着秋天的故事,也诉说着它们对故乡的留恋。</p> <p class="ql-block">What is the autumn scenery? Is it the geese flying south? The geese flying south in autumn is like a thick and colorful painting. In the azure sky, the geese fly in neat formation, sometimes in the shape of "one" and sometimes in the shape of "person", gracefully soaring and elegantly flying towards the south. The cries of the geese can be heard in the distance, leaving a series of long echoes. Their cries are like the poem of autumn, melodious and profound, as if telling the story of autumn, as well as their longing for their hometown.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么,是秋虫啾啾吗?秋虫的鸣叫,起于自然,归属天籁,如歌吟,如诗诵。秋虫的歌声响在深夜里,悠长余韵,时儿轻快,时儿重浊,驱散了萧瑟悲怨,让人感到一种温暖的宽籍,一种真切的生之乐趣。秋虫是大自然的诗人,它们用生命在草木间写诗,在秋夜里吟诗,用生命实践诠释诗意,此中真意,须用眼、用耳、用心、用神方可领略。</p> <p class="ql-block">What is the autumn color? Is it the chirping of autumn insects? The chirping of autumn insects originates from nature and belongs to the heavenly melody, like singing and reciting poetry. The song of autumn insects resounds in the deep night, with a long aftertaste, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, dispelling the desolation and sorrow, giving people a warm sense of freedom and a true enjoyment of life. The autumn insects are poets of nature, they write poetry in the grass and trees, recite poetry in the autumn night, and practice the interpretation of poetry with their lives. The true meaning must be understood with eyes, ears, heart, and spirit.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么,是凌霄飘逸吗? 凌霄的花瓣纤薄柔嫩,宛如蝉翼,当微风吹拂过,凌霄花随风而动,如繁星般闪烁,舞动在微风中。有人曾说,凌霄是花中的精灵,乘风而来,随风而去,向人们传递着美的力量和喜悦,让人心生敬畏之情。自然里的凌霄绯红绚丽,热情奔放,如同火焰一般熊熊燃烧,并散发着迷人的芬芳香气,令人陶醉,遐想联翩。</p> <p class="ql-block">What is the autumn color? Is it the flowing of Lingxiao? The petals of Lingxiao are thin and tender, like cicada wings. When the breeze blows, the Lingxiao flowers move with the wind, shimmering like stars and dancing in the breeze. Some people have said that Lingxiao is the fairy of flowers, coming with the wind and going with the wind, conveying the power of beauty and joy to people, making people feel a sense of awe. The Lingxiao in nature is red and splendid, passionate and unrestrained, like a raging fire, and exudes a charming fragrance that is intoxicating and full of imagination.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么,是蒹葭苍苍吗?太阳把酣畅淋漓的光辉泼墨般洒在芦苇荡里,芦苇在阳光中淡去了它青绿的色彩,脱下了从前碧绿的衣裳,毫不掩饰地摇曳着身姿,纵情地在风中招摇,用它那似云似雾的白絮,瘦瘦的筋骨,苍劲的躯干,把傍晚的暮霭、远处的炊烟、劳作的薄影裹在绚烂的微笑中,把野地的安静、荒地的瘠薄、沼地的秋意浓缩在诗人笔下的山水写意中。</p> <p class="ql-block">What is the autumn color? Is it the lush reeds? The sun splashes its vivid light onto the reeds, and the reeds lose their green color in the sunlight. They take off their green clothes and sway their bodies unashamedly, flaunting themselves in the wind. With their cloud-like and mist-like white fluff, slender bones, and sturdy trunk, they wrap the evening mist, distant smoke, and thin shadows of labor in a brilliant smile, and condense the quietness of the wilderness, the barrenness of the wasteland, and the autumn feeling of the swamp into the landscape painting of the poet.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么时候开始的,是立秋吗?立秋是夏还不愿意走,秋还不怎么想来的时节。纵然秋想堂而皇之地来,怎奈夏太霸道,占据时日不肯走,秋只能趁其不备,在天色渐暗的时候携着凉风潜入。虽热浪依旧,但凉意已偷偷地挂在了晨露上,藏在了晚风里。凌霄秋菊要绽放了;梧桐银杏要变色了。不管夏天愿不愿意,秋天答不答应,春夏秋冬的秋,如春如夏如冬般的来了。</p> <p class="ql-block">When did the autumn scenery begin? Is it the Beginning of Autumn? The Beginning of Autumn is the season when summer is reluctant to go and autumn is reluctant to come. Even though Cho wanted to come to the throne, Xia was too bullying and wouldn't go, so Cho had to take advantage of it and sneak in with the cool breeze when the sky was getting darker. Although the heat wave continued, the coolness was hidden in the morning dew and in the evening wind. The chrysanthemum is about to bloom; The sycamore ginkgo is going to change color. Whether summer wishes or doesn't, autumn says yes or no, the spring and autumn falls like spring and summer and winter.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么时候开始的,是白露吗?白露,露始白,在月下,在清晨,在与太阳对视的那一瞬间,它直白的目光,惊艳了几分秋色。白露时的阳光,比夏日谈了许多,不再炙热的烫手而去拥抱,不再明亮的晃影而去相见。白露之美,在于思念与遥望,回归与饱满。它把所有对人间的眷念,凝结在那一滴露珠里。像眼泪,像珍珠,像月光,是悠长悠长的念想。</p> <p class="ql-block">When did the autumn scenery begin, is it White Dew? White Dew, dew white, in the early morning, in the eyes of the sun that moment, its straightforward eyes, stunning a bit of autumn. The sunshine at the time of white dew talks a lot more than in summer, no longer hot hands to hug, no longer bright shadows to meet. The beauty of White Dew is missing and looking into the distance, returning and full. It holds all its thoughts on earth in that drop of dew. Like tears, like pearls, like moonlight, are long, long thoughts.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么时候开始的,是秋分吗?秋分时节,在阳光的抚摸下,银杏开始由绿变黄,那样的姿意,那样的铺洒,泛着片片金光。槭树,最懂秋的心思,秋风秋雨里,这变色的红叶,有舞蹈歌唱,有聚散离合。清凉的秋风,一抹世间的尘埃,到处都是童话;惆怅的秋雨,吹落枝头的繁华,让世间多了离愁的情愫。当静谧多过热闹,沉默多过表达,收的意境,比放更加丰满。</p> <p class="ql-block">When does autumn begin? Is it the Autumn Equinox? The Autumn Equinox season, in the touch of the sun, gingko began to turn yellow by the green, as the attitude of Italy, as the shop sprinkled with patches of golden. Maple, the most understanding of the autumn mind, autumn wind and rain, this discoloration of the red leaves, there are dancing singing, there are Home and Away clutch. The cool autumn wind, the dust of the world, the fairy tales everywhere; The sad autumn rain, which blew down the flourishing of the branches, made the world feel more free from sorrow. When quiet is more than noise, and silence is more than expression, the context of receiving is more fulfilling than letting it go.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋是什么时候开始的,是寒露吗?寒露时节,露由白到寒,秋由浅入深。你别怪落叶无情,寒露的秋,没有了夏的影子,也不再迎合冬,它只是秋。它一边挥手告别,一边心心念念,一面话离愁,一面自思量。一念落败,一念扬升。当你理解这个矛盾又能自洽,对立又能相融的秋的时候,你就会发现,那些大多数无法肯定的日常里,也有很多美好。</p> <p class="ql-block">When did autumn begin? Is it Cold Dew? Cold Dew season, dew from white to cold, autumn from shallow to deep. You do not blame the leaves ruthless, Cold Dew of the autumn, without the shadow of the summer, it is no longer cater to the winter, it is just autumn. As it waved goodbye, it kept thinking, talking about sorrow, and thinking about itself. One thought loses, one thought rises. When you understand this paradoxical, contradictory, and reconcilable autumn, you will discover that there is a lot of beauty in most uncertain daily situations.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是什么,秋色是天地自然、万物众生在秋天里呈现的画图。不同年龄、不同经历、不同心境的人,感知到的是不一样的画图,带来不一样的审美体验。当生命愈往后走,当经历愈是坎坷,当内心愈是丰厚,感受到的秋色会愈丰富多彩,愈细腻深情。秋色是人与天地自然、万物众生和谐相处的一种美好状态,也是天地自然、万物众生对人的无私恩赐。</p> <p class="ql-block">What is the autumn scenery? The autumn scenery is the picture presented by heaven and earth, all things, and all living beings in autumn. People of different ages, experiences, and moods perceive different pictures, bringing different aesthetic experiences. As life goes on, as experiences become more difficult, and as the heart becomes richer, the autumn scenery will become more colorful and delicate. The autumn scenery is a beautiful state of harmonious coexistence between people and heaven and earth, all things,and all living beings, and it is also the selfless gift of heaven and earth, all things,</p> <p class="ql-block">秋色是自然呈现的画图,也是人生剪辑的构图。大自然赐予了春天鸟语花香,赐予了夏天欣欣向荣,赐予了冬天白雪皑皑,也赐予了秋天神秘和美丽。童年记忆里的秋,秋色是活泼的。那是金黄的稻田,稻田里翻滚捉迷藏;那是热闹的荷塘,荷塘里挖藕成泥人;那是香甜的果园,果园里嘻闹摘果实。只觉得秋天是收成的季节,是满嘴香甜的季节,是好玩的季节。</p> <p class="ql-block">Autumn scenery is a natural painting, and it is also the composition of life's editing. Nature has bestowed spring with bird songs and fragrant flowers, summer with prosperity, winter with white snow, and autumn with mystery and beauty. In the memories of childhood, autumn is lively. It is the golden paddy fields where hide-and-seek is played; it is the bustling lotus pond where lotus roots are dug and made into people; it is the sweet orchard where fruits are picked and played. I just feel that autumn is a harvest season, a season full of sweetness, and a fun season.</p> <p class="ql-block">少年记忆里的秋,秋色是梦幻的。那是金黄的稻田,似连绵的白云,似翻滚的海浪;那是小树林的漫步,那片片精灵似的叶儿,在枝头、在空中、在地上,呈黄色、呈红色、呈棕色;那是对天空的凝望,默默诉说着少年的梦想。少年记忆里的秋,不再只是稻谷和果实,更是那璀璨的草木和广宇的天空,心里有了梦想,对秋色的感知,变得充满好奇和幻想,变得更加丰富多彩。</p> <p class="ql-block">The autumn in the memories of a young boy is like a dream. It is golden rice fields, like endless white clouds, like rolling waves; it is a walk in the small forest, where the leaves, like fairies, are yellow, red, and brown on the branches, in the air, and on the ground; it is gazing at the sky, silently telling the dreams of a young boy. The autumn in the memories of a young man is no longer just rice and fruits, but also the brilliant grass and trees and the vast sky. With dreams in his heart, the perception of autumn colors becomes full of curiosity and fantasy, and becomes more colorful.</p> <p class="ql-block">青春记忆里的秋,秋色是悸动的。那是小树林里羞涩的约会。想牵你的手,满手紧张的都是汗,想看你俊秀的脸,目光却只敢落在在地上的落叶上。银杏树下,你拾起一片银杏叶,叙说着关于缘分的故事,你轻声细语,畅谈着美好的未来。此刻,我的内心好欢喜,眼神才敢与你有对视。青春记忆里的秋,带着情意和甜蜜,对秋色的感知,变得浪漫,变得情意绵绵。</p> <p class="ql-block">The autumn in the memories of youth is full of excitement. It was a shy date in the small forest. I wanted to hold your hand, but my hands were sweaty with nervousness. I wanted to look at your handsome face, but my gaze only dared to fall on the fallen leaves on the ground. Under the ginkgo tree, you picked up a ginkgo leaf and told a story about fate. You spoke softly and talked about a beautiful future. At that moment, my heart was full of joy, and my eyes dared to look at you. The autumn in the memories of youth is filled with affection and sweetness. The perception of autumn colors becomes romantic and sentimental.</p> <p class="ql-block">我去林子里寻找那片知秋的叶,树梢上有一点点黄,与众不同、特立独行,只要一点点秋的讯息,它就会立即响应,全身心投入。这片知秋的叶,智慧而通达,它比别人多知道了一些,早知道了一点,它是那么敏感、细腻、深情,倔强的它,有时甚至会选择离开。想那片知秋的叶,必定是冲破寒冷的第一抹新绿,在冰雪刚刚融化的时节,带着春天的希望,温暖人们落寞的心灵。</p> <p class="ql-block">I went into the forest to look for that leaf that knows autumn. There was a little bit of yellow on the top of the tree, different and unique. As soon as there was a hint of autumn, it would immediately respond and devote itself wholeheartedly. This leaf that knows autumn is wise and understanding. It knows a little more than others. It is so sensitive, delicate, and affectionate. Sometimes it is so stubborn that it chooses to leave. Thinking of that leaf that knows autumn, it must be the first new green that breaks through the cold, bringing the hope of spring in the season when the ice and snow have just melted and warming the hearts of those who are lonely.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋天,这是一个收获的季节,一个浪漫的季节,也是一个成熟的季节,一个思考的季节。它有着独特的味道,那是一种混合着泥土、树叶和果实的气息,它让人回味无穷,也让人感慨万千。人生的故事,就如同四季一般,不断地变换,不断地流淌。它们映射在四季里,如同被写在风中的诗,随时光流转,留下一路深深的印记。</p> <p class="ql-block">Autumn is a harvest season, a romantic season, and a mature season. It is also a season of reflection. It has a unique taste, which is a mixture of earth, leaves, and fruits. It leaves a lingering aftertaste and makes people feel endless. The story of life is like the four seasons, constantly changing and flowing. They reflect in the four seasons, like poems written in the wind, leaving a deep impression with the passage of time.</p> <p class="ql-block">春天的故事是绿色的,那是生命的开始,是希望的象征。我们在季节里,经历了成长的痛,也享受了成长的乐。那些故事,如同春天的嫩芽,在时光中慢慢生长,最终成为我们的宝贵财富。夏天的故事是炽热的,那是生命的盛放,是热情的象征。我们在季节里,经历了奋斗的苦,也享受了成功的甜。那些故事,如同夏天的阳光,在时光中炽热燃烧,照亮我们前行的道路。</p> <p class="ql-block">The story of spring is green, which is the beginning of life and a symbol of hope. We experience the pain of growth in the season and also enjoy the joy of growth. Those stories are like the tender sprouts of spring, slowly growing in time and eventually becoming our precious wealth. The story of summer is scorching, which is the blooming of life and a symbol of passion. We experience the bitterness of struggle in the season and also enjoy the sweetness of success. Those stories are like the scorching sunshine of summer, burning in time and illuminating our path forward.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋天的故事是金黄的,那是生命的收获,是成熟的象征。我们在这个季节里,经历了岁月的洗礼,也享受了收获的喜悦。那些故事,如同秋天的落叶,在时光中轻轻飘落,留下深深的印记。冬天的故事是寒冷的,那是生命的沉寂,是思考的象征。我们在这个季节里,经历了岁月的沉淀,也享受了静谧的安详。那些故事,如同冬天的雪花,在时光中静静融化,等待着新的开始。</p> <p class="ql-block">The story of autumn is golden, which is the harvest of life and the symbol of maturity. In this season, we have experienced the baptism of time and also enjoyed the joy of harvest. Those stories are like autumn leaves, gently falling in time, leaving deep impressions. The story of winter is cold, which is the silence of life and the symbol of reflection. In this season, we have undergone the sedimentation of time and also enjoyed the tranquility of peace. Those stories are like winter snowflakes, quietly melting in time, waiting for a new beginning.</p> <p class="ql-block">喜欢秋天,因为它的五彩斑斓,清澈透亮;因为它的成熟,不动声色,不张不扬。这样一种宁静之美,静雅之态,像极了成熟的中年男子,这是经历过人生的凄风苦雨,千锤百炼后,才能达到的一种状态。褪去浮华,回归平静,云淡风轻,顺其自然。内敛、沉稳、低调、宠辱不惊。像秋天一样,静静地来,静静地去,静静地努力,静静的绽放,静静地收获,不喧不哗。</p> <p class="ql-block">I like autumn because it is colorful and clear; because it is mature, quiet, and unassuming. This kind of quiet beauty and elegant demeanor is like a mature middle-aged man who has experienced the bitter wind and rain of life and has reached a state after countless trials and tribulations. After shedding the superficial, returning to calmness, the clouds are light, the wind is gentle, and everything follows its natural course. It is restrained, steady, low-key, and unperturbed. Like autumn, it comes quietly, goes quietly, works quietly, blooms quietly, and harvests quietly, without making a fuss.</p> <p class="ql-block">牵着你的手,见证了四十多个春夏秋冬的四季变幻。从没有后悔过曾经的誓言,从没有俱怕过遇到的一切艰难困苦,彼此鼓励、扶持,共同进步、成长。秋日里,我们说着爱,轻轻柔柔的说,说给彼此听,也说给秋色听,从青丝说到白发,从青春年少说到花甲之年。用语言、用眼神、用笑容,更是用心、用行动,用一辈子的忠诚和真挚,滋养、呵护着我们的爱。</p> <p class="ql-block">Holding your hand, I have witnessed the four seasons of more than forty spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I have never regretted the vows I made in the past, and I have never been afraid of encountering all kinds of difficulties and hardships. We encourage and support each other, and together we progress and grow. In autumn, we speak of love, softly and gently, speaking to each other, and also to the autumn scenery. From youth to old age, from black hair to white hair, from youth to old age. We nourish and care for our love with words, with eyes, with smiles, and even with heart and action, with loyalty and sincerity for a lifetime.</p> <p class="ql-block">生命来到了如秋的季节,应呈现给世界怎样的模样呢?一身从容,满眼温柔。经历了风霜,却无比纯良,内心仍保持着孩童般的无邪。爱事业,也爱家庭;爱众生,也爱自己。日历渐薄,岁月渐厚。余生,让自己在时光中慢慢变得更丰盈,既有秋天的傲骨,更懂岁月的慈悲。修一颗宁静的心,修一颗圆融的心,包容一切,欣赏一切。即便世事无常,依旧热爱生活。</p> <p class="ql-block">Life has come to the autumn season, what should it present to the world? A calm demeanor, gentle eyes. After experiencing hardships, it remains pure and innocent, with the innocence of a child. Love both career and family; love all beings and love oneself. The calendar becomes thinner, and the years become thicker. For the rest of my life, let me become more abundant in time, with both the pride of autumn and the compassion of time. Cultivate a tranquil heart and a harmonious heart, embrace everything and appreciate everything. Even if the world is unpredictable, I still love life.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋是代表成熟,对于春天之明媚娇艳、夏日之茂密热烈,作为过来人,已不足为奇了。所以,色淡,叶多黄,有古色苍笼之慨,不单以葱翠争荣了。想来人生,亦如秋的花与叶,盛放于青春年华,历练于壮年岁月,最终收获于暮年时光。曾经的悲喜苦乐,经岁月的打磨,都成了美好的回忆。在光阴荏苒中,静享岁月的成熟,在动念与静思之间,莞尔一笑,已经云淡风轻。</p> <p class="ql-block">Autumn represents maturity. Compared with the bright and beautiful spring and the lush and warm summer, as someone who has experienced it, it is no longer surprising. Therefore, the color is light, the leaves are mostly yellow, and there is a sense of ancient and solemn atmosphere. It is not only competing for glory with lush green. Thinking about life, it is like autumn flowers and leaves, blooming in youth, experiencing hardships in middle age, and finally harvesting in old age. The joys, sorrows, pains, and pleasures of the past have all become beautiful memories after the passage of time. In the passage of time, quietly enjoy the maturity of the years, between thought and contemplation, a smile appears, and the clouds have become light.</p> <p class="ql-block">秋的味道,写在风里;人生的故事,演绎于四季里。每一个季节都有它独特的味道,正如不同的人生阶段,有着独特的感悟。那些味道,那些感悟,都刻骨铭心,作为不可缺少的组成部分,充实着我们的生命内涵。我们在四季的轮回中,不不断地思考,不断地实践,也不断地成长,不断地收获。我们在风中,品味着秋的味道,也在四季中,谱写着人生的续集。</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">The taste of autumn is written in the wind; the story of life is performed in the four seasons. Each season has its unique taste, just as different stages of life have unique insights. Those tastes, those insights, are unforgettable, and as an indispensable part, they enrich our life. In the cycle of the four seasons, we constantly think, practice, and grow, constantly harvesting. We savor the taste of autumn in the wind, and we also write the sequel of life in the four seasons.</p> <p class="ql-block">编辑:倪捷儿 文字:倪捷儿 出镜人:倪捷儿、罗悦明 审稿:鄢祖锋 摄影:千喜 化妆:晨雪 拍摄时间:2023年11月 拍摄地点:杭州富阳杨家村</p> <p class="ql-block">Editor: Ni Jie'er, Writer: Ni Jie'er, Presenter: Ni Jie'er, Luo Yueming, Reviewer: Yan Zuofeng, Photographer: Qianxi, Makeup: Chenxue, Shooting Time: November 2023, Shooting Location: Yangjiacun, Fuyang, Hangzhou</p>