澳洲摩頓島(Moreton Island, QLD, Australia ) 7/9/2024

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<p class="ql-block">Moreton(摩頓島)岛位于昆士兰州布里斯班外海,是世界第三大沙岛,以其自然美景和户外活动而闻名。岛上有原始的海滩、巨大的沙丘和清澈的海水。游客可以在Tangalooma沉船处浮潜、滑沙、驾驶四驱车探险,还可以参与喂食野生海豚的活动。Moreton岛是Moreton海湾海洋公园的一部分,是大自然爱好者和冒险者的理想目的地。从布里斯班乘渡轮即可抵达该岛。</p><p class="ql-block">Moreton Island is located off the coast of Brisbane, Queensland, and is known for its natural beauty and outdoor activities. It is the third-largest sand island in the world and features pristine beaches, large sand dunes, and clear waters. Visitors can enjoy activities like snorkeling at the Tangalooma Wrecks, sandboarding, 4WD adventures, and dolphin feeding. The island is also part of Moreton Bay Marine Park, making it a popular destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Moreton Island is accessible by ferry from Brisbane.</p> <p class="ql-block">恩嬰姊妹買了一幅作品, 花了$1300! 服務生Andrew送這個作品到擺渡船上。</p> <p class="ql-block">我們離開了摩頓島(Moreton Island), 期待以後再來此島度假</p>